Author | |
Place | Taibei Shi 台北市 |
Publisher | Taipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book (Text in Collection) |
Series | Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編 |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | BX1665.A2 X845 2013 v.5 |
Description | v. 5, p. 623-634 ; 22 cm. |
Note | Misa guanyi 彌撒冠儀 / 無名氏. In collection: Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編. [Sequel to Chinese Christian texts from the Zikawei Library], v.5 |
Author | Buglio, Lodovico 利類思, 1606-1682 |
Place | Taibei Shi 台北市 |
Publisher | Taipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Series | Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編 |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | BX1665.A2 X845 2013 v.15 |
Description | pp. 1-718 : 1 engraving ; 22.5 cm. |
Note | Misa jingdian 彌撒經典 / Li Leisi 利類思. Vol. 15 of collection: Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編. -- 第15冊: 32. 彌撒經典 (利類思 Lodovico Buglio) Title page also in Latin: Missale Romanum auctoritate Pauli V. Pont. M Sinicè redditum a P. Lvdovico Bvglio Soc. Iesv. Pekim In Collegio eiusd. Soc. An.M.DC.LXX. ------------------------ "...Latin-Chinese list of the names of 227 saints found in the ecclesiastical calendar of Lodovico Buglio’s Misa jingdian 彌撒經典 (1670), a partial translation of Missiale Romanum." "Lodovico Buglio 利類思 (1606-1682) translated substantial parts of the liturgical manuals, in view of the formation of a Chinese clergy and in the expectation that Rome would grant new permission for an administration of the sacraments in Chinese. (He) started with the translation of the Missal, Misa jingdian 彌撒經典, published with a frontispiece in Latin: MISSALE ROMANUM, Auctoritate Pauli V, Pont. M., sinicè Redditum a Patre Ludovico Buglio, Societatis Iesu. Pekim, in Collegio Ejusdem Societatis, Anno M.DC.LXX.... In 1685, Philippe Couplet donated a copy of Misa jingdian to the Pope, but permission to celebrate the liturgy in Chinese did not follow. As a result, these manuals were hardly used after their publication..." --Cf. Standaert, Handbook of Christianity in China, vol. 1, p. 248, 627. Full bibliographic description cf. Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert,Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database). |
Author | Buglio, Lodovico 利類思, 1606-1682 |
Place | [China : s.n] |
Publisher | --- |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Digital Book (CD) |
Series | |
Shelf | Digital Archives |
Call Number | BX1665.A3 A23 2007cd |
Description | CD-ROM (.JPG) |
Note | Misa jingdian 彌撒經典 / Lu Leisi yi ; tonghui En Lige, Bai Yingli, An Wensi ...[et al] ding
利類思譯 ; 同會恩理格, 柏應理, 安文思 ... 訂. Full text online at Hong Kong Catholic Diocese Archives.
"...Latin-Chinese list of the names of 227 saints found in the ecclesiastical calendar of Lodovico Buglio’s Misa jingdian 彌撒經典 (1670), a partial translation of Missiale Romanum." |