Subject: Sun--Early works to 1800

Richan biao 日躔表. [Jap-Sin II, 28]
AuthorRho, Giacomo 羅雅谷, 1592-1638
LanguageChinese 中文
Description2 juan in 1 v.
NoteFull bibliographic citation see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

JapSin II, 28
Richan biao 日躔表.
By Luo Yagu 羅雅谷 (Giacomo Rho).
Two juan. Bound in one volume, European style (juan A and juan B are inverted). No date or place of publication.

The cover bears a label with the title. The Latin inscription reads: “Calculus motus solis | a p. Jacobo Rho | 2 tomi.”
The verso of folio 1 of juan A mentions the collection (Xiyang xinfa lishu) and the section to which the text belongs: 西洋新法曆書,法數部,日躔表, the chief compiler (Xu Guangqi): 明禮部尚書兼翰林院學士協理詹事府事加俸一級徐光啟督修, the author and reviser (Giacomo Rho and Adam Schall): 修政曆法極西耶穌會士羅雅谷撰,湯若望訂, and the proofreaders (Wu Mingzhu, Chen Zhengjian, Sun Silie, Pan Guoxiang, Dong Siding and Bao Yingqi): 門人鄔明著,陳正諫,孫嗣烈,潘國祥,董思定,鮑英齊受法.
The table of contents consist of one folio. There are nine columns in each half folio with twenty-two characters in the first column of each paragraph and twenty-one in the rest of the paragraph. Annotations are given in smaller type and in double lines. There is a misplacing of folios in juan A: after folio 48 come folios 33–59. In the middle of each folio are given the title of the book, the number of the juan, the title of the chapter and the number of the folio.

Cf. Pfister, p. 191, no. 15 (Tables pour calculs de soleil, 2 vol.); Couplet, p. 23 (Omnes tabulae ad absolutum solis calculum spectantes 2 vol.), Hsü 1949, p. 379; Courant 4959, 4960.
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 311-312.

Richan lizhi 日躔曆指. [Jap-Sin II, 27]
AuthorRho, Giacomo 羅雅谷, 1592-1638
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
Description1 juan.
NoteFull bibliographic citation see: Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database).

JapSin II, 27
Richan lizhi 日躔曆指.
By Luo Yagu 羅雅谷 (Giacomo Rho).
One juan. Bamboo paper in one volume, European style. No date or place of publication.

The cover bears a label with the title. There is a Latin inscription that reads: “Introductio ad Astro | nomiam | a p. Jac. Rho, S.J.”
The verso of the title page mentions the collection (Xiyang xinfa lishu) and the section to which the text belongs: 西洋新法曆書,法原部,日躔, the chief compiler (Xu Guangqi): 明禮部尚書兼翰林院學士協理詹事府事加俸一級徐光啟督修, the author and reviser (Giacomo Rho and Adam Schall): 修政曆法極西耶穌會士羅雅谷撰,湯若望訂, and the proofreaders (Wu Mingzhu, Zhou Shichang, Chen Yingdeng, Zhu Guangxian, Chen Yujie, and Xu Huan): 門人鄔明著,周士昌,陳應登,朱光顯,陳于階,徐瑍受法.
There is a table of contents (three folios). The whole book consists of forty-two folios. Each half folio has nine columns, with twenty-two characters in the first column and twenty-one in the rest of the paragraph. Annotations are given in smaller type and in double lines. The title of the book and the number of the folio are given in the middle of each folio.
While consciously beholden to Copernicus and Galileo, Rho did not accept the heliocentric system, preferring to consider the assertions of these masters unproved. Possibly his hesitation was due to tactical consideration - not to disturb either the ideas held by the Chinese or the official doctrine of the Church.

Cf. Pfister, p. 191, no. 14 (Théorie du soleil); Couplet, p. 23 (Theoria Solis).
Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 310-311.
