Author | Musée Guimet 吉美亞洲藝術博物館 (Paris)Urban Council of Hong Hong 香港市政局Hong Kong Museum of Art 香港藝術館 |
Place | Hong Kong 香港 |
Publisher | Xianggang Shi zhengju 香港市政局 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Chinese-English |
Type | Book (Exhibition catalog) |
Shelf | Seminar Room 102-103 |
Call Number | N7340.T755 1997 |
Description | 378 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. |
Note | Xianggang Shi zhengju 香港市政局 ; Faguo zhu Xianggang zonglingshiguan lianhe zhuban 法國駐香港總領事館聯合主辦 ; Xianggang yishuguan ji Faguo guoli Jimei Yazhou yishu bowuguan chouhua 香港藝術館及法國國立吉美亞洲藝術博物館籌劃 = From Beijing to Versailles, artistic relations between China and France / [produced by the Hong Kong Museum of Art]. The Silk Road--Occidental section--Oriental section--Mongols and Islam--The Church and the King--Artistic exchanges: Engraving--Artistic exchanges: Painting--Artistic exchanges: Decorative arts. ***Graphic resource: Alexander the Great, Asia Minor; Greek art motives, medallions, Ganymede, Eagle of Zeus,etc, in Afghanistan; bas-relief with Sogdians, Northern Qi dynasty; Tang terracotta; ewers, flasks, Dunhuang painting Qian Fo dong 千佛洞 ; itinerant monk; Buddhist manuscript sutra (Uighur, Uyghur); Nestorian stele (excellent photo of full-size plaster cast #29); Chine Illustrée, Athanasius Kircher, China monumentis qua sacris qua profanis; Praise to the Holy Trinity, Nestorian hymn in Chinese Gloria in excelsis Deo (Dunhuang 8th-9th centuries), Eastern Syriac Church; Correspondence: Letter from Argun (Arghun), Mongol Khan of Persia, to Philippe le Bel, King of France (1289), Uighur letters, Mongolian language; Buscarel, Argun's envoy (15 missions between 1274-1303); Oeldjaitou, to Philippe (1305); Nestorian crosses, tombstones from Kirghizstan, Xinjiang, Khotan (#35 appears to be in error); porcelain; Ricci/Verbiest decorated world map (p. 148-149); page from Scenes from the Life of Jesus, Tianzhu jiangsheng yanxing jilue 天主降生言行紀略 by Giulio Aleni, adaptation of Evangelica historiae imagines published by Geronimo Nadal in Antwerp (1595) ; Kunyu quantu 坤輿全圖 in woodblock, hand-colored and screen-mounted (#47); pages of De Sinica Religione by Charles Maigrot, Chinese Rites controversy (#48); cloisonnée chalice with Christian scenes; pages from Du Halde's Description..., famous portraits of Ricci, Schall, Verbiest, Xu Guangqi and Candida Xu (Siu); St. Ignatius of Loyola (#51), Resurrection on Jindezhen ware; Letter from Yongzheng (?) Emperor to Pope Clement XI; Louis XIV to Emperor; amusing copper engraving of soveregn of "Sino-Tartar Empire"; Qianlong portrait by Qian Weicheng 錢維城 ; catalog of Qianlong's seals. |
ISBN | 9622151515 |