@BC Bulletin logo

Blade runner

Audio slideshow from @BC

From skybox to beneath the floor, a tour of the University's main data center in St. Clement's Hall with Michael Bourque, vice president for information technology.


Open studio

A Boston College Video Minute

Drawing marathon, Devlin Hall, 8 p.m. to midnight, March 19, 2010.


Mapping Africa

Article from Boston College Chronicle

A Boston College institute helps bring global positioning satellite technology to Africa.


Do over

One Question from @BC

A video interview with Thomas H. Groome, professor of theology and religious education and co-editor of Reclaiming Catholicism: Treasures Old and New.


Title holders

Video from the Office of News and Public Affairs

Men's hockey champions are saluted with a Linden Lane parade and a rally on O'Neill Plaza.



Slideshow from @BC

From "BC Idol" to the chocolate seder, scenes from the previous six weeks.



The Baldwins

Website from Boston College

Watch the films nominated for the sixth annual Baldwin Awards, which celebrate excellence in student filmmaking.

Bad bets

Article from Boston College Magazine

They once served to build this country. Today they tax the poor. A history of lotteries by Erik C. Owens, associate director of the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life.

Communication Research Methods (CO350)

Course spotlight

Assistant communication professor Seung-A Jin instructs students in the use of robots, video games, and haptics controllers as tools for studying new media and their audiences.

The complexity of health care

Video from Front Row

Atul Gawande, a surgeon at Brigham and Women's Hospital and a writer for the New Yorker magazine, discusses what it means to be "good" at medicine.

The 2010 Greater Boston Intercollegiate Poetry Festival

Thursday, April 22, 7:30 p.m
Murray Function Room

Poet Kevin Young will give a keynote address, and undergraduates from 25 area colleges and universities will read from their poetry.

A live webcast of the event will be available at bc.edu/poetryfestival.


From The Office of News and Public Affairs

National aging conference keynoted by AARP president, Connell School alumna Jennie Chin Hansen. Boston Herald

Center for Retirement Research study: retirement readiness by generation. Bankrate.com, CBS Moneywatch

Experts including former U.S. diplomat, alumnus R. Nicholas Burns, assess executive power, national security. More

Before NCAA Championship win, "perpetually sunny" men's hockey head coach Jerry York featured by the New York Times

Praise for History of Catholic Moral Theology by Founders Professor of Theology James F. Keenan, SJ. America

Op-Ed: Lynch School Monan Professor Philip Altbach on India's open door to foreign universities. The Hindu

BC Dining featured for diverse staff, recipes, accommodating students with food allergies. Nation's Restaurant News, Boston Globe

Groundbreaking book based on research initiated by Center for Irish Programs. Sampling of coverage: Associated Press, Times of London, Irish Times

Viacom CEO Philippe Dauman at BC's Chief Executives Club of Boston. Boston Globe, Dow Jones News

English Professor and American studies director Carlo Rotella writes on NBA hopefuls. Washington Post Magazine, Online chat

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