Money matters
A journal from the Center for Asset Management
A look at the most recent issue of Insights, a quarterly web-based journal, available by corporate subscription from the Carroll School's new Center for Asset Management. The journal presents research by Boston College faculty into regulatory and economic issues in financial management.
Googled: Philip Landrigan, M.D.,'63, getting the lead out
Research from @BC
A leader in studies of lead, asbestos, Gulf War Syndrome, pesticides, and PCB's, has now turned his attention to the toxic dust of 9/11.
The God Who May Be
Audio from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
In a three-part interview this past summer on the CBC program "Ideas", Richard Kearney, Charles Seelig Professor of Philosophy, discusses his book The God Who May Be: A Hermeneutics of Religion (Indiana University Press, 2001), which focuses on the importance of academic engagement between religion and philosophy.
Is telling stories good for democracy?
Video from Front Row
Francesca Polletta, associate professor of sociology at Columbia University, discusses storytelling as a political campaign tool, including its use in the 2004 presidential elections.
Eminence domain
Website from the Alumni Association
On October 19, the Alumni Association made its annual "awards of excellence" to 10 men and women from the classes of 1964 to 2005.