Pop quiz: The beginning
Video from @BC
On March 23, a year and nine days before the date that will mark the 150th anniversary of the University's charter, @BC sent a camera crew to O'Neill Plaza for the founding facts—selecting students at random for a good-natured history test.
Problem in A minor
A Boston College Video Minute
An introduction to mathematician Dawei Chen's research, Carney 305, February 15, 2012.
Merit scholars
Slideshow from @BC
On March 15, University President William P. Leahy, SJ, announced the names of 13 newly tenured faculty members.
Article from Boston College Chronicle
Boston College will mark its 150th anniversary with a year and a half of special events and new publications.
Website from Boston College
The Boston College 150th Anniversary website features a program calendar, a day-by-day chronicle of University history, photographs, yearbooks, and more.
Ghosts of literary Boston
Website from an Exhibition
English professor Paul Lewis curated a spring show on Boston's "forgotten" writers and editors at the Boston Public Library and Massachusetts Historical Society, assisted by student researchers.
Need to know
Article from Boston College Magazine
The dangers posed by Big Data are real. So is the defense inherent in liberal arts study.
Parade day
Video from the Boston College Chronicle
Fans gathered on O'Neill Plaza on April 10 to celebrate the men's ice hockey team coached by Jerry York—winners of the 2012 national championship.
This side of paradise
Video from Front Row
Rachel Jacoff, professor emerita of Italian at Wellesley College, presents Paradiso 23 in the latest installment of Lectura Dantis, Boston College's public reading of the Divine Comedy.
Reel life
What to do with that Super 8 footage of the Gasson takeover
Boston College has commissioned a filmmaker to create a documentary history of the University.
To prepare for this project, the University is seeking footage in any format—film, videotape, or digital file—that captures campus life.
If you have footage you think might be of interest to the filmmakers, please contact Boston College media producer Brock Dilworth at brock.dilworth@bc.edu.
Whether used in the film or not, material accepted for the project will be copied for preservation in the University Archives, and the originals returned to the donor.
The Office of News and Public Affairs
Sloan Center on Aging and Work report: flexible schedules appeal to older workers.
Carroll School Dean Andy Boynton outlines ten lessons about the hunt for ideas.
Seelig Professor of Philosophy Richard Kearney interview: human experiences of evil.
The Other Journal
Exhibit on Boston's literary history: curated by English Professor Paul Lewis, created by BC faculty, students, staff.
Boston Sunday Globe,
Political Science Professor Alan Wolfe, Boisi Center director, writes on Israel's moral peril.
Chronicle of Higher Education Review
As London prepares to host the Olympics, BC-Ireland Academic Director Michael Cronin writes and comments on the history of sport in Britain.
BBC Radio 4, Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3
Carroll School undergraduate business program ranked 9th nationwide in 2012 Bloomberg BusinessWeek survey.
BC entry,
Political Science Associate Professor Jonathan Laurence: essays on integration of Muslims in Europe.
New York Times,
Foreign Policy,
Deutsche Welle
School of Theology and Ministry Professor Thomas Massaro, S.J. calls for toning down harsh campaign trail rhetoric.
Center for International Higher Education co-conducts first-of-its-kind global faculty pay analysis.
Times Higher Education (UK),
Chronicle of Higher Education,
Toronto Star
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