Archive for February, 2012

Perfect harmony

Perfect harmony

Video from @BC

Ninety-two past and present members of the Bostonians a capella group performed at the 25th anniversary concert in Devlin Hall on December 10.



Slideshow from @BC

February 2012 | From decision time to ice time to the power lunch, scenes from the last six weeks.

Going up

Going up

A Boston College Minute

Behind the scenes of a new special exhibition, Rural Ireland: The Inside Story, filmed at the McMullen Museum, January 23–February 2, 2012.

Fr. Jack Butler on Laetare Sunday

Fr. Jack Butler on Laetare Sunday

Video from @BC

Vice President for University Mission and Ministry Jack Butler, S.J., delivers the address at Boston College’s 61st annual Laetare Sunday celebration in Conte Forum on March 18, 2012. The event marks the traditional midpoint of the Lenten season.