Subject: Yang Kuan 楊寬, 1914-2005--Biography

Rekishi gekiryū Yō Kan jiden : aru rekishi gakusha no kiseki 歴史激流楊寬自伝 : ある歴史学者の軌跡. [Lishi jiliu zhong de dongdang he quzhe 歷史激流中的動盪和曲折. Japanese]
AuthorYang Kuan 楊寬, 1914-2005Nishijima Sadao 西嶋定生, 1919-1998Takagi Satomi 高木智見, 1955-
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherTōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai 東京大学出版会
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS734.9.Y34 A3 1995
Description482, 6 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
NoteRekishi gekiryū Yō Kan jiden : aru rekishi gakusha no kiseki 歴史激流楊寬自伝 : ある歴史学者の軌跡 / chosha Yō Kan ; kan’yaku Nishijima Sadao, yaku Takagi Satomi 著者楊寬 ; 監訳西嶋定生, 訳高木智見.
English title on t.p. verso: Historian's life in stormy China : the memoirs of Yang Kuan.
Translation of: Lishi jiliu zhong de dongdang he quzhe 歷史激流中的動盪和曲折.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Maps on lining papers.
"Donation by Prof. Yang Kuan to Honor Fr. Laszlo Ladany, S.J. (1914-1990)"--stamp on t.p.
ISBN4130230441 ; 9784130230445