Subject: Yuanmingyuan 圓明園. Xieqiqu 諧奇趣--Concerts, recitals, performances

Chine : Jésuites & courtisanes. China : Jesuits & courtiers. [sound recording]
AuthorAmiot, Jean-Joseph-Marie 錢德明, 1718-1793XVIII-21, Musique des lumières (Musical group)Frisch, Jean-ChristophePicard, FrançoisAncina, Giovanni Giovenale, 1545-1604
PublisherBuda Records
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, Italian
TypeMusic (Audio CD)
SeriesMusique du monde, Music from the world
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberSDB 02212
Description1 compact disc : digital ; 4 3/4 in., 70’56
NoteXVIII-21 Musique des Lumières ; Jean-Christophe Frisch, conductor ; Fleur de Prunus ; François Picard, conductor.
Recorded “au conservatoire de musique de Sarcelles, April-June, 1999.”
Program notes by François Picard in French with English translation (23 p.) inserted in CD jewel-box.
On CD: “SACEM SDRM 1984872”
Written for various combinations of Chinese and early Western European instruments, some with vocals. Vocals sung in Chinese and Italian.

Sur la plage les oies se posent (Pingsha luoyan) (8:58) -- Tempio armonico della Beatissima Vergine N.S. no. 3 (2:28) -- La lune est haute (Yue'er gao) (6:49) -- Tempio armonico della Beatissima Vergine N.S. no. 1 (2:51) -- Á l'ombre des fleurs sous la lune silencieuse (Hua yinyue jing yinyue pu) (14:31) -- Incantation de Pu'an (Pu'an zhou) (21:07) -- Le vol de la perdrix (Zhegu fei) (4:36) -- La feuille de saule (Liu ye jing) (3:36) -- La Monica (1:53) -- Le mouton sur la colline (Shan po yang) (4:04).
Titles from English section: On the beach the geese are landing--Tempio armonico della Beatissima Vergine N.S. No. 3--The moon is high-- Tempio armonico della Beatissima Vergine N.S. No. 1--In the shade of flowers under the silent moon--Pu’an incantation--The flight of the partridge--The willow leaf--La Monica--The sheep on the hill.

Keyword background: Yuanmingyuan 圓明園 -- The Palace of the Delights of Harmony, Xieqiqu 諧奇趣, 1747, Giuseppe Castiglione -- Jesuit musicians, Schall von Bell, Grimaldi, Pereyra, Pernon, Slawiczek, Bahr, Walter. Also Pedrini, Italian Lazarist (Vincentian) composer and musician. Bahr and Walter compiled 16 collection books of court music and songs. 1754 J-M Amiot sent manuscript De la Musique moderne des Chinois, 1779 Divertissements chinois. Jean-Joseph de Grammont (arr. 1768), mathematics and music master under the Qianlong emperor. Painter Giovanni Gherardini (Gerardino) description of an episode. Booklet included Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1644/5-1703/4) relates a delightful 1703 musical banquet in Pengshan miji 蓬山密記.
