Author | Song Yingxing 宋應星, b.1587Schäfer, Dagmar |
Place | Chicago |
Publisher | University of Chicago Press |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Book, Digital Book (PDF) |
Shelf | Hallway Cases, Digital Archives |
Call Number | Q127.C5 S825 2011 |
Description | vii, 344 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm. |
Note | The crafting of the 10,000 things : knowledge and technology in Seventeenth-Century China / Dagmar Schäfer. Includes bibliographical references (p. 307-326) and index. Knowing "things and affairs" in premodern China -- Nature, crafts, and knowing -- Private affairs -- The Ming dynasty and the Song family -- Childhood and education -- Driving forces: the appointment of Chen Qixin -- Song's writing campaign -- Affairs of honor -- Knowledge in terms of qi: universal rulings and rationality -- The truth in heaven and the order of qi -- The power of heaven: omens and eclipses -- Systems of value: the sage-kings, the authority of the past, and man's role -- The knowledge in crafts -- Public affairs -- Crafts and the Ming state -- Man's nature (xing) and talents -- Abilities and education -- Social permeability and the commercialization of society: the merchant -- Customs and habits -- Written affairs -- Rhetoric of knowledge inquiry: texts and experience -- Images, technology and argument -- Observing the nature of qi: theory and practice in knowledge construction -- The complexity of qi transformations: composites and compositions of qi -- Formulating the transformation -- Reading the signature of yin-yang qi in gas, salt, wind, and rain -- Growth and decay: wood, corpses, and the proportional relation of yin and yang -- Glitches in the matrix of qi: the concepts of ashes and particles -- Acoustics -- An anatomy of sound -- The human voice -- Volume and velocity -- Resonance and harmony -- Conclusion. leaving the theater -- Epilogue. aftermath -- By virtue of friendship: literary sponsorship -- By virtue of position: outside and opposition -- By virtue of loyalty: moral obligations -- An artifact in transmission: The editions of the Works of heaven -- Writing about practical knowledge in the Chinese literati world -- Acknowledgments -- Appendix 1. Chinese dynasties and various rulers -- Appendix 2. Song Yingxing curriculum vitae -- Appendix 3. Editions of the Tiangong kaiwu. Local access dig.pdf. [Schafer-10,000.pdf] |
ISBN | 9780226735849 ; 0226735842 |
LCCN | 2010022421 |
Author | Song Yingxing 宋應星, b.1587Yang Weizeng 楊維增 |
Place | Nanchang 南昌 |
Publisher | Jiangxi kexue jishu chubanshe 江西科學技術出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 第1版 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | Q127.C5 S8 1987 |
Description | 2, 8, 8, 448 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Tiangong kaiwu xinzhu yanjiu 天工開物新注硏究/ Yang Weizeng bianzhu 宋應星著 ; [Song Yingxing zhu 宋應星著]. Includes bibliographical notes. "...Song's chapters cover the growing of grains and their preparation; clothing materials; salt technology; sugar technology; ceramics; bronze casting; ships and carts; iron metallurgy; calcination of stones; vegetable oils and fats; paper making ; metallurgy of silver, lead, tin, copper, and zinc; military technology; vermillion and ink; yeast and pearls and gems'-- Cf. Wilkinson, Chinese History, a manual, pp.667-668. |