Author | Santos, Domingos Maurício Gomes dos, b. 1896Academia Portuguesa da História |
Place | Lisboa |
Publisher | Academia Portuguesa da História |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Portuguese |
Type | Extract |
Series | Anais da Academia Portuguesa da História. 2. série ; 22 |
Shelf | File Cabinet A |
Call Number | BV2290.I5 S36 1973 |
Description | p.[281]-305 ; 26 cm. |
Note | Abbé Platel, mercenário de Pombal / pelo académico de número Domingos Mauricio Gomes dos Santos. Separata dos "Anais" II série, volume 22. Includes bibliographical references. |
Author | Platel, abbé, 1697-1769 |
Place | Lisbone [i.e. Paris] |
Publisher | Chez François-Louis Ameno |
Collection | Rouleau Archives |
Language | French |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Rare Book Cabinet |
Call Number | BX3746.C5 P62 1766 |
Description | 7 v. : ill., maps, ports. ; 23 cm. (4to) |
Note | Mémoires historiques sur les affaires des Jésuites avec le Saint Siége : où l'on verra que le roi de Portugal, en proscrivant de toutes les terres de sa domination ces religieux révoltés, & le roi de France voulant qu'à l'avenir leur Société n'ait plus lieu dans ses états, n'ont fait qu'exécuter le projet déjà formé par plusieurs grands papes, de la supprimer dans toute l'Eglise ... / par M. l'abbé C.P. Platel ... Volume VI includes a typed summary index made by Fr. Francis A. Rouleau (taken from Streit, Bibl. Miss VII 3542 (pp 373-381)), Pieces justificatives, l.c., 374-381) on items concerning the Chinese Rites and the Legation of de Tournon, e.g. Extrait de la bulle d'Urbain VIII, Breve Clementis X, letters of Maigrot, Tournon, Pallucci, Croquet, Fatinelli, Mourao, Tamburini, Pedrini, etc.
Imprint date in roman numerals. Initials; head and tailpieces; printed marginal notes. Volumes 1-5 with frontispieces.
Library note: Platel, abbé is the name most often used, rather than Library of Congress practice. On the question of choice of name: LC uses: Parisot, Pierre-Curel 1697-1769, as authorized name; LC Authority record indicates the following sources:
Querard (cf. Platel, l'abbé C.-P., pseud.; Pierre-Curel Parisot, first Capuchin under the name of P. Norbert; then secular priest under the name of Platel) ;
Hoefer (Parisot, Pierre, in religion le P. Norbert; b. 1697; d. 7/7/1769) ;
Encic. Cattolica (Parisot, Pierre Curel; Padre Norberto; abbé Platel) ; Bib. nat. (hdg.: Parisot, Pierre-Curel, in religion le P. Norbert de Bar-le-Duc, O.M.C.; pseud. abbé Platel; usage: R.P. Norbert; l'abbé Platel; M. l'abbé C.-P. Platel; R.P. Norbert de Bar-le-Duc) |
Author | Bertrand, J. (Joseph), 1801-1884 |
Place | Paris |
Publisher | P. Brunet |
Collection | Rouleau Archives |
Edition | 2. éd. |
Language | French, Latin |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Rare Book Cabinet |
Call Number | BV2290.B47 1862 |
Description | viii, 467 p. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Mémoires historiques sur les missions des ordres religieux et spécialement sur les questions du clergé indigène et des rites malabares / d'après des documents inédits par J. Bertrand. Spine: "B.M. Z.K.W." [Flyleaf: "L4"] |
Author | Županov, Ines G. [Zupanov]Fabre, Pierre-Antoine, 1957- |
Place | Leiden |
Publisher | Brill |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Book, Digital Book (PDF) |
Series | Studies in Christian mission ; v. 53 |
Shelf | Hallway Cases, Digital Archives |
Call Number | BR115.C8 R594 2018 |
Description | xxiv, 403 pages ; 25 cm. + pdf |
Note | The rites controversies in the early modern world / edited by Ines G. Županov, Pierre Antoine Fabre. Includes bibliographical references and index. The Rites Controversies in the Early Modern World is a collection of fourteen articles focusing on debates concerning the nature of rites? raging in intellectual circles of Europe, Asia and America in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The controversy started in Jesuit Asian missions where the method of accommodation, based on translation of Christianity into Asian cultural idioms, created a distinction between civic and religious customs. Civic customs were defined as those that could be included into Christianity and permitted to the new converts. However, there was no universal consensus among the various actors in these controversies as to how to establish criteria for distinguishing civility from religion. The controversy had not been resolved, but opened the way to radical religious scepticism. Contributors are: Claudia Brosseder, Michela Catto, Gita Dharampal-Frick, Pierre Antoine Fabre, Ana Carolina Hosne, Ronnie Po-Chia Hsia, Giuseppe Marcocci, Ovidiu Olar, Sabina Pavone, István Perczel, Nicholas Standaert, Margherita Trento, Guillermo Wilde and Ines G. Panov. The rites controversies in the early modern world : an introduction / Ines G. Zupanov, Pierre Antoine Fabre -- Chinese voices in the rites controversy: from China to Rome / Ronnie Po-chia Hsia -- Chinese voices in the rites controversy: the role of Christian communities / Nicolas Standaert -- Atheism: a word travelling to and fro between Europe and China / Michela Catto -- Sivadharma or Bonifacio? behind the scenes of the Madurai mission controversy (1608-1619) / Margherita Trento -- Revisiting the Malabar rites controversy: a paradigm of ritual dynamics in the early modern Catholic missions of South India / Gita Dharampal-Frick -- Rites and inquisition: ethnographies of error in Portuguese India (1560-1625) / Giuseppe Marcocci -- Jesuits and Oriental rites in the documents of the Roman Inquisition / Sabina Pavone -- Accommodationist strategies on the Malabar Coast: competition or complementarity? / Istvan Perczel -- Orthodoxy and politics: the Patriarch Nikon of Moscow, the Prince Mihnea III Radu of Walachia and the Great Church of Constantinople / Ovidiu Olar -- Writing rites in the borderlands : appropriation, mimesis and interaction between Jesuits and Indians in Colonial South America / Guillermo Wilde -- Secularizing the Andes: the effects of transcultural processes on colonial Andean rituals / Claudia Brosseder -- Dios, Dio, Viracocha. Tianzhu: "finding" and "translating" the Christian God in the overseas Jesuit missions (16th-18th Centuries) / Ana Carolina Hosne -- A cross concealed among flowers: interpreting a secret ritual in seventeenth century Chinese Christian communities / Pierre Antoine Fabre -- Against rites: Jesuit Accommodatio as pietist Preparatio Evangelica in eighteenth century South India / Ines G. Zupanov. Dig.pdf.Local access [Zupanov-Rites controversies.pdf] |
ISBN | 9789004360068 ; 9004360069 |
LCCN | 2018023364 |