Subject: China--History--Qianlong 乾隆, 1736-1795

China's transition to modernity : the new classical vision of Dai Zhen
AuthorHu Minghui 胡明輝
PublisherUniversity of Washington Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberB5234.T324 H83 2015
Descriptionxi, 285 pages ; illustrations ; 24 cm.

China's transition to modernity : the new classical vision of Dai Zhen / Minghui Hu.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

The man and his times -- How Jesuit science conquered the Kangxi court -- Searching for truth in the origins of civilizations -- How to build a coalition around science -- An outsider enters the mainstream -- How to dethrone Jesuit science -- Bringing it home to the palace of light -- Legibility of visionary scholars.

Local access dig.pdf. [Hu-China's Transition.pdf]

ISBN9780295994765 ; 0295994762
Emperor Qianlong : son of heaven, man of the world
AuthorElliott, Mark C.
PlaceNew York
PublisherPearson Longman
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesLibrary of world biography
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberDS754.8.E455 2009
Descriptionxv, 192 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.
NoteEmperor Qianlong : son of heaven, man of the world / Mark C. Elliott.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN9780321084446 ; 0321084446
Gardens of a Chinese emperor : imperial creations of the Qianlong Era, 1736-1796
AuthorSiu, Victoria M. Cha-Tsu 徐家智Lodwick, Kathleen L.
PlaceBethlehem, Pa.
PublisherLehigh University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberSB466.C5 S58 2013
Descriptionxxxii, 267 pages ; 27 cm.

Gardens of a Chinese emperor : imperial creations of the Qianlong Era, 1736-1796 / Victoria M. Cha-Tsu Siu ; with the posthumous assistance of Kathleen L. Lodwick.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 251-259) and index.

Experiencing the garden of perfect brightness (Yuanming Yuan) -- Qianlong's garden of everlasting spring (Changchun Yuan) -- The garden of the clear ripples (Qingyi Yuan) on longevity hill (Shou Shan) -- The garden of tranquil luminescence (Jingming Yuan) on Jade Spring Hill (Yuquan Shan) -- The garden of quiet delight (Jinyi Yuan) on fragrant hill (Xiang Shan).

"The Garden of Perfect Brightness (Yuanming Yuan) in the western suburbs of the Qing capital, Beijing, was begun by the great Kangxi (r. 1661-1722) and expanded by his son, Yongzheng (r. 1722-1735) and brought to its greatest glory by his grandson, Qianlong (r. 1736-1796). A lover of literature and art, Qinglong sought an earthly reflection of his greatness in his Yuanming Yuan. For many years he designed and directed an elaborate program of garden arrangements. Representing two generations of painstaking research, this book follows the emperor as he ruled his empire from within his garden. In a landscape of lush plants, artificial mountains and lakes, and colorful buildings, he sought to represent his wealth and power to his diverse subjects and to the world at large. Having been looted and burned in the mid-nineteenth century by western forces, it now lies mostly in ruins, but it was the world's most elaborate garden in the eighteenth century. The garden suggested a whole set of concepts-religious, philosophical, political, artistic, and popular-represented in landscape and architecture. Just as bonsai portrays a garden in miniature, the imperial Yuanming Yuan at the height of its splendor represented the Qing Empire in microcosm."--back cover.

ISBN9781611461282 ; 1611461286
Han-Zang Fojiao meishu yanjiu : di san jie Xizang kaogu yu yishu guoji xueshu taolunhui lunwenji 漢藏佛教美術研究:第三屆西藏考古與藝術國際學術討論會論文集
AuthorXie Jisheng 謝繼勝Luo Wenhua 羅文華Jing Anning 景安寧
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC-MQT]
LanguageChinese, English
TypeBook (Conference Proceedings)
ShelfStacks [ASCC-MQT]
Call NumberN8193.C6 I574 2006
Description594 pp. : illus., maps ; 26 cm.

Conference proceedings, papers in Chinese and English.
Han-Zang Fojiao meishu yanjiu : di san jie Xizang kaogu yu yishu guoji xueshu taolunhui lunwenji 漢藏佛教美術研究:第三屆西藏考古與藝術國際學術討論會論文集 / Xie Jisheng 謝繼勝, Luo Wenhua 羅文華, Jing Anning 景安寧 eds.

Contains an article on Qianlong's tomb.

ISBN9787532551583 ; 753255158X
Han-Zang Fojiao meishu yanjiu 2008 漢藏佛教美術研究2008 . [A journal for Sino-Tibetan Buddhist art studies]
AuthorXie Jisheng 謝繼勝
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherShoudu shifan daxue chubanshe 首都師範大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC-MQT]
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfStacks [ASCC-MQT]
Call NumberN8193.T52 X59 2010
Description2, 2, 512 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Han-Zang Fojiao meishu yanjiu 2008 漢藏佛教美術研究2008 . [A journal for Sino-Tibetan Buddhist art studies] / Xie Jisheng 謝繼勝.

Periodical, articles in Chinese and English, including two on the Qianlong emperor's tomb.

Second copy also in ASCC-MQT stacks (N8193.T52 X59 2010 c.2).
ISBN9787565601040 ; 7565601047
Ignorant gaze : George Macartney's negotiation with China in 1793
AuthorZhang, Angela M.
PlaceVancouver, BC
PublisherUniversity of British Columbia
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS708.Z633 2010d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [ix, 71 p. : color ill.]
NoteIgnorant gaze : George Macartney's negotiation with China in 1793 [electronic resource] / by Angela M. Zhang.
Thesis (M.A.)--Art history, University of British Columbia.
Bibliography: p. 66-71.

Preserved in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, the kesi (silk tapestry) of the British Embassy has been exhibited in the context of Europe’s economic, cultural and exploitative encounters with the Americas, Africa and Asia. The kesi, which has contributed to the misinterpretation of China’s practice of foreign relations, provides invaluable insight into the political strategies of the Qianlong Emperor in the face of British imperialism. The work commemorates the infamous meeting between the Emperor and the English ambassador George Macartney in 1793. The event marks the failed negotiation between two incommensurable power systems due to conflicting interests and grave misunderstandings on both sides. Yet in English and Chinese language histories, the failed negotiation is often attributed to the backwardness of China’s practice of foreign relations. Within the context of historical writing and museum display, the kesi is made to emphasize the Emperor’s cultural blindness and ignorance of the changing world beyond China. A closer reading of the kesi will reveal that its image and inscription integrates the zhigong tu genre (the official documentation of China’s foreign relations) and li (the guiding principle of China’s foreign relations). I will argue that the emperor employed the zhigong tu genre and li to assert the power of the Qing Empire and divert his criticism of British imperialism. Pictorially the kesi follows the power structuring process of li by emphasizing the contingent relationship between the supreme lord (the Qianlong Emperor) and the lesser lord (George Macartney). The kesi’s inscription, composed by the Emperor himself, embodies the core of China’s tributary practice: “In my kindness to men from afar I make generous return.” Thus far, the kesi channels the conventions of zhigong tu and manifests the principles of li. During the Qing Dynasty, the Qianlong Emperor’s materialization of his power through the appropriation of zhigong tu and li was necessary to foster domestic confidence. The kesi, marking the end of China’s tributary practice, can be alternatively understood as the Emperor’s last capacity to maintain internal stability through the Chinese tributary system.--Abstract.

Local access dig.pdf. [Zhang Macartney.pdf]

immobile empire. [Empire immobile. English]
AuthorPeyrefitte, Alain, 1925-1999
PlaceNew York
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDA47.9.C5 P4913 1992
Descriptionxxxiii, 630 p. : col. ill., maps ; 25 cm.
NoteThe immobile empire / Alain Peyrefitte ; translated from the French by Jon Rothschild.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [597]-609) and index.
ISBN0394586549 ; 9780394586540
Kang Yong Qian san di pingyi 康雍乾三帝評議
AuthorZuo Buqing 左步青
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZijincheng chubanshe 紫禁城出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberDS754.6.K386 1986
Description2, 5, 444 p., [2] p. of plates : col. ports. ; 21 cm
NoteKang Yong Qian san di pingyi 康雍乾三帝評議 / Zuo Buqing xuanbian 左步青選編.
Includes bibliographical references.
Kang Yong Qian san di yu Xixue-Dongjian 康雍乾三帝與西學東漸
AuthorWu Boya 吳伯婭, 1955-
PlaceBeijing Shi 北京市
PublisherZongjiao wenhua chubanshe 宗教文化出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS754.14.W78 2002
Description4, 5, 506 p. ; 21 cm.

Kang Yong Qian san di yu Xixue-Dongjian 康 雍乾三帝與西學東漸 / Wu Boya zhu 吳伯婭.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 496-505).

Longpao yu jiasha : Qinggong Zangchuan Fojiao wenhua kaocha 龍袍與袈裟:清宮藏傳佛教文化考察
AuthorLuo Wenhua 羅文華
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZijincheng chubanshe 紫禁城出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesZijin shuxi 紫禁書系 ; 1
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberBQ643.L86 2005
Description2 vols. (668 pp.) : illus. (chiefly color) ; 25 cm.

Longpao yu jiasha : Qinggong Zangchuan Fojiao wenhua kaocha 龍袍與袈裟:清宮藏傳佛教文化考察 / Luo Wenhua 羅文華.




第一章 萬神殿:藏傳佛教神系的成立與完善
第一節 印度佛教神系的形成與嬗變
第二節 西藏對佛教神系的引進與構建
第三節 清代宮廷對藏傳佛教神系的最後完善
第二章 智珠心印:清宮佛堂解析
第一節 故宮雨花閣藏密神系及其密宗四部思想
第二節 雨花閣唐卡
第三節 清宮六品佛樓
第三章 空與幻的美:佛教造像藝術
第一節 故宮藏斯瓦特風格銅造像
第二節 故宮藏喀什米爾風格銅造像
第三節 西藏古格那嘎拉咱王及其銅造像
第四節 故宮藏喀爾喀蒙古銅造像
第五節 清官藏傳佛教造像
第四章 線條與色彩:佛教經典中的繪畫
第一節 明人書內府金藏經
第二節 乾隆時期宮廷藏傳佛教繪畫
第五章 感性與理性:清代宮廷佛教史拾零
第一節 清代駐京喇嘛管理機構
第二節 乾隆九年尼泊爾工匠進京考
第三節 滿文《大藏經》編纂史略
第四節 乾隆時期滿文阿禮嘎禮字

ISBN9787800475085 ; 7800475085
Monarchs and ministers : the Grand Council in Mid-Ch'ing China, 1723-1820
AuthorBartlett, Beatrice S.
PublisherUniversity of California Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberJQ1508.B37 1991
Descriptionxxi, 417 p.: ill., map ; 24 cm.
NoteMonarchs and ministers : the Grand Council in Mid-Ch'ing China, 1723-1820 / Beatrice S. Bartlett.
Paperback edtion, 1994 printing.
Includes bibliographic references (p. 383-399) and index.
Glossary-index features Chinese characters along with Wade-Giles romanization.
See Publisher description.
This title is available online at E-Editions.
Nanxun shengdian 南巡盛典
AuthorGao Jin 高晋, 1707-1779Sazai 薩載, d. 1786Agui 阿桂, 1717-1797
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherDianshizhai 點石齋
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfGold Room
Call NumberDS754.8.K28 1882
Description8 v. ; 19 cm
NoteNanxun shengdian 南巡盛典 : 100卷, 卷首2卷 / [Gao Jin deng chubian ; Sazai deng xubian ; Agui deng hebian 高晉等初編 ; 薩載等續編 ; 阿桂等合編].
Guangxu renwu 光緖壬午[1882].
An account of the southern inspection tour of the Gaozong emperor (Qianlong) in 1780.
Of body & brush : Grand sacrifice as text/performance in eighteenth-century China
AuthorZito, Angela
PublisherUniversity of Chicago Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberDS754.17.Z58 1997
Descriptionxviii, 311 p. : illus. ; 23 cm.

Of body & brush : Grand sacrifice as text/performance in eighteenth-century China / Angela Zito.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 269-290) and index.

Prologue: Clothing, Carrying, and Codifying -- pt. 1. Ruling Boundaries. 1. Signifying Emperorship: Of Portraits and Princes. 2. Method, Monarchy, and Ritual -- pt. 2. Text: Editing the Ritual Corpus. 3. Classifying Li: Time and Agency. 4. Writing the Ritualist Metaphysics: Self and World -- pt. 3. Performance: The Ritualizing Body Inscribes. 5. Sacrificial Spaces: Contextualizing the City. 6. Cosmic Preparation: Orders of Knowledge. 7. Filial Ceremony: Centering. 8. The Politics of Boundary: Inscription and Incorporation.

ISBN0226987299 ; 9780226987293
Proceedings of the first North American conference on Manchu studies (Portland, OR, May 9-10, 2003) : volume 1 : studies in Manchu literature and history
AuthorWadley, StephenNaeher, CarstenDede, Keith
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC-MQT]
TypeBook (Conference Proceedings)
SeriesTunguso-Sibirica ; 15
ShelfStacks [ASCC-MQT]
Call NumberDS731.M35 N67 2006
Description175 pp. : illus. ; 24 cm.

Proceedings of the first North American conference on Manchu studies (Portland, OR, May 9-10, 2003) : volume 1 : studies in Manchu literature and history. / Wadley, Stephen, et al.

Conference proceedings.

Contains a paper on Qianlong's tomb.

ISBN9783447052269 ; 3447052260
Qianlong zhuan 乾隆傳
AuthorTang Wenji 唐文基Luo Qingsi 羅慶泗
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherRenmin chubanshe 人民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesZhongguo lidai diwang zhuanji 中國歷代帝王傳記
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberDS754.8.T36 1994
Description4, 2, 483 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.

Qianlong zhuan 乾隆傳 / Tang Wenji, Luo Qingsi zhu 唐文基, 羅慶泗著.
Includes bibliographical references.
Reprint 2001.

ISBN7010019533 ; 9787010019536
Soulstealers : the Chinese sorcery scare of 1768
AuthorKuhn, Philip A.
PlaceCambridge, MA
PublisherHarvard University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberJQ1508.K84 1990
Descriptionxi, 299 p., [2] p. of plates : ill. ; 25 cm.
NoteSoulstealers : the Chinese sorcery scare of 1768 / Philip A. Kuhn.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [269]-278) and index.
Tales of the China clipper -- The properous age -- Threats seen and unseen -- The crime defined -- The roots of sorcery fear -- The campaign in the provinces -- On the trail of the master-sorcerers -- The end of the trail -- Political crime and bureaucratic monarchy -- Theme and variations.