Subject: Jesus Christ--Crucifixion

Bei ding shizijia de Shangdi 被釘十字架的上帝. [Der gekreuzigte Gott. Chinese]
AuthorRuan Wei 阮煒Moltmann, Jürgen
PlaceHong Kong 香港
PublisherDaofengshan Jidujiao conglin 道風山基督教叢林
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesLidai Jidujiao sixiang xueshu wenku 歷代基督教思想學術文庫 ; 201
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBT202.M5512 1994
Description431 p. ; 21 cm.
Note被釘十字架的上帝 / 莫尔特曼著 ; 阮炜等译.
Translation of : Der gekreuzigte Gott : das Kreuz Christi als Grund und Mas der Theologie, first published in 1971. Published in English as : The crucified God : the cross of Christ as the foundation and criticism of Christian theology.
Includes bibliographical references.
Zhengjiao anwei 正教安慰
AuthorGützlaff, Karl Friedrich August 郭實臘, 1803-1851
PlaceXinjiapo 新加坡
PublisherJianxia shuyuan cangban 堅夏書院藏板
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeDigital text (djvu)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBT301.2.G879 1836
Descriptiondig.file [4, [78] double l. ; 27 cm.]
NoteZhengjiao anwei 正教安慰 : [4卷] / Ai Hanzhe zuan 愛漢者纂.
道光16 [1836].
Local access only. [正教安慰.djvu]
Available online at National Library of Australia.

正教安慰 Chíng keaóu gan wei. "Consolations of religion….in 4 books, the 1st of which contains a summary of the life, sufferings, condemnation, death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord, in nine sections; the 2nd book elaborates the successive discourses of the Saviour; the 3rd enters into detail regarding the various events in the life of Jesus; and the 4th relates His resurrection, several appearances, ascension to heaven, sending the Holy Spirit, with power to work miracles, conversion of men, and glory of Christ.” Cf. Wylie, Memorials, p. 57, no.8.