Subject: Korea--History--Chosŏn [Joseon] dynasty, 1392-1910

Chosŏn chŏn'gi kwajŏnpŏp yŏn'gu 조선 전기 과전법 연구 [Joseon jeongi gwajeonbeop yeongu]
AuthorKim T'ae-yŏng 김 태영 [Gim Taeyeong 金泰永], 1937-
PlaceSŏul-si 서울시
PublisherKyŏnghŭi Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'an Munhwawŏn 경희 대학교 출판 문화원
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesKim T'ae-yŏng nonmun sŏnjip 김 태영 논문 선집 ; 1
ShelfConference Room 108
Call NumberHD920.5.K5328 2023
Description379 pages ; 23 cm.

Chosŏn chŏn'gi kwajŏnpŏp yŏn'gu  조선 전기 과전법 연구 / Kim T'ae-yŏng chiŭm 김 태영 지음.

Includes bibliographical references.

제 1부. 토지 제도 -- 1. 과전법 체제 의 확립 -- 2. 과전법 의 내용 과 그 운용 -- 3. 토지 소유 형태 와 경영 형태 -- 4. 전세 제도 의 개편 -- 5. 과전법 의 붕괴 와 지주제 의 발달 -- 제 2부. 부세 제도 -- 1. 한국 중세사 에서의 국가 체제 와 농민 -- 2. 세종 시대 부세 제도 개편.

Che 1-pu. T'oji chedo -- 1. Kwajŏnpŏp ch'eje ŭi hwangnip -- 2. Kwajŏnpŏp ŭi naeyong kwa kŭ unyong -- 3. T'oji soyu hyŏngt'ae wa kyŏngyŏng hyŏngt'ae -- 4. Chŏnse chedo ŭi kaep'yŏn -- 5. Kwajŏnpŏp ŭi punggoe wa chijuje ŭi paltal -- Che 2-pu. Puse chedo -- 1. Han'guk chungsesa esŏŭi kukka ch'eje wa nongmin -- 2. Sejong sidae puse chedo kaep'yŏn.

Title in Revised Romanization: Joseon jeongi gwajeonbeom yeongu

ISBN9788982227455 ; 8982227458
Chosŏn hugi Ch'ŏnjugyosa yŏn'gu ŭi kich'o 조선후기 천주교사 연구의 기초
AuthorCho Kwang 趙珖 [Jo Gwang 조광], 1945-
PlaceSeoul 서울
PublisherKyŏngin Munhwasa 景仁文化社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesKyŏngin Han'gukhak yŏn'gu ch'ongsŏ 경인 한국학 연구 총서 ; 79
Call NumberBX1670.5.C46 2010
Descriptionx, 348 p. ; 23 cm.

Chosŏn hugi Ch'ŏnjugyosa yŏn'gu ŭi kich'o 조선후기 천주교사 연구의 기초 / Cho Kwang 趙珖 [Jo Gwang 조광]

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN8949907194 ; 9788949907192
Chosŏn ŭi sŏhaksa 조선의西學史. [Joseon ui seohaksa]
AuthorKang Chae-ŏn [Gang Jaeeon 姜在彦 – 강재언], 1926-2017
PlaceSŏul 서울
PublisherMinŭmsa 民音社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesTaeu haksul ch'ongsŏ. Inmun sahoe kwahak 대우학술총서. 인문사회과학 ; 47
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS913.27.K36 1990
Description259 pages ; 23 cm.
NoteChosŏn ŭi sŏhaksa 조선의西學史 / Kang Chae-ŏn 姜在彦.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 247-251) and index.
Ch'uan kŭp kugan 추안 급 국안 . [Chuan Geup Gugan 推案及鞫案]
AuthorO Hang-nyŏng 오 항녕 - [ O Hangnyeong 吳 恒寧 ]
PlaceChŏnju-si 전주시 . [Jeonju-si]
PublisherHŭrŭm 흐름 [Heureum]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesChŏnju Taehakkyo kojŏn kugyŏk ch'ongsŏ 전주 대학교 고전 국역 총서 ; 2
ShelfConference Room 108
Call NumberDS913.2.C4958 2014
Description90 volumes ; 23 cm.

Ch'uan kŭp kugan  추안 급 국안  /  O Hyang-nyŏng 오 향녕 [and many others] yŏkchu. 역주 . [Chuan Geup Gugan  推案及鞫案]

v. 1. 선조, 광해 군 즉위 (1601-1608) -- v. 2. 광해 군 즉위 (1608) -- v. 3. 광해 군 9 (1617) -- v. 4-18. 인조 (1623-1647) -- v. 19-20. 효종 (1651) -- v. 21. 효종, 현종 (1652-1671) -- v. 22-38. 숙종 (1675-1715) -- v. 39. 경종, 영조 즉위 (1721-1724) -- v. 40-65. 영조 (1725-1763) -- v. 66. 영조, 정조 즉위 (1764-1776) -- v. 67-72. 정조 (1777-1796) -- v. 73-81. 순조 (1801-1829) -- v. 82-83. 헌종 (1836-1848) -- v. 84. 철종 (1853-1862) -- v. 84-90. 고종 (1866-1892).

v.1. Sŏnjo, Kwanghae Kun (1601-1608) -- v. 2. Kwanghae Kun chŭgwi (1608) -- v. 3. Kwanghae Kun 9 (1617) -- v. 4-18. Injo (1623-1647) -- v. 19-20. Hyojong (1651) -- v. 21. Hyojong, Hyŏnjong (1652-1671) -- v. 22-38. Sukchong (1675-1715) -- v. 39. Kyŏngjong, Yŏngjo chŭgwi (1721-1724) -- v. 40-65. Yŏngjo (1725-1763) -- v. 66. Yŏngjo, Chŏngjo chŭgwi (1764-1776) -- v. 67-72. Chŏngjo (1777-1796) -- v. 73-81. Sunjo (1801-1829) -- v. 82-83. Hŏnjong (1836-1848) -- v. 84. Ch'ŏlchong (1853-1862) -- v. 84-90. Kojong (1866-1892).


Engraving virtue : the printing history of a premodern Korean moral primer. [Samgang haengsil-to 三綱行實圖. Selections. English]
AuthorOh Young Kyun 오영균 - 吳英均 [O Yeonggyun]
PlaceLeiden ; Boston
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Korean
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesBrill's Korean studies library ; volume 3
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBJ117.S25 2013
Descriptionpdf [x, 299 p.: ill. ; 25 cm]

Engraving virtue : the printing history of a premodern Korean moral primer / by Young Kyun Oh.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 275-288) and index.

Prelude to a Confucian State : Literati, Morality, and Books -- The Conception of the Samgang haengsil-to -- Vernacular Sounds and the Reduced Edition -- The Sequels : Here and Now in the Choson.

Local access dig.pdf. [Oh-Engraving Virtue.pdf]

Go to BC Libraries record

In Engraving Virtue, Young Kyun Oh investigates the publishing history of the Samgang Haengsil-to (Illustrated Guide to the Three Relations), a moral primer of Chosŏn (1392–1910), and traces the ways in which woodblock printed books contributed to shaping premodern Korea.
Originally conceived by the court as a book with which to instill in its society Confucian ethics encased in the stories of moral heroes and heroines as filial sons, loyal subjects, and devoted wives, the Samgang Haengsil-to embodies various aspects of Chosŏn society. With careful examinations of its various editions and historical documents, Oh presents how the life of this book reflected the complicated factors of the Chosŏn society and how it became more than just a reading material.

Han'guk Ch'ŏnju kyohoesa 韓國天主敎會史. [Histoire de l'église de Corée. Korean]
AuthorDallet, Charles [Claude-Charles Dallet] 달레 샤를, 1829-1878An Ŭng-nyŏl 安 應烈 = 안 응렬 [An Eungnyeol]Choi, Andreas [Chʻoe Sŏg-u - Choe Sogu 崔奭祐], 1922-2009
PlaceKyŏngbuk Ch'ilgok-kun Waegwan-ŭp 경북 칠곡군 왜관읍
PublisherPundo Ch'ulp'ansa 분도出版社
CollectionKorean Library
SeriesYŏn'gu ch'ongsŏ 硏究叢書 (Han’guk Kyohoesa Yŏn’guso 韓國敎會史硏究所) ; 第2輯.
Call NumberBX1670.5.D3416 1979
Description3 volumes : map, portrait ; 24 cm

Han'guk Ch'ŏnju kyohoesa 韓國天主敎會史 /  Syarŭrŭ Dalle wŏnjŏ ; An Ŭng-nyŏl, Ch'oe Sŏg-u yŏkchu 샤르르 달레 原著 ; 安 應烈, 崔 奭祐 譯注.

Translation of: Histoire de l'église de Corée / per Ch. Dallet.
Includes original t.p. and bibliographical references.

Charles Dallet = 샤를 달레 = Syarŭl Talle) ft. flap (1829-1878; French missionary) . He stayed for a time at Laval University in Quebec. It was there that he classified manuscripts regarding the Catholic Church in Korea—largely the work of the martyred bishop Antoine Daveluy—which provided the material for his Histoire de l'Église de Corée (1874, two volumes). In 1877, Dallet went back to India, this time passing Russia, Manchuria, China and Japan. From Japan he stopped at Cochin China. While in Tongkin, he died of dysentery on 25 April 1878.

History of the Korean Church : preceded by an introduction on Korean history, institutions, language, mores, and customs, with a map and plates. [Histoire de l'église de Corée. English]
AuthorDallet, Charles [Claude-Charles Dallet] 달레 샤를, 1829-1878Ledyard, Gari, 레드야드 개리, 1932-2021
PlaceNew York
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeTypescript mss (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBX1670.5.D3413 2000
Descriptionpdf. [xxiv, 342 pages ; 28 cm]

History of the Korean Church : preceded by an introduction on Korean history, institutions, language, mores, and customs, with a map and plates / by Charles Dallet ; translated by Gari Ledyard

Translated from Histoire de l'eglise de Corée. Paris : V. Palmé, 1874. (translation copyright 1989, 2000)

Includes bibliographical references.

v.1. Book 1. From the first martyrdoms until the arrival of Father Jacques Zhou, a Chinese priest sent by the bishop of Peking 1784-1794 ; Book 2. From the arrival of Father Zhou in Korea to his glorious martyrdom 1794-1801 -- v. 2. Book 3. From the martyrdom of Father Zhou to the end of the persecution 1801-1802.

Local access dig.pdf. [Dallet-Ledyard-History Korean Church.pdf]  

King Seijong the Great : a biography of Korea's most famous King
AuthorSejong Taewang Kinyŏm Saŏphoe [Sejong Daewang Ginyeom Saeobhoe] 세종 대왕 기념 사업회
PublisherSejong Taewang Kinyŏm Saŏphoe 세종 대왕 기념 사업회
CollectionKorean Library
ShelfDir. Office Gallery North
Call NumberDS915.5.Y66 S44 1981
Description194 p. : color portrait ; 24 cm.
NoteKing Seijong the Great : a biography of Korea's most famous King / prepared by King Seijong Memorial Society.
©1970; 1981 Third printing.
Another copy Gleeson Library.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 192-194).
Kugyŏk Changnŭng chi 국역 장릉 지. [Gugyeong Jangneung ji = Zhuangling zhi 莊陵志]
PlaceSŏul 서울
PublisherSejong Taewang Kinyŏm Saŏphoe 세종 대왕 기념 사업회
CollectionKorean Library
LanguageKorean, Chinese
ShelfDir. Office Gallery North
Call NumberDS913.35.C426 1979
Description243, 84, [6] p. : ill. ; 24 cm
NoteKugyŏk Changnŭng chi 국역 장릉 지 / [pŏnyŏk Pak Yŏp [번역 박 엽].
Errata slip inserted.
Kugyŏk Changnŭng chi 국역 장릉 지 in Hangul (243 p.); reverse cover Changnŭng chi [Zhuangling zhi] 莊陵志 in reproduction of block-print edition (in Chinese).
Ming-Qing luncong : di yi ji 明清論叢 : 第一輯 = A collection of essays on the Ming and Qing dynasties
AuthorWang Tianyou 王天有Zhu Chengru 朱誠如, 1945-
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZijincheng chubanshe 紫禁城出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageChinese, English
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberDS753.M543 1999
Description444 p. ; 29 cm.

Ming-Qing luncong : di yi ji 明清論叢 : 第一輯 = A collection of essays on the Ming and Qing dynasties / Zhu Chengru 朱誠如 and Wang Tianyou 王天有, eds.

Sŏhak, Chosŏn yuhak i mannan natsŏn kŏul : Sŏhak ŭi yuip kwa Chosŏn hugi ŭi chijŏk pyŏndong 서학, 조선 유학이 만난 낯선 거울 : 서학의 유입과 조선 후기의 지적 변동. [Seohak, Joseon yuhagi mannan natseon geoul : seohagui yuipgwa Joseon hugiui jijeong byeondong]
AuthorKim Sŏn-hŭI [Gim Seonhui] 김 선희
PlaceSŏul-si 서울시
PublisherTosŏ Ch'ulp'an Mosinŭn Saramdŭl 도서 출판 모시는 사람들
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesHan'gukhak ch'ongsŏ 한국학 총서
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBR128.C43 K57 2018
Description310 p. ; 22.5 cm.
NoteSŏhak, Chosŏn yuhak i mannan natsŏn kŏul : Sohak ŭi yuip kwa Chosŏn hugi ŭi chichŏk pyŏndong 서학, 조선 유학 이 만난 낯선 거울 : 서학 의 유입 과 조선 후기 의 지적 변동 / Kim Sŏn-hŭi chiŭm 김 선희 지음.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 302-305) and index.
Gift of the author.