Subject: China--Officials and employees--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911

China's examination hell : the civil service examinations of Imperial China. [Kakyo : Chūgoku no shiken jigoku 科挙 : 中国の試験地獄. English]
AuthorSchirokauer, ConradMiyazaki Ichisada 宮崎市定, 1901-1995
PlaceNew York
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
Edition1st ed.
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberJQ1512.M4813 1976
Description145 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteChina's examination hell : the civil service examinations of Imperial China / by Ichisada Miyazaki ; translated by Conrad Schirokauer.
Translation of: Kakyo : Chūgoku no shiken jigoku 科挙 : 中国の試験地獄.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 131-135) and index.
ISBN0834801043 ; 9780834801042
Chinese government : a manual of Chinese titles categorically arranged and explained....
AuthorPlayfair, G. M. H. (George Macdonald Home), 1850-1917Mayers, William Frederick, 1831-1878
PlaceTaipei 台北
PublisherCh'eng-Wen Publishing Company
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
Edition3d rev. ed.
ShelfDir. Office Gallery North
Call NumberJQ1512 M397 1970
Descriptionvi, 196 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm
NoteThe Chinese government : a manual of Chinese titles categorically arranged and explained, with an appendix / by William Frederick Mayers.
Reprint of the 1897 ed. published by Kelly and Walsh, Shanghai.
3d ed. rev. by G.M.H. Playfair.

Contents: The imperial court, metroplitan administration; provincial administration, government of Peking, three manchurian provinces, the Manchu military organization, the Chinese army, hereditary ranks, titles of honor and decorations, examinations and official degrees, Buddhism and Taoism, Mongolia and Turkestan; Tibet and the Lamaist hierarchy, appendix, radical index, alphabetical index.

district magistrate in late imperial China
AuthorWatt, John R. (John Robertson), 1934-
PlaceNew York
PublisherColumbia University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
SeriesStudies of the East Asian Institute
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberKNN2920.W38 1972
Descriptionx, 340 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteThe district magistrate in late imperial China / John R. Watt.
A Revision of the author's thesis, Columbia.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 309-313) and index.
ISBN0231035357 ; 9780231035354
emergence of the Qingliu officials : a response to the impact of the West in late nineteenth century China
AuthorChan Wan-tai [Chen Yundi] 陳運娣
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberJA83.C526 2001d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [iv, 207 leaves : port. ; 30 cm.]
NoteThe emergence of the Qingliu officials : a response to the impact of the West in late nineteenth century China / by Chan Wan Tai.
Thesis (M. Phil.)--University of Hong Kong, 2002.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 181-207).
Online at HKU Scholars Hub.
Local access dig.pdf. [Chan-Qingli Officials.pdf]
Index to Ch'ing tai ch'ou pan i wu shih mo. [Qingdai chouban yiwu shimo suoyin 清代籌辧夷務始末索引]
AuthorRowe, David Nelson, 1905-1985
PlaceHamden, CT
PublisherShoe String Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS754.18.C356 1960 Index
Descriptionxi, 855 pages ; 23 cm.
NoteIndex to Ch'ing tai ch'ou pan i wu shih mo / edited by David Nelson Rowe and with the assistance of Shaozeng Yang [and] Sophia S.F. Yen ; Compilers: Chengsun Chang [and others] = 清代籌辨 [i.e. 辧]夷務始末索引 / 饒大衞 [and others].
Frontispiece in Chinese.
internal organization of Ch'ing bureaucracy : legal, normative, and communication aspects
AuthorMetzger, Thomas A.
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherRainbow-Bridge Book Co. 虹橋書店
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
SeriesHarvard studies in East Asian law ; 7
ShelfDir. Office Gallery North
Call NumberJQ1509 1644 M45
Descriptionx, 469 pages ; 25 cm.
NoteThe internal organization of Ch’ing bureaucracy : legal, normative, and communication aspects / Thomas A. Metzger.
Reprint. Originally published by Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1973.
At head of title page: Qingchao guanliao zhengzhi neibu zhidu 清朝官僚政治內部制度.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 437-449) and index.
Jesuit mission and submission : Qing rulership and the fate of Christianity in China, 1644-1735
AuthorSwen Litian [Sun Litian 孫立天 · 孙立天]
PlaceLeiden ; Boston
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesEast and West (Leiden, Netherlands) ; v. 9
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberBV2290.S84 2021
Descriptionvii, 227 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.

Jesuit mission and submission : Qing rulership and the fate of Christianity in China, 1644-1735 / by Litian Swen.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Jesuit Mission and Submission' explains how the Jesuits entered the Manchu world after the Manchus conquered Beijing in 1644. Supported by Qing court archives, the book discovers the Jesuits? Manchu-style master-slave relationship with the Kangxi emperor. Against the backdrop of this relationship, the book reconstructs the back and forth negotiations between Kangxi and the Holy See regarding Chinese Rites Controversy (1705-1721), and shows that the Jesuits, although a group of foreign priests, had close access to Kangxi and were a trusted part of the Imperial circle. This book also redefines the rise and fall of the Christian mission in the early Qing court through key events, such as the Calendar Case and Yongzheng's prohibition of Christianity.

(pp. 1-22) Introduction
Confusions Over the Relationship Between Kangxi and the Jesuits -- The Cultural-Conflicts Paradigm and Its Problems -- Manchu’s Master-Slave Relationship -- Booi Slaves and Qing Rulership -- The Imperial Household Department in the Qing Power Network -- Missionaries and the Imperial Household Department -- Were the Missionaries booi slaves of Kangxi? -- Viewing Missionaries Through the Lens of the Master-Slave Relationship

Part One: The Jesuits’ Identity and Qing Rulership, 1644-1705

(pp. 25-49) Chapter One: Jesuits and Their Entrance in the Manchu World
Captives in a Battlefield -- Jesuits as Slaves and the Legacy of the Tong Clan -- Manchus’ Impression of Europeans -- Jesuits’ First Helpers -- Jesuits’ Involvement in the Cannon Business -- The Tong Family and the Jesuits -- Released from the Slave Status -- Conclusion

(pp. 50-74) Chapter Two: The Jesuits’ Strategic Turn
Missionaries Arrested: The Calendar Case of 1664 -- The Manchu Way or the Chinese Way? -- Manchu’s Religious Policies -- Confucian-Christian Relationship on Schall’s Birthday -- Yang Guangxian: Not a Confucian -- Divination and Confucianism -- Schall’s Involvement in Chinese Divination -- Trials, and Buglio and de Magalhaens’s Manchu Network -- Conclusion

(pp. 75-106) Chapter Three: The Jesuits and Kangxi’s Imperial Household Department
Kangxi’s Political Backbone -- Jesuits’ Contributions -- Jesuits’ Participation in Court Politics -- Verbiest’s Strategy and Legacy -- The Edict of Toleration -- The Jesuits’ Identity in the Kangxi Court -- The New French Jesuits and Their Network -- Conclusion

Part Two: Emperor Kangxi’s Negotiations with The Pope, 1705-1721

(pp. 109-141) Chapter Four: Kangxi, the Jesuits, and the First Papal Legation to China
The Kangxi Emperor and his Empire before 1705 -- The Papal Legation in Kangxi’s eyes -- The First Audience -- The Chinese Rites Controversy During de Tournon’s Stay in Beijing -- The Farewell Audience -- The Jesuits’ Omission -- After the Farewell Audience -- Piao -- Conclusion

(pp. 142-166) Chapter Five: Kangxi’s Fourteen-Year Wait and the Second Papal Legation
Waiting for a Response from Rome -- The Red Manifesto: Kangxi’s Open Letter to Europe -- Kangxi’s Unusual Patience: Why? -- Making Threats and Making the Deal -- Conclusion

Part Three: The Prohibition in 1724

(pp. 169-195) Chapter Six: The Yongzheng Emperor and Christian Missionaries
Kangxi’s Late Years -- Yongzheng’s Enthronement -- Missionaries’ Efforts -- Why Did Yongzheng Prohibit Christianity -- Yongzheng’s Own Explanations for Prohibition -- The Prohibition from the View of Others -- Buddhism: The Basis of Yongzheng’s Intellectual and Spiritual Mind -- Buddhism and its Influence on Yongzheng -- Yongzheng’s Buddhism and the Prohibition of Christianity -- Conclusion

Local access dig.pdf [Swen-Jesuit Mission Qing Rulership.pdf]

ISBN9789004447004 ; 9004447008
Legal institutions in Manchu China : a sociological analysis
AuthorVan der Sprenkel, Sybille
PublisherAthlone Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
Edition1st pbk. ed.
SeriesMonographs on social anthropology ; no. 24
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS754.12.V27 1966
Descriptionx, 180 p. : ill., map ; 22 cm.
NoteLegal institutions in Manchu China : a sociological analysis / by Sybille van der Sprenkel.
First paperback edition, with corrections, 1966. Reprinted, 19971.
Includes bibliographical references (p.154-162) and index.
Present day political organization of China. [Sovremennaja političeskaja organizacija Kitaja. English]
AuthorBrunnert, Īppolīt SemenovīchGagel'strom, V. V. (Viktor Vladimirovič)Kolesov, Nīkolǎ ḞedorovīchBeltchenko, A., fl. 1911
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberJQ1503.P737 B786 1911
Descriptioniv, 572, lxxxi p. ; 22 cm.
NotePresent day political organization of China / by H. S. Brunnert and V. V. Hagelstrom ; rev. by N. Th. Kolessoff ; translated from the Russian by A. Beltchenko and E. E. Moran.
"Alphabetical index of Chinese characters": p. iii-lxxiii.
Bibliography: p. lxxiv-lxxix.
Translation of: Sovremennaja političeskaja organizacija Kitaja.
Title: Sovremennaja političeskaja organizacija Kitaja.
Privileges for being slaves : Christian missionaries in the early Qing court
AuthorSwen Litian [Sun Litian 孫立天 · 孙立天]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3417.S946 2019d
Descriptionpdf [257 p. : ill.]

Privileges for being slaves: Christian missionaries in the early Qing court / by Litian Swen.
Thesis (Ph.D., History)—-City University of New York, 2019.
Bibliography: p.244-257.

This dissertation works to elucidate the long-term confusion over the identity of the Christian fathers in the early Qing court. The identity for which this dissertation argues is straightforward: Christian fathers were identified by the Kangxi emperor as his family slaves. The master-slave relationship has long been overlooked because it was overshadowed by an overwhelming focus on the Jesuit Adam Schall, who entered the Manchu court as a Chinese-style minister. Shifting the focus from Schall, this dissertation starts by showing two seldom mentioned Jesuits, Ludovico Buglio and Gabriel de Magalhaens, who entered into Manchu service as slaves. It was, this dissertation shows, not Schall but Buglio, Magalhaens, and the network they built through their slave status that set the foundation for future Jesuits’ successful participation in the Manchu empire. With the master-slave relationship between Kangxi and the Christian fathers established, the fourth and fifth chapters examine Kangxi’s receptions of the two papal legations as family guests instead of as foreign embassies of state.
The identity of the Christian missionaries, this dissertation shows, determined both rise and fall of the Christian mission in the Kangxi and Yongzheng’s reigns.

Chapter 1: Jesuits’ Entrance as Slaves into the Manchu's World
Chapter 2: The Calendar Case 1664 and the Beijing Jesuits' Adjustment of Strategy
Chapter 3: The Jesuits' Identity in Kangxi's Court
Chapter 4: Kangxi, the Jesuits, and the First Papal Legation to China
Chapter 5: Kangxi's Fourteen-Year Wait and the Second Papal Legation
Chapter 6: Yongzheng's Prohibition of Christianity in 1724

Local access dig.pdf. [Swen-Privileges.pdf]

Qingdai difang guanzhi kao 清代地方官制考
AuthorLiu Ziyang 劉子揚
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZijincheng chubanshe 紫禁城出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberJS7353.A8 L58 1988
Description7, 5, 539 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteQingdai difang guanzhi kao 清代地方官制考 / Liu Ziyang bianzhu 劉子揚編著.
Qingdai zhengxian leibian 清代徴獻類編
AuthorYan Mougong 巌懋功
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan Zhonghua shuju 臺灣中華書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberDS733.Z436 Y266 1968
Description2 v. (542 p.) ; 22 cm.
NoteQingdai zhengxian leibian 清代徴獻類編 : [上下冊] / Yan Mougong bian 巌懋功編.
Reprint of xinwei 辛未 [1931] ed.
民國57 [1968].
Qingji zhiguan biao : fu renwu lu 清季職官表 : 附人物錄. [Offices and personnel in the late Ch’ing period....1796-1911]
AuthorWei Xiumei 魏秀梅
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherZhongyang yanjiuyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo 中央研究院近代史研究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZhongyang yanjiuyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo shiliao congkan 中央研究院近代史研究所史料叢刊 ; 5
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberJQ1507.W44 1977
Description2 volumes ; 21 cm.
NoteQingji zhiguan biao : fu renwu lu 清季職官表 : 附人物錄 / Wei Xiumei bian 魏秀梅編.
Table of contents also in English, with a postface by Kwang-Ching Liu in English only.
Title also in English on p. [4] of cover: Offices and personnel in the late Ch’ing period: metropolitan officials and high officials in provinces and dependencies, 1796-1911.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
role of the southern officials during the Boxer uprising, 1900
AuthorLi Mo-yung, Linda [Li Murong 李慕戎]
PlaceHong Kong 香港
PublisherUniversity of Hong Kong 香港大學
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS771.5.L5 1964
Descriptiondig.pdf. [307 leaves ; 28 cm.]
NoteThe role of the southern officials during the Boxer uprising, 1900 / by Linda Li Mo-yung.
Thesis--M.A., University of Hong Kong. Includes bibliographical references (p.284-307).
Local access dig.pdf. [Li-OfficialsBoxers.pdf]
Online at HKU Scholars Hub.
Ting Jih-Ch'ang and Restoration Kiangsu, 1864-1890 : rhetoric and reality
AuthorOcko, Jonathan K., 1946-
PlaceNew Haven, CT
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberJQ1519.J542 O24 1975
Descriptionv, 393 leaves : maps ; 27.5 cm.
NoteTing Jih-Ch'ang and Restoration Kiangsu, 1864-1890 : rhetoric and reality / by Jonathan Kevin Ocko.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Yale University.
Includes bibliographical references [p.367-387].
training of government officials under the early Ch'ing, 1644-1795
AuthorLui, Adam Yuen-chung [Lü Yuancong] 呂元驄
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberJQ1512.L94 1964d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [iv, 361 leaves ; 27 cm.]
NoteThe training of government officials under the early Ch'ing, 1644-1795 / by Lui Yuen Chung, Adam.
Thesis (M.A., History)--University of Hong Kong, 1964.
Online at HKU Scholars Hub.
Local access dig.pdf. [Lui-Qing Officials Training.pdf]
Wan Qing zhiguanfa yanjiu 晚清職官法研究
AuthorLi Shuguang 李曙光
PlaceBeijing Shi 北京市
PublisherZhongguo Zhengfa daxue chubanshe 中國政法大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberJQ1512.C48 L57 2000
Description5, 2, 240 p. ; 20 cm.
NoteWan Qing zhiguanfa yanjiu 晚清職官法研究 / Li Shuguang zhu 李曙光著.
Spine title also in pinyin: Wan Qing zhi guan fa yan jiu.
Bibliography: p. 237-240.
Table of contents and abstract in English: Studies on the laws of officials in the late Ch'ing period, p.233-236.
Appendices: 各部官制通則, 光緒三十二年九月頒布 -- 各省官制通則, 光緒三十三年五月頒布 -- 法官考試任用暫行章程, 宣統元年頒布.
CIP Subject heading: Guanzhi--Lifa--Yanjiu--Zhongguo--Qing houqi 官職 -- 立法 -- 中國 -- 清後期.
ISBN7562011907 ; 9787562011903
Yin Shaozai zouyi 尹少宰奏議
AuthorYin Huiyi 尹會一, 1691-1748Zhang Shouchang 張受長, fl. 1750
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 0925-0926
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 0925-0926
Description2 v. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteYin Shaozai zouyi 尹少宰奏議 / Yin Huiyi chu 尹會一著 ; Zhang Shouchang bian 張受長編.
民國25 [1936].
Zhongguo guanshen fanjiao de yuanyin 中國官紳反教的原因 (1860-1874)
AuthorLü Shiqiang 呂實強
PlaceTaibei Xian Nangang Zhen 臺北縣南港鎮
PublisherZhongyang yanjiuyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo 中央研究院近代史研究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library, Ricci Institute Library [ASCC]
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZhongyang yanjiuyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo zhuankan 中央研究院近代史研究所專刊 ; 16
ShelfDigital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103, Stacks [ASCC]
Call NumberBV3425.2.L85 1966 + pdf
Description2, 284 pages ; 21 cm.

Zhongguo guanshen fanjiao de yuanyin 中國官紳反教的原因 (1860-1874) / Lü Shiqiang zhu 呂實強著.
Cover title also in English: Origin and cause of the anti-Christian movement by Chinese officials and gentry, 1860-1874.
Includes bibliographical references.

Library has 3 copies + pdf: 1. Rm 102-103 ; 2. ASCC ; 3. Hardbound with inserted booklet and notes (ASCC)

Local access dig.pdf. [中國官紳反教的原因.pdf] & Origin and cause of the anti-Christian movement by Chinese officials and gentry, 1860-74.pdf]