Author | Aveiro, Maria Guadalupe de Lencastre, Duquesa de, 1630-1715 |
Place | Tenri 天理 |
Publisher | Tenri Toshokan 天理圖書館 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish |
Type | Book |
Series | Classica Japonica : Section 8, Kirishitan materials II ; 1-3 |
Shelf | Folio Cabinet 1 |
Call Number | BV3149.A94 1975 |
Description | 3 v. : all facsims. ; 37 cm. (in slipcases) |
Note | The Far Eastern Catholic missions, 1663-1711 : the original papers of the Duchess d'Aveiro. Original letters and documents in Italian, Latin, Portuguese, or Spanish. Limited ed. of 200 copies. No. 154. Colophon title in Japanese: 天理圖書館善本叢書 ; 洋書之部第 VIII 次刊行 : キリシタン資料篇 II. "The present volume contains autograph letters and reports, address to Lady Maria, Duchess de Aveiro, who was later called "Mother of the Mission." ".... most of these writers were Jesuit[s] ... from the latter half of 17th century to the beginning of 18th century. These papers were never allowed by the Lady to be copied as usual and therefore they are very interesting material ... eighty letters are compiled, all kept in the Tenri Central Library, relating to India, Siam, and China ..." --preface (in fractured English)
Correspondents (and recipients if other than the Duquesa) are listed for search purposes: |
LCCN | 76-382796 |
Author | Sonkeikaku Bunko 尊經閣文庫 (Tōkyō)Maggs Bros. |
Place | Tōkyō 東京 |
Publisher | Yushodo 雄松堂 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Latin, Portuguese, Spanish |
Type | Book |
Call Number | BV3443.M34 1975 |
Description | 2 v. : facsims. ; 37+ 27 cm. |
Note | Jesuit missions in Japan : original letters and reports, 1663-1688 : : in the collection of the Sonkei kaku Library [Sonkeikaku Bunko 尊經閣文庫], the Maeda Ikutoku kai Foundation [Maeda Ikutokukai 前田育德會], Tokyo, Japan / edited by The Library. Facsimiles of original letters in Latin, Portuguese, or Spanish; separate volume of translations in English and Japanese. v. 1. Plates (facsimile reproductions)--v. 2. Translations (in English and Japanese). The English section is a reproduction of Maggs Bros. 1926 catalog Printed Books and Manuscripts on Japan, p. 77-113, translation by Prof. Hans Breitenstein, S.J., Sophia University. (arranged chronologically). Entries include Maggs Bros. catalog numbers. These items are from the collection of Maeda Tsunanori 前田綱紀 (1643-1724) and other daimyo of the Kaga Clan 加賀藩, now in the Sonkeikaku Bunko. The collection includes Jesuit letters, most by Fr. Anthony (Antoine) Thomas, S.J. (1644-1709) addressed to the Duchess of Aveiro in Portugal, patroness of the Jesuit mission to Japan after the Shogunate closed the country to foreigners in 1639. Includes: Carta, o Relacio Sumaria de lo Sucedido en la gran China, y Japon hasta Henero de 1666, to Fr. Prov. Juan de los Angeles [1663-1666]. Philippines--Ignacio de Marquina--Thomas, Rationes praecipuae pro Expeditione Japonica [1679] ; Fundatio Missionis Marianae propenenda R. P. Generali [1679-1680]--Carlo Juan Turcotti (to) Francisco Garcia, Libellus Rationum (to) Francisco de Tavora, Viceroy of India [1683], Anthony Thomas (to) Ignatius Sarmento (Goa, 1683), Thomas (to) Sebastiano d'Almeida, (to) Ferdinando de Queiros, Conde de Alvoz (Viceroy of India) in the autograph of Fr. A. Thomas (to) the Emperor of Japan (1683), Juan Antonio Arnedo, Francois Noel "On the expectation of opening Japan..." |
LCCN | 76-364351 |
Author | Asami Masakazu 浅見雅一, 1962-Fróis, Luís, 1532-1597 |
Place | Tōkyō 東京 |
Publisher | KADOKAWA, 角川 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Japanese |
Type | Book |
Series | Kadokawa shinsho 角川新書 ; K-316 |
Shelf | Seminar Room 102-103 |
Call Number | DS869.6.A83 2020 |
Description | 266 p. : ill., facsimiles ; 18 cm. |
Note | Kirishitan kyōkai to Honnōji no hen キリシタン教会と本能寺の変 / Asami Masakazu 浅見雅一 Includes bibliographical references (pages 261-266). Includes a Japanese translation of a letter signed by Luís Fróis (1532-1597) that explains the fall of Oda Nobunaga and its aftermath, which served as a supplement to the 1582 annual report on Japan for the Society of Jesus. The author referred to the original from Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Jap. Sin. 9-1, ff. 96r.-105v. 日本史上最大の注目を集める「本能寺の変」。その基礎史料の一つ、ルイス・フロイスがイエズス会に送った報告書「一五八二年の日本年報の補遺」は、長年、その信憑性が疑われてきた。本能寺の変が起きた当時、フロイスは九州・口之津にいたからだ。
ISBN | 9784040823386 ; 4040823389 |