Subject: Church work with orphans--China--Shanghai--History

Chongshi Tushanwan suipian 重拾土山灣碎片
AuthorHuang Shulin 黃樹林
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai jinxiu wenzhang chubanshe 上海錦繡文章出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberDS796.S26 H92 2012
Description2 v. ; ill. ; 21 cm. + pdf
NoteChongshi Tushanwan suipian 重拾土山灣碎片 / zhubian Huang Shulin 主編黃樹林.
Includes bibliographical references.
Local access dig.pdf. [Huang-Tushanwan.pdf]
Orphelinat de T'ou-sè-wè : son histoire, son état présent
AuthorLa Servière, Joseph de
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherImprimerie de l'Orphelinat de T’ou-sè-wè, Zi-ka-wei
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (Photocopy), Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfReading Room, Digital Archives
Call NumberHV800.C5 L28 1914
Descriptionphotocopy + dig.pdf [47 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.]
NoteL'Orphelinat de T’ou-sè-wè : son histoire, son état présent / par J. de la Servière.
At head of t.p.: a nos bienfaiteurs.
Local access dig.pdf. [Orphelinat Tousewei]
Pedagogy, display, and sympathy at the French Jesuit orphanage workshops of Tushanwan in early-twentieth century Shanghai
AuthorMa, William H. (Hsingyo) [Ma Xinyue 馬新躍]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS796.T8 M3 2016 [restricted access]
Descriptiondig. pdf. [v, 219 p. : ill. (some color) ; 28 cm]
NotePedagogy, display, and sympathy at the French Jesuit orphanage workshops of Tushanwan in early-twentieth century Shanghai / by William Hsingyo Ma.
Dissertation (Ph.D., History of Art) University of California, Berkeley, 2016.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 104-118)

"This dissertation closely examines the art and craft workshops at the French-Jesuit-run orphanage of Tushanwan in the first decades of the twentieth-century. Founded in the 1860s, the workshops taught Chinese orphaned boys a wide range of vocational skills from painting to shoemaking in preparation for their entry into adulthood in a rapidly modernizing China. Using different art objects and projects created at the major workshops as my primary subjects of investigation, the dissertation analyzes the transmission, translation, and reinvention of modern Euro-American aesthetic ideologies and techniques at Tushanwan and their receptions. In the process I question the nature and motivation of commercial workshops like Tushanwan beyond the monetary and reframe its practices and operations in terms of the religious, institutional, cultural, and historical legacies of the Jesuits in China. I also expand the global scope of popular late nineteenth- century European aesthetic movements such as the Arts and Crafts by accounting for the reinterpretation of those ideologies within the local context. Through the works and practices from the workshops, I describe a collage of interactions between China and the world united by a sense of common spiritual identity that supposedly transcended national and state boundaries, but instead reified and maintained the heterogeneity of identities."--Abstract.

Local access dig. pdf. [Ma-Tushanwan workshops.pdf]
Restricted access. Author permission required.

Tushanwan gu'eryuan meishu gongchang yanjiu 土山灣孤兒院美術工場研究
AuthorGao Bei 高蓓
PublisherZhongyang meishu xueyuan 中央美術學院
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberDS796.S26 G37 2009d
Descriptionpdf. [[8], 205 pages. : illustrations]

Tushanwan gu’eryuan meishu gongchang yanjiu 土山灣孤兒院美術工場研究 / Gao Bei 高蓓.

Thesis (Ph.D., Fine Arts). 宗教美術研究。[2009届博士学位论文论]
Bibliography: p. 197-202


土山灣孤兒院藝術工場是清末入華耶穌會在上海徐家匯地區所創本是天主教導在中國進行「 救靈」 活動的附屬產物。 它一經誕生即旨在為江南、乃至中國的天主教教義的傳播服務。 這所工場在其存世的近百年時間裡陸續開設了印刷、木工、五金、繪畫等作場生產了大量的宗教祭祀用品以滿足天主教的傳教需求也培養了大批的工藝、美術人才。 但由於種種原因土山灣孤兒院美術工場出產的各類工藝、美術作品幾乎不存文獻資料散亂、稀缺。 故此能夠「 復原」 這樣一個美術工場對研究中國天主教美術在中國的傳播與影響無疑是非常有意義的。

上編在盡可能全面佔有材料的基礎上對土山灣孤兒院美術工場的發韌、發展和消隱進行了綜合研究以時間發展為經線以事件的發生為緯線力求建立起當時美術工場的歷史架構、復原其生產經營、管理培養等情況。下編選了教堂、繪畫、雕刻等與土山灣有關的典型材料對土山灣美術作品的鉤沉作了一個總結性論述。 關鍵字土山灣孤兒院藝術工場清末民國傳教天主教藝術耶穌會教堂、繪畫、雕刻.

Abstract (English)

T'ou-sè-wèi Orphanage Art Workshop was established in Xujiahui Area of Shanghai by Jesuits coming to China at the end of Qing Dynasty, a by-product of the lvation " activities of Catholicism in China. It was intended to serve the spreading Catholic doctrines in southern China and even in the whole country. During its tory of nearly 100 years, it set up a series of workshops in printing, woodworking, hardware and drawing, produced lots of religious oblations to meet the need of Catholicism promulgation and fostered many talents in art and craft. However, due to many reasons, almost none of the crafts and artworks produced T'ou-se-we exist today, and documents about them are rare and scattered. So the restoration of such an artwork is definitely very meaningful for the study of the spreading and influence of Christian art. The first part does a comprehensive study of the beginning, development and appearance of the T' ou-se-we Orphanage on the basis of all the materials that could acquired, trying to set up the history framework of the Art Workshop and restore its nal situation of production, management and training. The second part discusses T' ou-se-we art works by some typical materials about churches, paintings and sculptures.

Key words: T' ou-sè-wè Orphanage End of Qing Dynasty and Minguo Catholicism Jesuit Craft 

Local access dig.pdf. [Gao-Tushanwan.pdf]

See CNKI Bibliography for “土山湾孤儿院美术工场”研究

Yingxiang Tushanwan 影像土山灣 = Images of T'ou-Sè-Wè
AuthorSong Haojie 宋浩杰
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai wenhua chubanshe 上海文化出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Call NumberDS796.S26 T8 2012
Description297 p. : ill. (some color), maps ; 30 cm.

Yingxiang Tushanwan 影像土山灣 = Images of T'ou-Sè-Wè / [Song Haojie zhubian 宋浩傑主編].
Includes bibliographical references (pages 292-295).
Chinese and English.

上海徐家彙的南端有一處在中國近現代歷史上影響獨特的神奇之地, 其平凡的名稱藏匿著深邃的文化蘊涵, 此即地名樸實, 卻雅趣盎然的土山灣. 土山灣主要是以其孤兒院下設的"土山灣工藝場"而獲得了其文化盛譽. 這一工藝場分為繪畫部, 印刷部, 成衣製鞋部, 木工部和銅器部等幾大部分, 在文化藝術的創作上取得了巨大成就, 曾在中國近代文化藝術發展中起著引領作用, 形成了近代上海的"海派"文化風格及特色, 並對整個中國的近代文化發展產生了重要影響.--Publisher note (OCLC record).

ISBN9787807409854 ; 7807409851