Subject: Xiao Hong 蕭紅, 1911-1942--Translations into English

Selected stories of Xiao Hong. [Xiao Hong xiaoshuo xuan 蕭紅小說選. English]
AuthorXiao Hong 蕭紅, 1911-1942Goldblatt, Howard, 1939-
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherChinese Literature
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition1st ed.
SeriesPanda books
ShelfDir. Office Gallery
Call NumberPL2740.N3 A23 1982
Description220 p. ; 18 cm.
NoteSelected stories of Xiao Hong / translated by Howard Goldblatt.
Colophon title in Chinese: Xiao Hong xiaoshuo xuan 蕭紅小說選.

Contents: The death of Wang Asao -- The bridge -- Hands -- On the oxcart -- The family outsider -- Flight from danger -- Vague expections -- North China -- Spring in a small town.

Keywords: Dongbei wenxuepai 東北文學派, Northeastern school of literature, Manchurian school of literature.
