Subject: Chinese poetry--Anthologies

further collection of Chinese lyrics, and other poems
AuthorMacKintosh, Duncan (Duncan Robert)Ayling, Alan
PublisherVanderbilt University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [J2]
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberPL2658.E3 M33 1970
Descriptionxxii, 272 p.: ill., music.; 23 cm.
NoteA further collection of Chinese lyrics, and other poems : rendered into verse by Alan Ayling from the translations of the Chinese by Duncan Mackintosh in collaboration with Cheng Xi and Tong Bingzheng ; calligraphy by Zheng Xuan, illustrations by Fei Chengwu. Includes index.
Supplement to A Collection of Chinese Lyrics, Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1967.
Contents: Ci 詞 (Lyrical poetry) from the Tang Dynasty through the Republic, 618-1949 -- Tang dynasty Shi 詩 (Narrative poetry), 618-907.
Shijing Chuci Gushi Tangshi xuan 詩經楚辭古詩唐詩選 = Anthology of Chinese poetry from the Chou to Tang dynasties
AuthorShi Min 石民, fl. 1931-
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherGuomin chubanshe 國民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [D6]
ShelfDir. Office Gallery
Call NumberPL2658.E3 S5 1967
Descriptionvi, 4, 231 p. ; 19 cm.
NoteShijing Chuci gushi Tangshi xuan 詩經楚辭古詩唐詩選 = An anthology of Chinese poetry from the Chou to Tang dynasties. [Anthology omits author, but it is the work by Shi Min from an earlier Taiwan edition]. 國民出版社編輯部--colophon.
Reprint. Originally published: 香港 : 進修出版社, 1964.
Chinese and English on opposite pages.
民國56 [1967].
Sunflower splendor : three thousand years of Chinese poetry
AuthorLiu Wuji 柳無忌, 1907-2002Lo, Irving Yucheng [Luo Yuzheng 羅郁正], b. 1922
PlaceBloomington, IN
PublisherIndiana University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfDir. Office Gallery
Call NumberPL2658.E3 S84 1975b
Descriptionlxiv, 630 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteSunflower splendor : three thousand years of Chinese poetry / co-edited by Wu-Chi Liu and Irving Yucheng Lo.
Bibliography: p. [523]-532. Includes index.