Subject: Pereira, Tomás [Tomé] 徐日昇, 1645-1708--Diary

The Jesuits and the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689) : the Diary of Thomas Pereira
AuthorSebes, Joseph (József), 1915-1990Pereira, Tomás [Tomé] 徐日昇, 1645-1708
PublisherInstitutum Historicum S.I.
CollectionRouleau Archives
TypeBook, Data CD (PDF)
SeriesBibliotheca Instituti Historici S.I. ; 18
ShelfStacks, Digital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberDS740.5.R8 S35 1962
Descriptionxxxv, 341 p. : fold. maps, table ; 25 cm.

The Jesuits and the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689) : the Diary of Thomas Pereira / [Joseph Sebes].
Bibliography (p.[xiii]-xxxv).

Introduction to Father Pereira's diary: Russia's eastward expansion.--China's relations toward the "northern regions."--Embassies and military operations between Russia and China before 1689.--Interest of the Jesuits in early Sino-Russion relations.--The role of the Jesuits at Nerchinsk.--After the Treaty of Nerchinsk.--Father Thomas Pereira, the manuscripts of his diary and general observations concerning its contents.--Text of the treaty contained in the diary.--Our edition - The original Portuguese text and the English translation of Father Pereira's diary.--Apendices (p.[304]-319): l. List of the Ural-Altaic peoples in the seventeenth century. 2. List of Chinese characters.

Dig. ed. local access only. [Sebes-JesuitsNerchinsk.pdf]
