Subject: Sino-Western relations--History

Dong-Xi jiaoliushi lungao 東西交流史論稿
AuthorHuang Shijian 黃時鑒
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS721.H738 1998
Description2, 18, 432 p. :ill ; 21 cm.
NoteDong-Xi jiaoliushi lungao 東西交流史論稿 / Huang Shijian 黃時鑒.
Includes bibliographical references.
Fang Hao wenlu 方豪文錄
AuthorFang Hao 方豪, 1910-1980
PlaceBeiping 北平
PublisherBeiping Shangzhi bianyiguan 北平上智編譯館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberDS740.4.F27 1948
Description2, 4, 346 p., [4] plates: ill.; 27 cm. + pdf
NoteFang Hao wenlu 方豪文錄 / Fang Hao zhu 方豪著.
Title and table of contents also in English: Studies in the history of the relations between China and the West.
N.B. The text is very fragile; please use the digital edition if possible.
Local access dig.pdf. [Fang Hao wenlu (1948).pdf]

1. Seven Thousand European Books Brought to China by Nicholas Trigault in 1620 – 2. Discovery and Study of the Original Books Translated into Chinese Towards the End of the Ming Dynasty and at the Beginning of the Ching Dynasty – 3. Liampo Mentioned by Some European Travelers of the 16th Century: lts Present Loc,ation – 4. Japanese Influence on the Persecution of Catholicism During the Ching Dynasty – 5. A Preliminary Study of Hsü Hsia-keh's (徐霞客) Relations with European Miíssionaries – 6. China's Positíon in the Early History of Relations Between Japan and Europe – 7. Corrigenda to V. K. Ting's (丁文江)“Chronological Sketch of the Life of Hsü Hsia-keh" (徐霞客先生年講) -- 8. The Imitation of Christ Its Different Editions of Chinese Translations and Comrnentaries -- 9. An lnvestigation of the Number of Volumes of Chinese Translation Completed and Engraved of the "Dialectica Aristoteles Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis” – 10. On the Original MSS of "Hsin Li Chen Chuan" (種理真詮) by Alexander De La Charme in Mandarin and in Classical Style -- 11. On the Alterations of the Text of "T'ien Chu Shih I" (天主實義) of Matteo Ricci – 12. Collating Doctor Paul Hsü’s (徐光啟) "Eulogy of the Picture of Jesus" (耶穌象讚) – 13. On the Study of Chinese Classics Made by the European Missionaries Who Came to China During the 17th and 18th Centuries – 14. A Brief Historical Account about Chinese Students in Europe before the Reign of T'ung Chih ( 同治1862) -- 15. On the Map Survey of Yü-ching, Kweichow (餘麗,貴州) by Xavier-Ehrenbert Fridelli in 1714 – 16. On a Manuscript Copy by Tao Yen (陶琰) of Chen Pan-chiao's (鄭棍橋) "Tao-ching" (道情) – 17. On the Posthumous Title, Ming Tao Chen Chiueh Shan Shih (明道正覺禪師),of Ang Chi Shen (岇溪森) , A Famous Bonze: Its Date of Conferring -- 18. On the Chinese Name of Adam Schall von Bell – 19. On a Chinese Letter Written by Ferdinand Verbiest – 20. Notes to the " Shan Chü Yun" ( 山居詠) of Philip Wang (王徵) , A Famous Christian of the Ming Dynasty – 21. Notes on the Four Books of the Astronomical Encyclopedia of Adam Schall, Shuin Chih (順治) Edition – 22.European Missionaries in China Towards the End of the Ming Dynasty and the Beginning of the Ching Dynasty: Their Relations with the Chinese intelligentia – 23. A Study of the lntroduction of Latín Language into China – 24. Notes on the "Il Mappamondo cinese del P . Matteo Ricci" -- 25. Notes on the Col1ected Works of Wu Yü-shan (吳漁山) – 26. Wang Shih-ku's (王石谷) Religious Belief. -- 27. Four lnstances of the General Living Standard During the Ching Dynasty – 28. Jews Appointed to be Officials in Yünan at the Beginning of the Ching Dynasty – 29. Some Eurasians in China Towards the End of the Ming Dynasty and the Beginning of the Ching Dynasty—30. Galileo and the Introduction of Science into China – 31. lntroduction of the Telescope into China, Corea and Japan before the Death of Galileo -- 32. On the Origin of “Hsiang T'u Hsih" (相偷戲) and "Ta Chu Hsih" (打簇戲) -- Mohammedanism in Chekiang Province -- The Possibility of Relations between the Europeans and the Family of Tsao Hsueh-king ( 曹雪芹), author of the “Red Chamber Dreams" (紅樓夢) -- Notes on the Clock-repairer in the “Red Çhaτnber Dreams" -- The Auto-machines Mentioned in the "Red Chamber Dreams" -- Notes on the "Spring-morning-in-the-Palace-of-Han Folding Screen described in the " Red Chamber Dreams" -- A Biographical Sketch of Dr. Joseph Ma Hsiang-po (馬相伯) -- A Biographical Sketch of Rev. Father Vincent Lebbe (雷鳴遠) -- ADDENDA

Gantong shenshou : Zhong-Xi wenhua jiaoliu beijing xia de ganguan yu ganjue 感同身受 : 中西文化交流背景下的感官與感覺
AuthorDong Shaoxin 董少新
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherFudan daxue chubanshe 复旦大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS721.D654 2018
Description2, 2, 4, 320 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
NoteGantong shenshou : Zhong-Xi wenhua jiaoliu beijing xia de ganguan yu ganjue 感同身受 : 中西文化交流背景下的感官與感覺 / Dong Shaoxin bian 董少新编.
Includes bibliographical references.

大衛·豪斯:作為感覺交流的文化交流:感覺研究中的中西文明相遇 / 1
孟華:法國18世紀“景德鎮神話“何以形成:一個感覺史意義上的中法文化交流的個案 / 18
科琳娜·瓦格納:從瓷器到人:視像、感覺、藝術和醫學 / 40
約翰·威爾金斯:蓋倫論味覺與嗅覺 / 66
布蘭登·加拉赫:靈性感知傳統的延續和轉變 / 75
顧衛民:16-17世紀耶穌會傳教藝術中的天使的形象 / 98
董少新:“黑睛小眼”與“碧瞳深目”的對望以及關於眼睛的審美 / 125
賴毓芝:知識、想像與交流:南懷仁《坤輿全圖》之生物插繪眼睛 / 141
潘夏梨:技貫中西:乾隆宮廷西洋畫師王致誠(1702-1768)作品中的文化交流 / 183
白若思:17-18世紀中國藝術在俄國與俄國中國風的特點 / 196
施靜菲:全球史視野下的“西洋”多層木套杯與跨文化的清宮 / 227
夏伯嘉:明末清初在華傳教士的飲食內容 / 274
何安娜:“美味之鹽”:近代早期醬油傳入歐洲史 / 281
可飛鯊、樂懷璧:19-20世紀英國對中國性實物的收藏及其文化的解讀 / 295
莊岳:痰嗽之聲:“通過儀式”與“社會戲劇”/ 312

"本書共收入論文15篇. 本書主題屬於跨學科性質, 嘗試利用人類學領域中的感官感覺研究方法, 分析中西文化交流中的一般歷史現象, 希望感官感覺研究方法的引入, 能夠對中西文化交流史的研究起到啟發和推動作用, 同時也希望跨區域的文化交流研究方法也能夠給感官感覺研究帶來新的視角和研究內容"--OCLC note.

ISBN9787309138641 ; 7309138643
Jindai xueren yu Zhong-Xi jiaotongshi yanjiu 近代學人與中西交通史研究 = Modern scholars' research on the history of Sino-foreign communications
AuthorXiu Caibo 修彩波
PlaceBeijing Shi 北京市
PublisherGuangming ribao chubanshe 光明日報出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesGaoxiao sheke wenku 高校社科文庫 = University social science series
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberDS721.X595 2010
Description2, 272 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteJindai xueren yu Zhong-Xi jiaotongshi yanjiu 近代學人與中西交通史研究 = Modern scholars' research on the history of Sino-foreign communications / Xiu Caibo zhu 修彩波著.
"本書是探討近代學人在中西交往過程的思想變化過程的史學專著,從中西交通,交往的角度探討近代以來學人在西潮的衝擊下的轉變"--OCLC record.
Title also in English.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 256-270).
ISBN9787511204639 ; 7511204635
The great encounter of China and the West, 1500-1800
AuthorMungello, D.E.
PlaceLanham, MD
PublisherRowman & Littlefield
SeriesCritical issues in history
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS750.72.M86 1999
Descriptionxvii, 113 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.

The great encounter of China and the West, 1500-1800 / D.E. Mungello.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Historical overview--2. Chinese acceptance of Western culture and Christianity: Jesuit accomodation, Jesuit conversions of the literati, Missionary antagonism with Chinese society, closing of Chinese minds (c. 1644), Chinese reaction to Christian paintings and engravings--3. Chinese rejection of Western culture and Christianity: basis of anti-Christian feeling in China, anti-Christian movements, European art at the Chinese court, among the Chinese literati-painters--4. European acceptance of Chinese culture and Confucianism: Chinese rites controversy, proto-Sinologists, Leibniz, Bouvet and Figurism, European view of the literati tradition, Confucianism versus Neo-Confucianism, influence of Chinese art upon European artists--5. European rejection of Chinese culture and Confucianism: China popularizers in Europe, Enlightenment idealization of Chinese moral and political system, differing views of polyhistors and philosophes, from white to yellow, Macartney mission (1792-1794).
