Subject: China--History--Yuan dynasty, 1260-1368--Sources

Da Yuan shengzheng guochao dianzhang 大元聖政國朝典章. [Yuan dianzhang 元典章]
AuthorShen Jiaben 沈家本, 1840-1913
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherWenhai chubanshe 文海出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberKQK.Y83 1964
Description2 v. (936 p.) ; 27 cm
NoteDa Yuan shengzheng guochao dianzhang 大元聖政國朝典章 / Shen Jiaben jiao 沈家本校.
Each page represents 2 leaves of the original.
Reprint of Guangxu wushen 光緖戊申 (1908) ed.

Yuan dianzhang 元典章 (Compendium of statutes and substatutes of the Yuan, or, more concisely, Institutions of the Yuan dynasty), 1322; the Shen Jiaben (1908) edition [this edition] was superseded in 1972 with the publication of a facsimile of the original revised and expanded 1303 edition. “The text consists of a huge collection of codes, ordinances, precedents, cases, and bureaucratic notes, thus reflecting the rich variety of the legal and social life of the Yuan dynasty.” Because so much of the text is “in the peculiar style of the Yuan period colloquial Chinese and further reflects, in many cases, the diction and grammar of Mongolian documents that underlie the Chinese texts, it has been difficult to read and also is offensive to cultivated Chinese because of the crudeness of its language.” --Cf. Wilkinson, Chinese history, a manual, p. 873.

Did Marco Polo go to China?
AuthorWood, Frances, 1948-
PlaceBoulder, CO
PublisherWestview Press
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfStacks [AEC]
Call NumberG370.P9 W66 1996
Descriptionix, 187 p. : ill., map ; 22 cm.

Did Marco Polo go to China? / Frances Wood.
Originally published: London : Secker & Warburg, 1995.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 175-179) and index.

ISBN0813389984; 9780813389981
Jiaokanxue shili 校勘學釋例. [Yuan dianzhang jiaobu shili 元典章校補釋例]
AuthorChen Yuan 陳垣, 1880-1971
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhonghua shuju 中華書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Edition第1版, 上海第1次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberDS752.J517 C436 1959
Description2, 3, 15, 1, 160 p. ; 20 cm.
NoteJiaokanxue shili 校勘學釋例 / Chen Yuan zhuan 陳垣撰.
Reprint. Original title: Yuan dianzhang jiaobu shili 元典章校補釋例.
Liyun shuwu congke 勵耘書屋叢刻
AuthorChen Yuan 陳垣, 1880-1971
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing shifan daxue chubanshe 北京師範大學出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberAC149.C433 1982
Description3 v. (2536 p.) ; 20 cm.
NoteLiyun shuwu congke 勵耘書屋叢刻 / Chen Yuan zhu 陳垣著.
Reprint. "Ju Liyun shuwu Minguo niansannian keban 劇勵耘書屋民國廿三年[1934]刻版"--verso t.p.
Includes bibliographies.
Contents: Yuan Xiyuren Huahua kao 元西域人華化考 -- Yuan dianzhang jiaobu 元典章校補 -- Yuan dianzhang jiaobu shili 元典章校補釋例 -- Shihui juli 史諱舉例 -- Jiu Wudaishi jiben fafu 舊五代史輯本發覆 -- Wu Yushan xiansheng nianpu 吳漁山先生年譜 -- Shishi yinianlu 釋氏疑年錄 -- Qingchu seng zhengji 清初僧諍記.
Menggu shiliao sizhong 蒙古史料四種
AuthorWang Guowei 王國維, 1877-1927
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherZhengzhong shuju 正中書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberDS752.W36 1962
Description1, 632 p. ; 21 cm
NoteMenggu shiliao sizhong 蒙古史料四種 / Wang Guowei bianzhu 王國維編著.
民國51 [1962]. Facsimile reproduction of 1926 ed.
Contents: Shengwu qinzhenglu 聖武親征錄[一卷] -- Changchun zhenren Xiyouji zhu 長春真人西遊記注[二卷] -- Meng Da beilu jianzheng 蒙韃備錄箋證[一卷] -- Hei Da shilüe jianzheng 黑韃事略箋證[一卷] -- Fu Dada kao yijuan Liao-Jin shi Menggu kao 附韃靼考一卷遼金時蒙古考[一卷].
Odorico da Pordenone e la Cina : Atti del convegno storico internazionale
AuthorOdorico, da Pordenone, 1265?-1331Melis, Giorgio, 1925-
PublisherEdizioni Concordia Sette
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeConference Proceedings
SeriesStoria, cultura, arte, economia ; 3
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS6.O343 1983 v. 1
Description246 p. : folding color maps ; 24 cm.
NoteOdorico da Pordenone e la Cina : Atti del convegno storico internazionale : Atti del convegno storico internazionale, Pordenone 28-29 maggio 1982 / A cura di Giorgio Melis.
At head of title: Amministrazione Provinciale di Pordenone, Centro Iniziative Culturali Pordenone.

Contents: Odorico e gli altri viaggiatori francescani dell'epoca Yuan / Giuliano Bertuccioli. -- La Cina plurinazionale dell'epoca Yuan / Piero Corradini. -- I Mongoli in Asia al tempo della Relatio / Luciano Petech. Il cristianisimo cinese nel secolo XVI / Paul Pang, OFM. -- I manoscritti della Relatio : problematica per un'edizione critica / Lucio Monaco. -- Bozza per un censimento dei manoscritti odoriciani / Giulio Cesare Testa. -- Il Beato Odorico da Pordenone : appunti bibliografici / Clément Schmitt. -- L'antropologia culturale nella Relatio di Fra Odorico da Pordenone / Bernward H. Willeke, OFM. -- Curiosità e leggende medievali nella Relatio / Gunther Hamann. -- Le contraddizioni sociali della Cina nella prima metà del XIV secolo / Yang Na. -- Contributo di Odorico alla conoscenza geografica dell'Asia / Osvaldo Baldacci. -- Odorico nella Cina del trecento : itinerario e realtà sociale secondo la Relatio / Giorgio Melis.
Includes a descriptive bibliography of manuscript editions of Odoric's Relatio, p. 121-150.

Keywords: Mongols ; Yuan dynasty ; Relatio ; Central Asia, medieval geography ; biographical descriptions of Franciscan missionaries; Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, William of Rubruk, John of Montecorvino, John of Marignolli.

Shenke Yuan dianzhang jiaobu 沈刻元典章校補
AuthorShen Jiaben 沈家本, 1840-1913Chen Yuan 陳垣, 1880-1971
PlaceTaibei 臺北
PublisherWenhai chubanshe 文海出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberKQK.Y84 1967
Description758 p. ; 26 cm
NoteShenke Yuan dianzhang jiaobu 沈刻元典章校補 : [zhaji 6 juan 札記6卷, juewen 3 juan 闕文3卷, biaoge 1 juan 表格1卷] / Chen Yuan zhuan 陳垣撰.
Reprint. Originally published: Beijing 北京 : Beijing daxue yanjiusuo Guoxuemen 北京大學硏究所國學門, Minguo 民國20 [1931].
vangelo in Oriente : Giovanni da Montecorvino, frate minore e primo vescovo in terra di Cina (1307-1328)
AuthorSella, Pacifico
PlaceAssisi, Pg
PublisherEdizioni Porziuncola
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
LanguageItalian, Latin
SeriesCollana Viator
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBV3427.J615 S45 2008
Description150 p [1] : map ; 24 cm
NoteIl Vangelo in Oriente : Giovanni da Montecorvino, frate minore e primo vescovo in terra di Cina (1307-1328) / Pacifico Sella ; prefazione di Francesco D'Arelli.
Includes a selection of letters in original Latin, with facing Italian translation, and lengthy commentary in Italian.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 135-143) and index.

Contents: Prefazione -- Sigle e Abbreviazioni -- Introduzione -- 1. L'Oriente Tartaro e i Viaggi Missionari -- 2. Le Letteredi Fra Giovanni di Montecorvino -- Conclusione -- Appendici -- Bibliografia -- Indice dei Nomi

ISBN8827006184 ; 9788827006184
Xinyi jianzhu Menggu mishi 新譯簡注蒙古秘史. [Menggu bishi 蒙古秘史. Yuanchao mishi 元朝秘史]
AuthorDaoruntibu 道潤梯步
PlaceXianggang 香港
PublisherShenghuo Dushu Xinzhi Sanlian shudian 生活讀書新知三聯書店
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese, Mongolian
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS19.Y83 1980
Description14, 424 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteXinyi jianzhu "Menggu mishi" 新譯簡注蒙古秘史 / Daoruntibu zhu 道潤梯步著.
Reprint. Originally published: Yuanchao mishi. Huhehaote. Nei Menggu renmin chubanshe 元朝秘史 : 呼和浩特內蒙古人民出版社, 1979.
Includes bibliographical references.
Yuandai baihua beiji lu 元代白話碑集錄
AuthorZhongguo kexueyuan 中國科學院. Yuyan yanjiusuo 語言研究所Cai Meibiao 蔡美彪, 1928-
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherKexue chubanshe 科學出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Edition第1版, 第1次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文
Call NumberDS752.Y816 C256 1955
Description3, 4, 133 p., [4] ℓ of plates : ill. ; 26 cm.
NoteYuandai baihua beiji lu 元代白話碑集錄 / Cai Meibiao 蔡美彪 ; Zhongguo kexueyuan yuyan yanjiusuo bian 中國科學院語言硏究所編.
Includes bibliographical references and index.