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Charles Taylor: On re-believing

Video from @BC

During an interview in the Heights Room on November 10, the noted philosopher Charles Taylor explained why he calls himself "a believer again."



Video from @BC

On December 6, the Boston College Madrigal Singers went a caroling.


Googled: Phil Schiller '82

Research from @BC

As Apple's senior vice president of worldwide marketing, Phil Schiller has orchestrated the rollouts of the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad.


A material world

Article from Boston College Chronicle

Associate professor of physics Willie Padilla discusses his research in the burgeoning field of metamaterials.



Slideshow from @BC

December 2011 | From conversations to dinners to dance, scenes from the previous six weeks.



Do the math

Slideshow from the math department

Meet seven of the math department's 253 undergraduate majors.


Supplement from Boston College Magazine

News, notes, and reports from the Lynch School of Education.

Danger and opportunity

Video from Front Row

Edward Djerejian discusses relations between the two countries where he has served as U.S. ambassador, Israel and Syria.

Master teachers

Article from Boston College Magazine

Inside the classrooms of six Boston College faculty.

The Dean Series

Videos from the Alumni Association

Talks by the Connell School of Nursing's Susan Gennaro ("A 21st-Century Approach to Health and Wellness") and the Carroll School of Management's Andy Boynton ("Innovaton and Teamwork").


From The Office of News and Public Affairs

Psychology Assistant Professor Liane Young co-authors report: how people assign blame to organizations. Sampling of coverage: PsychCentral, Science Daily, Science Codex

BNY Mellon CEO speaks at gathering of BC's Chief Executives' Club of Boston. Dow Jones News Service, Boston Globe, Reuters

Political Science Professor Peter Skerry writes on immigration and politics. Wall Street Journal

Carroll School junior Luke Kuechly wins both the Butkus and Lombardi awards honoring the nation's top collegiate linebacker. ESPN, More

Lynch School Assistant Professor Julie Paquette MacEvoy co-authors study: girls and relationships. Chicago Sun-Times, Science Daily, More

BC ranked among "Business Insider's" top 50 best colleges in America. List, BC entry

Prestigious awards for English Professors Suzanne Matson, Alan Richardson.

Law Professor Ray Madoff writes on donor-advised funds. New York Times, Chronicle of Philanthropy citation

Theology Professor Stephen Pope writes on the need for restorative justice in the prison system. America

Rattigan Professor of English, Institute for the Liberal Arts director Mary Crane and Biology Professor Thomas Chiles write on science and the liberal arts. Chronicle of Higher Education

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