Archive for February, 2005

Market driven

Market driven

Video from @BC

An original play from BC’s new student theater company.

Mr. Shaw

Mr. Shaw

Slideshow from @BC

A new exhibition at the Burns Library reveals a willful, vegetarian, health-obsessed, literary dynamo whose wit still delights, even if his political theories no longer persuade.

Googled: Thomas Heath '43, the poet heard round the world

Googled: Thomas Heath ’43, the poet heard round the world

Research from @BC

Remembering the author of “Proud Refrain.”

Proud Refrain

Proud Refrain

Research from @BC

A number of archival documents illuminating Thomas Heath’s long relationship with the University.

The Interview: Ritual life

The Interview: Ritual life

Video from @BC

History professor James O’Toole on transformations in American Catholic religious practice.

While you were out

While you were out

Slideshow from @BC

Life on break.