Subject: Painting, Chinese--Ming-Qing dynasties, 1368-1911--Exhibitions--Catalogs

century of Tung Ch'i-ch'ang, 1555-1636
AuthorAddiss, Stephen, 1935-Ho, Wai-kam 何惠鑑Dong Qichang 董其昌, 1555-1636Nelson-Atkins Museum of ArtLos Angeles County Museum of ArtMetropolitan Museum of Art (New York, NY)
PlaceKansas City, MO
PublisherTrustees of the Nelson Gallery Foundation
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberN7349.T86 A42 1992
Description[40] p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 26 cm
NoteThe century of Tung Ch’i-ch’ang, 1555-1636 : a short guide to the exhibition / by Stephen Addiss, in cooperation with Wai-kam Ho.
Catalog guide to the exhibition held at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Apr. 19-June 14, 1992; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, July 19-Sept. 20, 1992; and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Oct. 23-Jan. 10, 1993.
Haiguo bolan : Qingdai gongting Xiyang chuanjiaoshi huashi huihua liupai gaishuo 海國波瀾 : 清代宮廷西洋傳敎士畫師繪畫流派槪說
AuthorMuseu de Arte de Macau 澳門藝術博物館Chen Haoxing 陳浩星Haiguo bolan 海國波瀾 : 清代宮廷西洋傳敎士畫師繪畫流派精品展 (2001 : 澳門藝術博物館)
PlaceAomen 澳門
PublisherAomen yishu bowuguan 澳門藝術博物館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (Exhibition catalog)
ShelfFolio Cabinet 2
Call NumberND1049.C25 H252 2002
Description127, [8] p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm.

Haiguo bolan : Qingdai gongting Xiyang chuanjiaoshi huashi huihua liupai gaishuo 海國波瀾 : 清代宮廷西洋傳敎士畫師繪畫流派槪說 = Exílio dourado : estudos gerais sobre a escola de pintura dos missionários ocidentais da corte da Dinastia Qing = The golden exile : survey of the western missionaries' painting school of the Qing Dynasty court / [zhubian Chen Haoxing 主编陳浩星 ; Minzheng zongshu , Aomen yishu bowug uan zhizuo 民政總署, 澳門藝術博物館製作].
Accompanies larger catalog.

ISBN9789993746003 ; 9993746002
Haiguo bolan : Qingdai gongting Xiyang chuanjiaoshi huashi huihua liupai jingpin 海國波瀾 : 清代宮廷西洋傳敎士畫師繪畫流派精品
AuthorMuseu de Arte de Macau 澳門藝術博物館Chen Haoxing 陳浩星Haiguo bolan 海國波瀾 : 清代宮廷西洋傳敎士畫師繪畫流派精品展 (2001 : 澳門藝術博物館)
PlaceMacau 澳門
PublisherMuseu de Arte de Macau 澳門藝術博物館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeExhibition catalog
ShelfFolio Cabinet 2
Call NumberND1049.C25 H25 2002
Description[335] p. : color ill., plates ; 36 cm.

Haiguo bolan : Qingdai gongting Xiyang chuanjiaoshi huashi huihua liupai jingpin 海國波瀾 : 清代宮廷西洋傳敎士畫師繪畫流派精品 = Exílio dourado : expressoẽs pictóricas da escola dos missionários ocidentais obras de arte da corte da dinastia Qing = The golden exile : pictorial expressions of the school of Western missionaries' artworks of the Qing dynasty court / [zhubian Chen Haoxing ; Aomen yishu bowuguan zhizuo 主編陳浩星 ; 澳門藝術博物館製作].
Catalog of an exhibition held in Macau, February 2002 (In Chinese, Portuguese, and English).

Contents: Qingdai gongting huihua zhidu tanwei 清代宮廷繪畫制度探微 : Tratado sobre o sistema de pinturas de corte na Dinastia Qing : A Treatise on the system of court paintings in the Qing Dynasty -- Lang Shining de fei chenzikuan hua 郎世寧的非臣字款畫 : Pinturas de Lang Shining sem assinatura de dedicatoria Imperial : Paintings by Lang Shining without signature for Imperial dedication / Nie Chongzheng 聶崇正 -- Qinggong renwuhua de ziranzhuyi quxiang 清宮人物畫的自然主義趨向 : Tendencias naturalistas nos retratos Imperiais Qing : Naturalistic trend of the Qing Imperial portraiture / Yu Hui 余輝 -- Xiyang chuanjiaoshi huashi yu Qingdai gongting jianzhu huihua 西洋傳教士畫師與清代宮廷建築繪畫 : Pintores missionarios ocidentaise as pinturas arquitectonicas imperiais da Dinastia Qing : Western missionary painters and Imperial architectural paintings of the Qing Dynasty / Fu Dongguang 傅東光 -- Wu Yushan de chuanshi jiazuo 吳漁山的傳世佳作 : As obras-primas de Wu Li : On some of the extant masterpieces by Wu Li / Zhang Wenqin 章文欽 -- Lang Shining, Wang Zhicheng, Ai Qimeng zai Beijing de wenwu yicun 郎世寧, 王致誠, 艾啟蒙在北京的文物遺存 : Tumulos e monumentos de Lang Shining, Wang Zhicheng e Ai Qimeng em Pequim : Relics and memorials of Lang Shining, Wang Zhicheng, and Ai Qimeng in Beijing / Wu Menglin 吳夢麟 -- Ming-Qing zhi ji de Aomen: Chuanjiaoshi jinru Zhongguo zui zhongyao qudao 明清之際的澳門: 傳教士進入中國最重要渠道 : A porta de entrada dos missionarios na China: Macau nos finais da dinastia Ming e inicios da dinastia Qing : Macao in the Ming and Qing Dynasties: the missionaries main gateway to China --Aomen shi Xiyang meishu chuanru Zhongguo de faxiangdi 澳門是西洋美術傳入中國的發祥地 : Macau : Berco da arte ocidental na China : Macao, the originating course of the introduction of Western aesthetics into China --Ming-Qing zhi jijing Aomen jinru Zhongguo neidi Xiyang huajia gouchen 明清之際經澳門進入中國內地西洋畫家鉤沉 : Pintores Ocidentais vindos de Macau para a China durante as Dinastias Ming e Qing : Western painters entering China through Macao during the Ming and Qing Dynasties / Tang Kaijian 湯開建 -- 年表 : Cronologia da pintura de corte na Dinastia Qing e acontecimentos relacionados: Chronology of court paintings in the Qing Dynasty and related events.

"The influx of missionaries to China began after the European Reformation, with Macau serving as an initial stopover point.....during the late Ming and early Qing...missionaries brought with them Western science, culture and art. In 1715 (54th year of Kangxi's reign) Giuseppe Castiglione worked in the imperial palace .... and won the adminration of Kangxi, Yongzhen and Qianlong. Jean-Denis Attiret, Ignaz Sichelbarth, Louis de Poirot, Giuseppe Panzi and others followed, serving as missionary painters in the Qing imperial court. The integration of Western techniques of chiaroscuro and perspective, along with the characteristics of Chinese traditional painting, nurtured a new school of painting in China....a tremendous influence on Chinese painters. The Provisional Municipal Council of Macau....with the Palace Museum exhibition.... coincides with the second anniversary of the return of sovereignty of Macau to China." --prefatory note.
***Graphic resource: horses, architecture, portraits, landscapes.

ISBN9993729612 ; 9789993729617
Ming yimin shuhualu 明遺民書畫錄. [Zhilelou suocang 至樂楼所藏]
AuthorLao Tianbi 勞天庇He Yaoguang [Ho Yao-kuang] 何耀光, 1907-2006Zhilelou 至樂樓 (Hong Kong)
PlaceXianggang 香港
PublisherHeshi Zhilelou 何氏至樂楼
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Exhibition catalog)
SeriesHeshi Zhilelou congshu 何氏至樂楼叢書 ; 1
Call NumberZ43.A2 L267 1962
Description2, 6, 100 p., 8 lvs. of plates : ill. ; 19 cm.
NoteMing yimin shuhualu 明遺民書畫錄 / Lao Tianbi bian 勞天庇編.
At head of title: Zhilelou suocang 至樂楼所藏.
Pre-exhibition catalog of an exhibition to be held Dec. 20-22, 1962, at Xianggang Dahuitang ba lou 香港大會堂八樓.
Paintings and calligraphy by Ming I-min from the Chih-lo Lou Collection. Zhileloucang Ming yimin shuhua 至樂樓藏明遺民書畫. [Zhilelou shuhua lu至樂樓書畫錄]
AuthorRao Zongyi [Jao Tsung-i] 饒宗頤, b. 1917Chinese University of Hong Kong. Art GalleryHe Yaoguang [Ho Yao-kuang] 何耀光, 1907-2006
PlaceXianggang 香港
PublisherGaiguan 該館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
TypeBook (Exhibition catalog)
SeriesWenwuguan congshu 文物館叢書 ; 10
Call NumberND1043.5.P28 R279 1975
Description[26] p., 203 p. of plates : chiefly ill. ; 27 cm.
Note至樂樓藏明遺民書畫 : 香港中文大學中國文化研究所文物館 ・ 展期1975年9月 = Paintings and calligraphy by Ming I-min from the Chih-lo Lou Collection / Art Gallery, Institute of Chinese Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Exhibition held in Hong Kong, September 1975.
Introduction written by Rao Zongyi 饒宗頤.
"何氏至樂樓庋藏書畫甚豐 ... 1962 年曾在大會堂展出一次. 前年又有(至樂樓書畫錄--明遺民之部)之刊行 ... 此次在文物館展出者即該著錄所載之全部書畫, 並攝影製版以成此册.
Introductory material and captions in English and Chinese.
Bibliography: p. [23-24].
Peintures chinoises, Ming et Ts'ing, XVe-XIX siècles, de la collection Mu-fei : juin-août 1967
AuthorMusée CernuschiBobot, Marie-Thérèse
PublisherÉditions Euros
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
TypeExhibition catalog
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberN5285.C5 C53 1967
Description[32] p., [13] p. of plates : ill. ; 30 cm.
NotePeintures chinoises, Ming et Ts'ing, XVe-XIX siècles, de la collection Mu-fei [i.e. 木扉] : juin-août 1967 / [catalogue rédigé par M.-T. Bobot].
At head of title: Ville de Paris, Musée Cernuschi.
Text in French.
Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Musée Cernuschi, Paris, June - August, 1967.
Includes bibliographical references.
Worshipping the ancestors : Chinese commemorative portraits
AuthorStuart, JanRawski, Evelyn SakakidaArthur M. Sackler Gallery (Smithsonian Institution)
PlaceWashington, D.C.
PublisherFreer Gallery of Art
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition1st ed.
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberND1326.S78 2001
Description216 p. : color ill. ; 33 cm.

Jan Stuart, Evelyn S. Rawski.
Catalog of an exhibition held June 17-Sept. 9, 2001 at Sackler Gallery.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-209) and index.
"Published by the Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., in association with Stanford University Press, Stanford, California"
Foreword: Milo Cleveland Beach -- Acknowledgments & Introduction: Jan Stuart -- 1. Portraiture and ancestor rituals -- 2. Visual conventions -- 3. Realism and the Iconic pose -- 4. Nomenclature, production, and documentary value -- 5. Portrait at the Qing Court -- 6. The identity of the sitters -- 7. Innovation within tradition -- Notes -- Appendixes: 1. Other Chinese Portraits in the Collection of the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery. 2. Selected Biographies. -- Bibliography -- Glossary of Chinese Characters. Index.
Publisher information

Xin shijian : Lang Shining yu Qinggong Xiyangfeng 新視界 : 郎世寧與清宮西洋風 = New Visions at the Ch'ing court : Giuseppe Castiglione and Western-style trends
AuthorGuoli gugong bowuyuan 國立故宮博物院Wang Yaoting 王耀庭, 1943-Brix, Donald E. 蒲思棠Chen Yunru 陳韻如
PlaceTainan Shi 臺南市
PublisherGuoli gugong bowuyuan 國立故宮博物院
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeExhibition catalog
Call NumberND623.C485 X57 2007
Description163 p. : color ill. ; 31 cm.

Xin shijian : Lang Shining yu Qinggong Xiyangfeng 新視界 : 郎世寧與清宮西洋風 = New Visions at the Ch’ing court : Giuseppe Castiglione and Western-style trends / zhubian Wang Yaoting 主編王耀庭. [陳韻如文字撰述 ; 蒲思棠 (Donald Brix)英譯].
Bibliography: p.138-139.
民國96 [2007]. ***Graphic resource.
See exhibit website for more details.

Zhang Yuejun xiansheng, Wang Xueting xiansheng, Luo Zhixi furen juanzeng shuhua tezhan mulu 張岳軍先生, 王雪艇先生, 羅志希夫人捐贈書畫特展目錄
AuthorGuoli gugong bowuyuan 國立故宮博物院
PlaceTaibei 台北
PublisherGuoli gugong bowuyuan 國立故宮博物院
CollectionRicci Institute Library [W8F2]
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Collection catalog)
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberND1042.K86 1978
Description248 p. : ill. (some color) ; 31 cm.
NoteZhang Yuejun xiansheng, Wang Xueting xiansheng, Luo Zhixi furen juanzeng shuhua tezhan mulu 張岳軍先生, 王雪艇先生, 羅志希夫人捐贈書畫特展目錄 / [bianzuanzhe Guoli gugong bowuyuan 編纂者國立故宮博物院].
Catalog of the exhibition held at the National Palace Museum, Taipei.
"Dedicated to Chia-Yu Wu (伍家宥,1897-1983), Chinese Scholar and Legislator of Taiwan 1946 - 1983"
"Donated by Professor and Mrs. F. Y. Wu (伍法岳, 張青芝)"