Author: Li Mo-yung, Linda [Li Murong 李慕戎]

role of the southern officials during the Boxer uprising, 1900
Publish_locationHong Kong 香港
PublisherUniversity of Hong Kong 香港大學
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
Record_typeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS771.5.L5 1964
Descriptiondig.pdf. [307 leaves ; 28 cm.]
NoteThe role of the southern officials during the Boxer uprising, 1900 / by Linda Li Mo-yung.
Thesis--M.A., University of Hong Kong. Includes bibliographical references (p.284-307).
Local access dig.pdf. [Li-OfficialsBoxers.pdf]
Online at HKU Scholars Hub.
SubjectChina--History--Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901 China--Politics and government--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911 China--Officials and employees--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911