Subject: Natural theology--Japan

overlooked connection between Ricci’s Tianzhu shiyi and Valignano’s Catechismus Japonensis
AuthorMeynard, Thierry 梅謙立
PlaceNagoya-shi 名古屋市
PublisherNanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 南山宗教文化研究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeExtract (PDF)
SeriesJapanese journal of religious studies
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBV3427.R46 M49 2013
DescriptionDig.pdf. [20 frames; p.303-322]
NoteThe overlooked connection between Ricci's Tianzhu shiyi and Valignano’s Catechismus Japonensis / Thierry Meynard S.J.
Extract from: Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 40/2: 303–322.
© 2013 Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture 南山宗教文化研究所
Includes bibliographical references.

It is well known that the Tianzhu shiyi (first published 1603) is the development of a previous catechism published some twenty years before, which Matteo Ricci completely remodeled according to his discussions with Chinese intellectuals. This article shows that Ricci’s mentor, Alessandro Valignano, and particularly his Catechismus japonensis, written in Japan from 1579 to 1582, shaped Ricci’s methods and ideas. This overlooked connection between the two works enables us to understand better Ricci’s debt toward his predecessor and his breakthrough in terms of engagement with indigenous culture.

Keywords: Matteo Ricci—Alessandro Valignano—Tianzhu shiyi—catechism
Local access dig.pdf. [Meynard-Ricci Valignano.pdf]