Author: Wu Ruilin 吳瑞麟, fl. 1692

Zhouyi zhengjie 周易正解. [Jap-Sin I, 19]
Publish_locationDanyang 丹陽 [Jiangsu]
PublisherSishutang 賜書堂
LanguageChinese 中文
Description20 v. ; 23 cm.
NoteJapSin I, 19
Zhouyi zhengjie 周易正解.
Compiled by Wu [Quan 吳荃, zi:] Sunyou 吳蓀右, Ding [..,zi:] Keting 丁柯亭 and Wu [Ruilin, zi:] Nanzou 吳南騶, all from Danyang 丹陽 (Jiangsu). Twenty-two juan, twenty-four ce, bamboo paper, in a blue cloth jacket. Sishu tang 賜書堂 edition, 1693 (Kangxi 32).

On the title page the following inscription is given: 康熙癸酉新鐫丹陽吳蓀右,丁柯亭,吳南騶三先生彙輯,周易正解,翻印千里必究. On the left of the folio a summary of the book is given.
At the beginning of the first juan there is a preface by Wu Ruilin 吳瑞麟, zi Nanzou 南騶, dated 23 September 1692 (康熙壬甲中秋前二日). It is then followed by an introduction and a table of contents: 辨異,上下篇義,易說鋼領,周易五贊,周易圖目,太極圖說,河洛圖說,摩盪圖說,先天圖說,後天圖說,相得有合圖,卦變圖說,筮儀,明占法,昌學源流總論,周易本義卦歌.
There are ten columns in each half folio. The main text consists of twenty-seven large characters to each column, while the 衍義,發明 (exposition and scholia) are given in twenty-six characters to each column. Annotations are given in double lines and in smaller print.
From the setup of the book it seems that the purpose of its publication was mainly directed to students who were preparing for the civil examinations. It was quite common in the late Ming and early Qing periods for publishers to invite scholars of some reputation to compile books for students who were to take civil examinations.

One must not confuse this with another book with the same title, in twenty juan, the author of which is Hao Jing 郝敬, a native of Jingshan 京山 (Huguang). He obtained the jinshi degree in 1589 (Wanli 17); cf. SKTY 1:145. For Wu Quan, see Jap-Sin I, 26.
In regard to the studio Sishu tang (its name is found on the middle of each folio), there are ten of them, as far as we know. Perhaps there may be more, if we have the time and patience to look for them; cf. Chen Naiqian 陳乃乾, Ziming biehao suoyin 字名別號索引 (Beijing, 1982), p. 219; Chen Deyun 陳德芸, Gujin renwu bieming suoyin 古今人物別名索引 (Canton, 1937; repr. Taipei, 1965), p. 209.

Source: Albert Chan, SJ, Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, p. 19.

Similar edition held by the University of Chicago (See OCLC record). RLG ILCO94-B3144
Zhouyi benyi zhengjie : ershi'erjuan, juanshou yijuan 周易本義正解 : 二十二卷, 卷首一卷 / Ding Dingshi, Wu Ruilin zuanji ; Wu Quan jiaoding ; Ding Zaigao, Wu Yuke bianci 丁鼎時, 吳瑞麟纂輯 ; 吳荃校訂 ; 丁在鎬, 吳玉柯編次.
封面鐫: "康熙癸酉新鐫円陽丁柯亭吳蓀右吳南騶三先生彙輯周易正解".
框20 x 13.2公分, 10行27字, 小字雙行同, 白口, 四周單邊, 單黑魚尾, 版心上鐫"易經正解", 版心下鐫"賜書堂".

SubjectYijing 易經