Author: International Conference on the Historiography of the Chinese Catholic Church (1st : 1990 : Leuven, Belgium)

Historiography of the Chinese Catholic Church : nineteenth and twentieth centuries
PublisherFerdinand Verbiest Foundation, K.U. Leuven
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, French
Record_typeBook (Conference Proceedings)
SeriesLouvain Chinese studies ; 1
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBV3415.L489 no. 1
Description511 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm.
NoteHistoriography of the Chinese Catholic Church : nineteenth and twentieth centuries / edited by Jeroom Heyndrickx.
Proceedings of the first International Conference on the Historiography of the Chinese Catholic Church, Leuven, September, 1990.
Includes bibliographical references and index, with glossary of Chinese names and terms.

I. [A.] Study of the history of local churches / Arnulf Camps, O.F.M. -- Contemporary relevence of mission history / Jean-Paul Wiest -- Interpretation of Christian history in China / Jean Charbonnier, M.E.P. -- Chinese-centered mission history / Paul Rule.
[B.] About Chinese Catholics (late Qing-early Republican era) / Françoise Aubin -- Passionists in Twentieth-century China / Robert Carbonneau, C.P. -- Historiography and Christian missions in China: case study of the Belgian Franciscans in southwest Hubei / Carine Dujardin -- Shaping of the late Qing's policy toward Christianity / Ku Wei-ying (Gu Weiying)-- Method of apostolate in modern China /Joseph Shih, S.J. -- Career of Christianity in China -- Tang Yi -- Christianity in a violent environment / Gary Tiedemann -- Chinese Catholic Bishops appointed in China by Pope Pius XII during the period 1949-1955 / Anthony Lam Sui-ki -- Seminary formation in China today and prospect for the future / John Tong -- Formation of Sisters in China / John Tong -- Franciscan theological education in China / Berward Willeke, O.F.M. -- Comparative study of the missionary approach of Theodoor Rutjes, C.I.C.M. and Martinus Poell, O.F.M. / Jolanda Jansen -- Attitude of Karl Gutzlaff towards Catholicism and Catholic missions in China / Jessie Lutz -- Apôtre et Chinois: Vincent Lebbe / Claude Soetens -- Lu Zhengxiang: a Benedictine monk of the Abbey of Sint-Andries / Ann Vansteelandt -- About the unpublished letters concerning Chinese techniques written by Father Louis Hélot / Colette Dieny -- Two Chinese Catholic universities and a major Catholic thinker: Zhendan, Furen, and Ma Xiangbo / Edward Malatesta, S.J. -- China's role in the foundation and development of the Pontificial Society of the Holy Childhood / Alain Sauret -- History of the Diocese of Xiwanzi under the C.I.C.M. Fathers (1865-1950) / Stephan Aguirre y Otegui -- Educational work of the Society of the Sacred Heart in the context of the Church's mission in Shanghai / Madeleine Chi, R.S.C.J. -- Sisters of Providence in China / Jeanne Knoerle, S.P. -- China missions of the Abbey of Sint-Andries near Bruges / Christian Papeians de Morchoven, O.S.B. -- Life and mission of the Daughters of Jesus in mainland China / Maria Perez, F.I. -- Trappist monks in China / Paolino Quattrocchi, O.C.S.O., Charles J. McCarthy, S.J. -- Camillians (Order of St. Camillus) in China (1946-1952) / Celestino Rizzi, M.I.
[C.] S.V.D. missions in China / Richard Hartwich, S.V.D. -- Assignment in Zhejiang (Scarboro Foreign Mission Society) / Raymond O'Toole, S.F.M. -- Belgian mission of Scheut in southwestern Mongolia (1870-1922) / Patrick Taveirne, C.I.C.M. -- M.I.C. in China / Huguette Turcotte, M.I.C. -- Cartographie jésuite et perspectives missionnaires / Minako Deburgh -- Le Pè Verbiest et la cartographie des pays chrétiens / Minako Debergh.
II. Some terms of reference in the writing of mission histories / Anthony Chang Sang-loi -- History of the Catholic Church in Hongkong / Bernard Hung-kay Luk. III. Model for a global bibliographical guide to Christianity in China / Archie Crouch -- Historiography of the Dominican missions in China / Fidel Villaroel, O.P. -- Twentieth-century Franciscan Missions in China project / Dominic Gandolfi, O.F.M. -- Study program of the Ferdinand Verbiest Foundation / Jeroom Heyndrickx, C.I.C.M. -- China section of the missionary archives of P.I.M.E. / Angelo Lazzarotto, P.I.M.E. -- History of the Jesuit missions in China: some current projects / Edward J. Malatesta, S.J. -- Preparation for the Second Edition of Christianity in China / Wu Xiaoxin -- C.I.C.M. General Archives / Raymond Renson, C.I.C.M. -- Augustinian missions in China / Isacio Rodriguez, O.S.A. -- Columban China History / Bernard T. Smyth, S.S.C.-- Prosopographical study of the C.I.C.M. Congregation in China / Leo van den Berg, C.I.C.M. -- Maryknoll Society history program: retrospective and five-year plan / Jean-Paul Wiest.

SubjectCatholic Church--China--History--Congresses Catholic Church--China--History China--Church history--19th century China--Church history--20th century Christianity--China--History--19th-20th centuries