Author | Alves, Jorge Manuel dos SantosSaldanha, António Vasconcelos de 薩安東 |
Place | Macau 澳門 |
Publisher | Instituto Português do Oriente (IPOR) 東方葡萄牙學會 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 1.a edição |
Language | Portuguese |
Type | Book |
Series | Colecção Memória do Oriente |
Shelf | Stacks, Seminar Room 102-103 |
Call Number | DS796.M2 E78 1996 |
Description | 397 p. : ill., ports ; 21 cm. |
Note | Estudos de história do relacionamento Luso-Chinês : Séculos XVI-XIX / António Vasconcelos de Saldanha, Jorge Manuel dos Santos Alves (organização e coordenação). Sumário: |
ISBN | 9728013183 ; 9789728013189 |
Author | Souza, George Bryan |
Place | Cambridge, MA |
Publisher | Cambridge University Press |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 1st pbk. ed. |
Language | English |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Director's Office |
Call Number | HF3698.C6 S68 2004 |
Description | xx, 282 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. |
Note | The survival of empire : Portuguese trade and society in China and the South China Sea, 1630-1754 / George Bryan Souza. Includes bibliographical references (p. 262-275) and index. "First paperback edition 2004" List of figures, maps and tables – Glossary - Notes on spelling and currency, weights and measures – Preface - 1. Maritime trade in Asia - 2. Imperial foundations: the Estado da India and Macao - 3. Population, personalities, and communal power - 4. Country traders and Crown monopoly - 5. Merchants and markets - 6. Country traders and the search for markets - 7. Imperial relations: Macao and the Estado de India. - 8. Imperial survival: Sino-Portuguese relations from Ming to Ch'ing - 9. Macao, companies and country traders: the other Europeans in China - 10. Conclusion - List of abbreviations and notes – Bibliography. |
ISBN | 0521531357 |
LCCN | 86000922 |
Author | Qi Yinping 戚印平 |
Place | Beijing 北京 |
Publisher | Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe 社會科學文獻出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 第1版 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | BV3415.2.Q5856 2017 |
Description | 2, 430 p. ; 24 cm. |
Note | Yesuhuishi yu wan Ming haishang maoyi 耶穌會士與晚明海上貿易 / Qi Yinping 戚印平. "在大航海時代,一體化的世界進程早已超越傳統的國家範疇,錯綜複雜的國際形勢亦不再限於僵硬的雙邊關係,例如傳統的中日關係史或者中葡關係史.本書通過對大量宗教文獻的分析與解讀,力圖多角度地揭示16世紀以降耶穌會士在中國及鄰近地區的傳教活動,並全面揭示其在晚明時期海上貿易活動中所起的作用."--publisher note. 前言 蘇軾《題西林壁》詩曰:“橫看成嶺側成峰,遠近高低各不同;不識廬山真面目,只緣身在此山中。”蘇詩寫廬山層巒疊嶂,氣象萬千,乃千古名句,但以史家角度看,此詩或別有玄機:即便再熟悉的對象,換個角度,亦往往有意想不到的面貌出現。 近年來,不斷有學者呼籲“從世界史的角度看中國”,反過來,此言亦可提示“從中國史的角度看世界”的新視角,由此看來,變換研究範式應當是合乎邏輯的自然選擇。新的(或可稱之為大宗教或大歷史的)研究範式既需要我們從內部(中國)的角度考察世界,關注世界格局新變化帶給中國的深刻影響,同時又要求我們從外部(世界)的角度反觀中國,從各個方面考察中國在世界格局新變化中的地位和作用。 世界上從未有過純粹的宗教,所以也不會有純粹的宗教傳播;同理,任何商品交易的發生和影響都不會限於商品交易本身,因此相關的學術考察也不應自囿於經濟的有限範疇。至少在我們所說的大航海時代,一體化的世界進程早已超越傳統的國家範疇,錯綜複雜的國際形勢亦不再限於僵硬的雙邊關係,例如傳統的中日關係史或者中葡關係史。因此,儘管多視角的 “橫看”或“側觀”未必能獲得一窺“廬山真面目”的理想效果,但至少可以獲得更多問題,並推動研究的不斷深入。 |
ISBN | 9787520111539 ; 7520111539 |