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Secular and Sacred

Work of art

Video from @BC

A documentary film about the effort that brought the Secular/Sacred exhibition to Boston College.


Condoleezza Rice

Rice invitation stirs campus debate

Story from Boston College Chronicle

The announcement that Condoleezza Rice will receive an honorary degree at Commencement has touched off passionate discussion.


Bapst Library

A woman's place

Audio from the Lynch School of Education

Members of the Golden Eagle Class of 1956 remember Boston College's first year of coeducation.



Rites of spring

Audio from @BC

End-of-year performances by the University Chorale, the Symphonic Band, and the University Wind Ensemble.


Alan Wolfe


Story from Boston College Chronicle

Political science professors Peter Skerry and Alan Wolfe examine the national debate on immigration in essays in the New Republic.



Googled: Distinguished guests

Research from @BC

The University's 2006 honorary degree recipients.

First responders

Research from @BC

Pro and con on the Rice invitation.

Student connections

Website from Information Technology Services

From Ultimate Frisbee and La Maison Francaise to the Investment Club and Asian Caucus, links to some 150 student organization websites.

"What's the story? Journalism and power"

Video from Boston College Front Row

The Lowell Humanities Series presents New Yorker staff writer William Finnegan, the author of four books, including Cold New World: Growing Up in a Harder County (1998) and Crossing the Line: A Year in the Land of Apartheid (1986).


From Public Affairs

Five-time fellowship winner will pursue cancer research. Boston Globe, Patriot Ledger (pdf)

SNL's Amy Poehler '93 honored at Arts Festival. Boston Globe

Marathoner finishes race with the help of a BC freshman. BC Chronicle, Boston Herald

Connell School alumna relishes work as a visiting nurse. Boston Globe

New Delhi native and BC junior on life as an international student. Voice of America

The scroll at the center of the McMullen Museum exhibit. Boston Globe

Law School student from Rwanda fights for justice in Darfur. Boston Globe

Undergraduates earn prestigious national fellowships. BC Chronicle

Video documents the history of women at the University. BC Chronicle

More news from BC Chronicle

More news from BCInfo


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