Subject: Guillemin, Philippe-François Zéphyrin 明堅牧, 1814-1886

Chinese-born French Church : the evolving symbolism of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Canton
AuthorBao Dai 保岱
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBX1665.B362 2015d
Descriptiondig. pdf [86 p. : ill. (some color]
NoteThe Chinese-born French Church : the evolving symbolism of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Canton / Bao Dai 保岱.
“A senior thesis to the Department of History for fun.”-- Columbia University-Prof. Mae Ngai. April 1, 2015.
Bibliography: p. 81-86.
Local access dig.pdf. [BaoThesis.pdf]
Zéphyrin Guillemin : évêque de Cybistra, préfet apostolique de Canton, 1814-1886
AuthorColomban, Eudore de, 1873-1940
PlaceMacau 澳門
PublisherImprimerie de l'Orphelinat de l'Immaculée-conception
CollectionCanton Archives
TypeBook (Photocopy)
SeriesHommes et choses d'Extrême-Orient ; 1. sér.
ShelfRare Book Cabinet
Call NumberDS793.K7 C65 1919x
Descriptionphotocopy [488 l. : ill. ; 22.5 x 33 cm.]
NoteZéphyrin Guillemin : évêque de Cybistra, préfet apostolique de Canton (1814-1886) / Eudore de Colomban.
Photocopy of 1919 edition accompanies authors manuscript. Canton Archives "French, Box 9."
OCLC Authority note: Colomban, Eudore de, pseud; Gervaix, Jean François Régis, 1873-1940; usage: Eudore de Colomban.