Date | 1995 |
Publish_location | Osaka |
Publisher | Kansai University Press 関西大学出版部 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Record_type | Conference Proceedings |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | Q127.E26 E18 1995 |
Description | xii, 568 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. |
Note | East Asian Science : tradition and beyond / edited by Hashimoto Keizō, Catherine Jami and Lowell Skar. Papers from the Seventh International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Kyoto, 2-7 August 1993 --t.p. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Errata sheet inserted. Lectures: Comparing Greek and Chinese science / Nathan Sivin--Modernization less science? Some reflections on China and Japan before Westernization / Pierre-Etienne Will--Traditional Korean science and East Asia : Science and technology drawn from East Asian experience / Jeon Sang-Woon. Panels: Ecliptic in Han times and in Ptolemaic astronomy / Sun Xiaochun 孫小淳, Jacob Kistemaker -- Planetary ephemeris in Japanese Buddhist astrology: a case of transmission / Yano Michio 矢野道雄 -- Algebraic equations East and West until the Middle Ages / Karine Chemla--Agricola in China: a little problem of translation / Peter Golas -- Kouduo richao 口鐸日抄 (Daily Transcripts of the Oral Clarion-bell): a dialogue in Fujian between China and Europe (1630-1640) / Okamoto Sae 岡本 -- An Overview of the history of Chinese science in the Ming-Qing period / Du Shiran 杜石然, Han Qi 韓琦 -- Some indices of the rise of modern science in Korea / Park Seong-Rae 朴星來 -- Traditional vs. Modern in the Japanese context / Yoshida Tadashi 吉田忠 -- Modernization of Japan's Kanpo medicine (1850-1950) / Christian Oberlander -- Beyond modernization / Morris Low -- Chinese characters, language, and computers / Yokoi Toshio 橫井俊夫 -- Preparing for the 21st century: tha case of Thailand / Rittaporn Itti--New features of Japanese production technology / Sato Susumu 佐藤進 -- Science and technology in East Asia, as seen by a European scholar / Josef Kreiner--Ethical aspects of Chinese medicine--View of Human death as seen in the Huangdi Neijing Taisu / Murakami Yoshimi 村上嘉實 --Strategies in dealing with smallpox in the early Qing imperial family (1633-1799) / Chang Chia-feng 張嘉鳳 -- Merchants of medicine: Huizhou mercantile consciousness, morality, and medical patronage in seventeenth-century China / Marta Hanson -- Poisoning and toxiocomany in medieval China / Frederic Obringer -- Ethical aspects of Daoist healing: the case of Song and Yuan thunder rites / Lowell Skar -- Approaches to non-textual objects -- Comparison of ancient metallurgy in India and China / Mei Jianjun 梅建軍, Tsun Ko (Ke Jun) 柯俊 -- Origin of swords in northeastern Japan / Yoshida Tomio 吉田登美男, et al. -- Study of ancient chariots in the rock paintings in the Yinshan Mountains and northern grasslands / Shimotsuma Yorikazu 下間賴一, Ogata Masanori 緒方正則, Ozawa Yasumi 小澤康美 -- Jomon stone circles in northern Japan / Sago Tsutomu 佐合勉 -- Appearance and background of the Lou 樓 : multi-storied timber work towers in ancient China / Tanaka Tan 田中淡 -- Anti-seismic performance of traditional Chinese wooden buildings / Guo Daiheng 郭黛姮 -- Late emergence of the traditional knowledge of water utilization in Choson Dynasty and its background / Muhn Joong-Yang 文重亮 -- Ethno-category mushi 虫 in Japanese culture / Erick Laurent--Assessments of traditional medicine--The sMan-'tsho-ba mDo and the arts of keeping healthy in early Tibetan medicine / Cai Jingfeng 蔡景峰. Academic value and purpose of the Yinshan zhengyao 飲膳正要 (The Proper Essentials for the Emperor's Drink and Food) / Zhang Binglun 張秉倫 -- Medical aspects of the Daoist Doctrine of the Three Cadavers (Sanshi 三尸) / Miyakawa Hisayuki 宮川尚志 -- Dissections, blood-letting and medicine as per Yamawaki Tomon and Ogino Gengai / Mieko Macé -- Yale on China: Parker and Hume on Chinese medicine / Christopher Cullen -- Evidence of natural (Just) intonation in the fifth century B.C. / Joseph Cheng-Yih Chen 程貞一 -- Quantitative analysis of Liu Xin's standard measuring vessels / Alexei Volkov -- Stellar reference points in ancient China and the evolution of positional astronomy / Maeyama Yasukatsu--Taichu calendar reform and the Santong Calendar / Narike Tetsuro 成家徹郎 -- The "Quickly completed" (Licheng 立成) astronomical tables in Chinese calendars after the eighth century / Hu Tiezhu 胡鐵珠 -- A surveying instrument designed by Hojo Ujinaga (1609-1670) / Unno Kazutaka 海野一隆 -- Conceptual foundations of terrestrial description in the Shanhaijing 山海經 / Vera V. Dorofeeva-Lichtmann -- Theory of cosmic expansion in ancient China / Chen Meidong 陳美東 -- Zhoubi 周髀 Revisited / Christopher Cullen -- Records of extraordinary phenomena in the Zuozhuan 左傳 / Patricia Konings -- From the Han Mawangdui tomb to the Song imperial collection: a comparative study of two astronomical and meteorological manuscripts / Fung Kam-Wing 馮錦榮 -- Triumph of utilitarian mathematics / Liu Dun 劉鈍 -- Ceyuan haijing 測圓海鏡 : a constructive system of mathematics / Kong Guoping 孔國平 -- Idea of chronology in East Asia / Sato Masayuki 佐藤正辛 -- Chinese and Western scientific explanations of Sichuan brine and natural gas deposits prior to 1900 / Hans Ulrich Vogel -- Role of the French Jesuits in China and the Academie Royale des Sciences in the development of the seventeenth and eighteenth century European science / Han Qi 韓琦 -- From Louis XIV's court to Kangxi's court: an institutional analysis of the French Jesuit mission to China (1688-1722) / Catherine Jami -- Knowledge and appreciation of Chinese astronomy and history in 18th century Europe according to the writings of Antoine Gaubil, S.J (1689-1759) / Colette Dieny -- Earlier evidence of the transmission of the discoveries of Uranus and asteroids to China / Hashimoto Keizo -- The Yuzhi lixiang kaocheng 御製曆象考成 and traditional Japanese mathematicians (Wasanka 合算家) / Kobayashi Tatsuhiko 小林龍顏 -- On the exchange of physics between China and Japan during early modern times / Wang Bing 王冰 -- Popularizing physics in Japan during the early Meiji era: a case study of the Butsuri Kaitei 物理階梯, the first physics textbook in Japan / Okamoto Masashi 岡本正志. Added keywords: Shishi xingjing 石氏星經 -- Kanpo igaku 漢方醫學 -- Huangdi Neijing Taisu 黃帝內經太素 -- Chinese Architecture--earthquakes, earthquake resistant structures--hui, chong 蟲, 虫 -- Fo shuo yangshengjing 佛說養生經 -- Tibetan medicine -- Yinshan zhengyao 飲膳正要 -- Diet, nutrition, diet therapy -- parasites, parasitology--Katai shinsho 解體新書 (New Treatise on Anatomy)--Yamawaki Tomon 山脅東門 -- Peter Parker -- Edward Hume -- medical missions, Yale-in-China -- musical instruments -- Marquis Yi -- bells -- musical scales -- Liu Xin 劉歆 -- directions -- constellations -- Taichu gaili 太初 改曆 -- Santongli 三統曆 -- pitchpipes, measurements -- weights and measures -- Hojo Ujinaga 北條氏長 -- maps, mapping -- Pan Gu 盤古 --creation myths -- Zhoubi suanjing 周髀算經 -- portents -- time, concept of time -- salt industry -- Gaubil, Song Junying 宋君榮 -- Tianwen wenda 天文問答 -- China-Japan scientific exchanges. |
Subject | Science--East Asia--History--Congresses |
LCCN | 96-130886 |