Subject: Christianity--Japan--History--16th century--Sources

De Missione legatorum Iaponensium ad Romanam curiam, rebusq
AuthorSande, Duarte de, 1531-1600Valignano, Alessandro 範禮安, 1539-1606
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherTōyō Bunko 東洋文庫
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesTōyō Bunko sōkan 東洋文庫叢刊 ; 第4, 第6
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberJX1801.A58 J2 1935
Description[2] p., 412 p. of facsim. ; 23 cm.
NoteTitle continues ".... in Europa, ac toto itinere animaduersis dialogus ex ephemeride ipsorvm legatorvm collectvs, & in sermonem latinvm versvs ab Eduardo de Sande Sacerdote societatis Iesv."

Toyo Bunko Sokan, IV (i.e. VI): Facsimile reproduction .... "In Macaensi portu, Anno 1590," accompanied by an introduction by H. Iwai ... 500 copies have been reproduced from the copy in the possession of Dr. S. Koda, Tokyo, by the Otsuka Kogeisha Co.--Colophons.
Imprimatur and preface by Alessandro Valignano "Visitator Societatis Iesu in provincia Orientali," dated 1589 (verso of t.p.)
Woodcut title vignette, decorative initials. Signatures: A-2Z⁴ a-f⁴ A-C⁴

On OCLC record# 32445573: Believed to be the first book printed at Macao, but cf. Streit, R. Biblioteca missionum, v. IV, p. 464, no. 1718. -- Holmes, Ruth E. V. Bibliographical and historical description of the rarest books in the Oliveira Lima collection, 26.

Tenshō nenkan ken'ō shisetsu kenbun taiwaroku 天正年間遣歐使節見聞對話錄. [Missione legatorum Iaponensium ad Romanam curiam, rebusq. Japanese]
AuthorSande, Duarte de, 1531-1600Valignano, Alessandro 範禮安, 1539-1606Izui Hisanosuke 泉井久之助
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherTōyō Bunko 東洋文庫
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesTōyō Bunko sōkan 東洋文庫叢刊 ; 第6, 附篇1
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberJX1801.A58 J216 1942
Description14, 734, 33 p. ; 22 cm.
NoteTenshō nenkan ken'ō shisetsu kenbun taiwaroku 天正年間遣歐使節見聞對話錄 / Edouarudo de Sande-shi hen, Hamada Kōsaku, Tanaka Hidenaka etsu, Izui Hisanosuke ... [et al.] yaku エドウアルド.デ.サンデ師編, 浜田耕作, 田中秀央閱, 泉井久之助 ... [et al.] 訳.
Translation of: De missione legatorum Iaponensium ad Romanam curiam, rebusq.
Includes Japanese (kana)-Latin glossary.
Published: 昭和17 [1942]