Subject: Christian education of young women--China--History--19th-20th centuries

China's new day : a study of events that have led to its coming
AuthorHeadland, Isaac Taylor, 1859-1942
PlaceWest Medford, MA
PublisherCentral Committee on the United Study of Missions
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberDS773.H4 1912
Description263 p. : front, plates, ports ; 19 cm.
NoteChina's new day : a study of events that have led to its coming / by Isaac Taylor Headland.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 257-258) and index.

The break with the past -- The Chinese woman -- An educational revolution -- The Chinese church -- Medical work -- The printed page.

Also online at the Internet Archive.

Christianity and female empowerment : the American Presbyterian mission schools in Weixian, Shandong Province (1883 - 1920)
AuthorStanley, John R.
PlaceHong Kong
PublisherHong Kong Shue Yan University
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeOccasional Paper
SeriesSocial and cultural research occasional paper ; no.8
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberBV3415.S73 2009
Description33 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteChristianity and female empowerment : the American Presbyterian mission schools in Weixian, Shandong Province (1883 - 1920) / John R. Stanley.
Published by: Centre for Qualitative Social Research, Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University [Xianggang shuren xueyuan 香港樹仁學院], and East Asian Studies Program, Department of History. Pace University, New York.
Series: Social and cultural research occasional paper (Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Centre for Qualitative Social Research) ; 8.
"April 2009" -- Cover.
Bibliography: p. 31-33.
N.B. Weixian 濰縣 is modern Weifang 濰坊, Shandong Province. Cf. R.G. Tiedemann, Christian Missionary Societies in China, pp. 117-119.
Jidujiao yu Zhongguo jindai zhongdeng jiaoyu 基督教與中國近代中等教育
AuthorYin Wenjuan 尹文涓
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai renmin chubanshe 上海人民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, English
SeriesRenwen sheke xinlun congshu 人文社科新論叢書
ShelfHallway Cases
Call Numbertbd
Description9, 2, 12, 406 p. : tables ; 21 cm.
NoteJidujiao yu Zhongguo jindai zhongdeng jiaoyu 基督教與中國近代中等教育 / Yin Wenjuan bian 尹文涓編. [Shiji chuban jituan 世紀出版集團].
Includes bibliographical references and English abstracts. In Chinese, with J.-P. Wiest’s paper in English.

基督教與中國近代中等教育研究課題概述 / 裴士丹 (Daniel Bays)
中國基督教中等教育研究的現狀與未來 / Yin Wenjuan 尹文涓.
晚清基督教中等學校課程研究 (The study of Christian secondary school curriculum in the late Qing dynasty) / Hu Weiqing 胡衛清. -- 中國基督教中學的農業教育與鄉村建設 (Education in agriculture in Christian middle schools and rural development) / Liu Jiafeng 劉家峰. -- 教育中學的中國化進程及其命運 : 以山東美國北長老會學校為中心 (The indigenization of Christian middle schools in China : Shandong Presbyterian Schools) / Liu Tianlu 劉天路, Zhao Ying 趙穎. -- 華中大學與華中區基督教中學關系述論 (1924-1951) (An examination of the relationship between Huachung University and Christian middle schools in central China) / Zhang Yongguang 張永廣. -- 教會中學的終結 : 以南京教會中學為例 (1949-1952) (The end of Christian middle schools : a case study on Christian middle schools in Nanjing (1949-1952) / Li Gang 李剛. -- 立案前候 : 華西地區基督教會中學研究 (Christian middle schools in western China) / Long Wei 龍偉, Wu Lijun 吳麗君. -- 近代福建教會中等教育研究 (1905-1951) (Christian secondary education in Fujian in modern China) / Zhu Feng 朱峰, Wang Aiju 王愛菊. -- 民國時期廣東的教會中學與立中學比較研究 : 以培正中學和廣雅中學為中心的考察 (Comparative studies of Christian and public secondary schools in the Guangdong region during the Republican era : cases of Peizheng and Guangya Middle Schools / Bao Jingjing 鮑靜靜. -- 桃李不信, 下自成蹊 : 武昌文華中學研究 (Brand consciousness : a study of the Boone Memorial School) / Kang Zhijie 康志杰. -- 雅麗中學的師資狀況及其特點分析, 1906-1951. (An analysis of the faculty and their special characteristics at Yali Union Middle School) / Zhao Houxie 趙厚勰. -- Catholic elementary and secondary schools and China’s drive toward a modern educational system (1850-1950) / Jean-Paul Wiest. -- 西洋辦學第一校 : 徐匯中學 (The first school founded by the West : Survey of St. Ignatius College in Shanghai) / Zhao Xin 趙昕. -- 歷史, 性別, 社會 : 北京市基督教女子中學初考 : 以貝滿女中為中心 (History, gender, and society: Bridgman Academy (1864-1952) in Beijing secondary education) / Yin Wenjuan 尹文涓. -- 福音與半邊天 : 毓德女中與近代閩南地區婦女教育的發展 (Gospel and "Half the Sky" : The Loktek Girls’ School and education of women in southern Fujian Province) / Zhang Xianqing 張先清.
