Subject: Confucius 孔子. Lunyu 論語--Quotations

Kongzi mingyan lu 孔子名言錄 = Quotations from Confucius. [Lunyu 論語. English & Chinese. Selections]
AuthorConfucius 孔子Legge, James, 1815-1897Guoji yuyan yanjiu yu fazhan zhongxin 國際語言研究與發展中心
PlaceBeijing Shi 北京市
PublisherGaodeng jiaoyu chubanshe 高等教育出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (fanfold)
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberPL2471.R43 2006
Description31 p. : fan-folded ; 26 cm.
NoteKongzi mingyan lu 孔子名言錄 = Quotations from Confucius / Guoji yuyan yanjiu yu fazhan zhongxin bian 國際語言研究與發展中心編.
Chinese and English.
Cover title.
Fan-old, accordion style binding.
"The English translation of the book is based on the edition of The Analects of Confucius translated by James Legge"--Pref.
ISBN7040203294 ; 9787040203295