Subject: Cartography--China--History--17th century

Companions in geography : East-West collaboration in the mapping of Qing China (c.1685-1735)
AuthorCams, Mario
PlaceLeiden ; Boston
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesEast and West (Leiden, Netherlands) ; v. 1.
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberGA1121.C34 2017d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [xiii, 280 pages : maps, illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm.]

Companions in geography : East-West collaboration in the mapping of Qing China (c.1685-1735) /  by Mario Cams.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Situating the Study -- Delineation and Approach -- Cartography and the Jesuit Missions to China -- Chapter Overview --  1. Instruments for the Emperor: New Frontiers, New Practices --  1.1. Instrumental Convergence of Interests --  1.1.1. Academie and the Instrument Market in Paris --  1.1.2. King's Mathematicians' Interest in Cartography --  1.1.3. Paris-made Instruments for the French Mission --  1.2. Improving Cartographies: An Emperor's Quest --  1.2.1. Kangxi Emperor's Cartographic Aspirations --  1.2.2. Qing Statecraft and Cartographic Practice --  1.2.3. Qing Court's Appropriation of Paris-Made Instruments --  1.3. Frontier Matters: New Qing Cartographic Practice --  1.3.1. Integrating the Khalka: Exploring a New Frontier --  1.3.2. 1698 Preliminary Survey --  1.3.3. Re-standardizing the Qing's Most Basic Unit of Length -- Conclusion --  Intermission 1 Missionaries or Mapmakers? The Mapping Project and Its Place in the Mission -- Justifying Missionary Involvement -- Unauthorized Return of Joachim Bouvet -- Conclusion --  2. Of Instruments and Maps: The Land Surveys in Practice --  2.1. Beyond the Passes: Observations and Calculations --  2.1.1. New Qing Cartographic Practice along the Great Wall --  2.1.2. Revisiting the Manchu Homelands and Northern Frontiers --  2.1.3. Strategic Expeditions into Korea and Tibet --  2.2. Logistics in Mapping the Chinese Provinces --  2.2.1. Moving South: Sequence, Timing and Strategies --  2.2.2. Directed from the Center: The Emperor and His Administration --  2.2.3. Team Composition and Local Support --  2.3. Imperial Workshops Connection --  2.3.1. Mapmakers from the Inner Palace --  2.3.2. European Technical Experts and Assistants --  2.3.3. Logistical Centrality of the Imperial Workshops -- Conclusion --  Intermission 2 Missionaries and Mapmakers: Missionary Activity during the Land Surveys -- Restitution of Church Buildings -- Impact of the Chinese Rites Controversy -- Conclusion --  3. Afterlife of Maps: Circulation, Adaptation, and Negotiation --  3.1. Printed Life of the Overview Maps of Imperial Territories --  3.1.1. Woodblock Editions --  3.1.2. Copperplate Editions --  3.1.3. Imperially Commissioned Compilations and Later Renditions --  3.2. European Incorporation of a Qing Atlas --  3.2.1. Early Transmissions and Reception in Europe --  3.2.2. Contracting Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville --  3.2.3. Intercultural Adaptation: d'Anville's Regional Maps --  3.3. Beijing, Paris and Saint Petersburg: Negotiating the Gaps --  3.3.1. d'Anville's General Maps and the Paris-Saint Petersburg Connection --  3.3.2. Saint Petersburg Connection to Beijing --  3.3.3. d'Anville's Maps: Reception and Further Adaptations -- Conclusion -- Annex: Extant Kangxi-era Sheets (Printed) -- Conclusion: Unlocking Dichotomies: Revisiting Cross-Cultural Circulation -- On Qing Imperial Cartography: Traditional vs. Scientific Practice -- On the Role of the Individual: Global vs. Local Networks -- On Instruments and Maps: The Circulation vs. the Production of Knowledge -- On Interculturality: China vs. Europe.

In 'Companions in Geography' Mario Cams revisits the early 18th century mapping of Qing China, without doubt one of the largest cartographic endeavours of the early modern world. Commonly seen as a Jesuit initiative, the project appears here as the result of a convergence of interests among the French Academy of Sciences, the Jesuit order, and the Kangxi emperor (r. 1661-1722). These connections inspired the gradual integration of European and East Asian scientific practices and led to a period of intense land surveying, executed by large teams of Qing officials and European missionaries. The resulting maps and atlases, all widely circulated across Eurasia, remained the most authoritative cartographic representations of continental East Asia for over a century.

Local access dig.pdf. [Cams-Companions.pdf]

Making the new world their own : Chinese encounters with Jesuit science in the age of discovery
AuthorZhang Qiong 張琼, 1964-
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesHistory of science and medicine library. Scientific and learned cultures and their institutions
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberQ127.C5 Z4656 2015
Descriptionxx, 435 p. : ill. (some color), maps ; 25 cm. + pdf
NoteMaking the new world their own : Chinese encounters with Jesuit science in the age of discovery / by Qiong Zhang.

Introduction: Globalization, localization, and cultural resilience -- Mapping a contact zone -- Divergent discourses on the physical earth in premodern China -- The introduction and refashioning of the terraqueous globe -- Translating the four seas across space and time -- Taking in a new world -- Conclusion: Jesuit science and the shape of Chinese early modernity.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 363-414) and index.

"In Making the New World Their Own, Qiong Zhang offers a systematic study of how Chinese scholars in the late Ming and early Qing came to understand that the Earth is shaped as a globe. This notion arose from their encounters with Matteo Ricci, Giulio Aleni and other Jesuits. These encounters formed a fascinating chapter in the early modern global integration of space. It unfolded as a series of mutually constitutive and competing scholarly discourses that reverberated in fields from cosmology, cartography and world geography to classical studies. Zhang demonstrates how scholars such as Xiong Mingyu, Fang Yizhi, Jie Xuan, Gu Yanwu, and Hu Wei appropriated Jesuit ideas to rediscover China's place in the world and reconstitute their classical tradition"--Provided by publisher.
Local access dig.pdf [Zhang Qiong-Making the New World Their Own.pdf]

ISBN9789004284371 ; 9004284370
Shijie xiangxiang : Xixue-Dongjian yu Ming-Qing Hanwen dili wenxian 世界想像 : 西學東漸與明清漢文地理文獻
AuthorZou Zhenhuan 鄒振環
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhonghua shuju 中華書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesGuojia sheke jijin houqi zizhu xiangmu 國家社科基金後期資助項目
ShelfSeminar Room 102-103
Call NumberD16.4.C5 Z689 2022
Description3, 390 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Shijie xiangxiang : Xixue-dongjian yu Ming-Qing Hanwen dili wenxian 世界想像 : 西學東漸與明清漢文地理文獻 / Zou Zhenhuan zhu. 鄒振環著.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 365-386).

OCLC record indicates an added English title: "Imagination of the world : the eastward reflections of western learning and Chinese geographical documents in the Ming ang [sic] Qing dynasties" However, no English title appears anywhere in this book. 

16至19世紀的西學東漸,使中國社會進入獨特的文化轉型期。 此間所形成的漢文西學地理文獻,在中國社會和思想界激盪出對於世界的豐富人文想像。 本書透過對利瑪竇世界地圖、艾儒略《職方外紀》等明清漢文西學地理文獻的精細研究,展現出明清以來西方地理學和動植物知識在中國的傳播以及中國知識人為 會通中西所做的努力。 本書特別留意在全球史的背景下,將這些議題放入中國與世界的座標之中,嘗試梳理出在西學東漸宏大而壯闊的歷史畫面之中,圍繞明清地理文獻所展開的中西文化 之激烈碰撞與交融的複雜面向。

第一節 時空界定
第二節 「西學」與「西學東漸」
第三節 “世界”與“想像”
第四節 “文獻”與“漢文地理文獻”
第五節 前行研究
第六節 本書結構
第一章 神與乃囮:利瑪竇世界地圖在華傳播及其本土化
第一節 利瑪竇世界地圖摹繪的三個系列及其文字註記稿
第二節 利瑪竇世界地圖中的新知識、新觀念與新詞彙
第三節 利瑪竇世界地圖的二度本土化
第四節 本章小結
第二章 尋奇探異:《職方外紀》中的海外圖像
第一節 「西域奇人」艾儒略及其傳述「異聞」的編輯策略
第二節 《職方外紀》繪製的世界圖像與引進的新奇知識
第三節 《職方外紀》刊刻與明清學人的「世界意識」與「海外獵奇」的趣味
第四節 本章小結
第三章 宇內獸譜:《坤輿全圖》與大航海時代中西動物知識的交換
第一節 南懷仁《坤輿全圖》及其所據資料
第二節 東半球上的陸生動物
第三節 西半球上的陸生動物
第四節 「南美洲」與「澳洲」上的陸生動物
第五節 海生動物和美人魚
第六節 《坤輿全圖》與中西動物知識的交換
第七節 本章小結
第四章 六合秘聞:《七奇圖說》與清人視野中的“天下七奇”
第一節 《坤輿圖說》與《七奇圖說》的版本
第二節 「七奇」概念與內容在漢文文獻中的出現與介紹
第三節 清人視野中的“天下七奇”
第四節 本章小結
第五章 輿圖新詮釋:蔣友仁的《坤輿全圖》與《地球圖說》
第一節 作為清宮地理學家的蔣友仁
第二節 《坤輿全圖》繪製時間、文字形式、圖名與主要內容
第三節 《地球圖說》的成書時間及其所傳播的地理學新知識
第四節 「蔣友仁地圖學」中的日心說
第五節 本章小結
第六章 輿地智環:近代中國最早編製的百科全書《四洲志》
第一節 原本與譯本
第二節 內容與結構
第三節 新「志」體例及其新譯名
第四節 漢譯者
第五節 流傳與影響
第六節 本章小結
第七章 海國天下:《瀛環志略》所呈現的世界
第一節 對話與互動:徐繼畬與雅裨理
第二節 資料來源、版本與結構
第三節 內容與特點
第四節 譯名選擇與文化觀念
第五節 流傳與影響
第六節 本章小結
第八章 圖呈萬象:從《萬國大地全圖》到《大地全球一覽之圖》
第一節 繪製者
第二節 資料來源及其特點
第三節 “五大洲”“四大洲”和“六大洲”
第四節 關於「澳洲」的新知識
第五節 地圖附記的“東洋譯語”和“西洋譯語”
第六節 本章小結
第九章 全地新構:鄺其照及其《地球五大洲全圖》
第一節 作為留學生參軍和翻譯館編譯的鄺其照
第二節 完稿與刊刻時間
第三節 註記文字、作者題跋、圖表與數碼符號
第四節 《地球五大洲全圖》與鄺其照其他著譯的互文關係
第五節 本章小結
第十章 新洲探源:晚清中國知識界的「地理大發現」與澳洲想像
第一節 明末清初地理學漢文西書中關於澳洲的想像
第二節 晚清知識界的「地理大發現」與梁廷枏、徐繼畬關於澳洲的最初描述
第三節 來自實地考察與外人的知識訊息
第四節 《澳洲洲新志》及其增訂本《澳洲洲志譯本》
第五節 本章小結

本書透過明清漢文西學地理文獻的細讀,展示出來華西方傳教士和中國知識人參與各種地理學漢文文本的生產,以及不同媒介,文類和文化贊助者參與製作和流通的若干 個案,由此而形成了一系列嶄新的學術議題.本書特別留意在全球史的背景下,將這些議題放入中國與世界的坐標之中,嘗試梳理出在西學東漸宏大而壯闊的歷史 畫面之中,圍繞明清地理文獻所展開的中西文化之激烈碰撞和交融的複雜面向.--OCLC record

ISBN9787101158434 ; 7101158439