True calling
Autobiography from the Intersections Project
Alumni and students write about the detours, disasters, providential findings, interludes, departures, and arrivals that have shaped their search for work worthy of life. (New contributions are also welcome.)
Impassioned debate
Resources gathered by @BC
Perspectives on Mel Gibson's
The Passion of the Christ
from Boston College faculty Richard Blake, SJ, and Philip Cunningham, and through an extensive set of Web links offered by BC's Center for Christian-Jewish Learning.
Googled: Amy Poehler '93, big shot comedian
Research from @BC
Entertainment Weekly's Must List says she's "the best reason" to watch Saturday Night Live. Some links to sites that tell you why.
Case study
Video from the Office of Public Affairs
The John Jay College report on clergy sexual abuse noted how many crimes were alleged and how many priests were accused. At a BC press conference, three professors respond to the findings.
Passing in Boston
Video from Front Row -- with
Program notes
Professor James O'Toole reads from his book
Passing for White: Race, Religion, and the Healy Family, 1820-1920.
With links to selected Web resources on racial identity, slavery, American Catholicism, and the remarkable Healys--children of an Irish immigrant and his wife, a former slave, who left the pre-Civil War south determined to enter America on their own terms.