Author: Zhang Hua 張華, 232-300

Bowuzhi 博物志
Publish_locationTaipei 臺北
PublisherYiwen yinshuguan 藝文印書館
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberAE2.C43 Z526 1956
Description92 p. ; 19 cm
NoteBowuzhi : [10 juan] / Zhang Hua zhuan ; Zhou Riyong dengzhu 博物志 : [10卷] / 張華撰 ; 周日用等注.
Reprint: Jiaqing 嘉慶9 [1804] 重刻本. Cover title: no colophon; date is estimate.
" ... provides excellent source materials to mythologists and historians of science geography, and society. Specialists in fiction find it important as the earliest record of such key story-cycles as sailing to the Milky Way and the capture of Sichuan women by monkey gods and as evidence of the development of ancient stories like those of the Buzhou Mountain and the diety Kuafu. It influenced the Soushenji among other later fictional works.--Cf. Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, p. 215-216.
SubjectFolklore--China--Sources Zhang Hua 張華, 232-300. Bowuzhi 博物志 Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Chinese--Early works to 1800
Bowuzhi jiaoshi 博物志校釋
Publish_locationTaibei 臺北
PublisherTaiwan xuesheng shuju 臺灣學生書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberAE2.C43 T36 1980
Description150 p., [12] p. of plates : facsims. ; 22 cm.
NoteBowuzhi jiaoshi 博物志校釋 / Tang Jiuchong zhu 唐久寵著.
Bibliography: p. 137-150.
" ... provides excellent source materials to mythologists and historians of science, geography, and society. Specialists in fiction find it important as the earliest record of such key story-cycles as sailing to the Milky Way and the capture of Sichuan women by monkey gods and as evidence of the development of ancient stories like those of the Buzhou Mountain and the diety Kuafu. It influenced the Soushenji among other later fictional works.--Cf. Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, p. 215-216
SubjectFolklore--China--Sources Zhang Hua 張華, 232-300. Bowuzhi 博物志 Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Chinese--Early works to 1800
Bowuzhi jiaozheng 博物志校證
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherZhonghua shuju 中華書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Edition第1版, 北京第1次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesGu xiaoshuo congkan 古小說叢刊
Call NumberAE2.B788 Z416 1980
Description1, 168 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteBowuzhi jiaozheng 博物志校證 / Zhang Hua zhuan 張華撰 ; Fan Ning jiaozheng 范寧校證.

" ... provides excellent source materials to mythologists and historians of science, geography, and society. Specialists in fiction find it important as the earliest record of such key story-cycles as sailing to the Milky Way and the capture of Sichuan women by monkey gods and as evidence of the development of ancient stories like those of the Buzhou Mountain and the diety Kuafu. It influenced the Soushenji among other later fictional works.--Cf. Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, p. 215-216

SubjectFolklore--China--Sources Zhang Hua 張華, 232-300. Bowuzhi 博物志 Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Chinese--Early works to 1800
Bowuzhi quanyi 博物志全譯
Publish_locationGuiyang Shi 貴陽市
PublisherGuizhou renmin chubanshe 貴州人民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesZhongguo lidai mingzhu quanyi congshu 中國歷代名著全譯叢書 ; 38
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberAE2.C43 C48 1992
Description2, 6, 256 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteBowuzhi quanyi 博物志全譯 / Zhang Hua yuanzhu 張華原著 ; Zhu Hongjie yizhu 祝鴻傑譯注.
"Zhonghua renmin gongheguo 1991-1995 nian chuban guihua zhongdian xiangmu 中華人民共和國1991年-1995年出版規劃重點項目."
Includes bibliographical references.

" ... provides excellent source materials to mythologists and historians of science, geography, and society. Specialists in fiction find it important as the earliest record of such key story-cycles as sailing to the Milky Way and the capture of Sichuan women by monkey gods and as evidence of the development of ancient stories like those of the Buzhou Mountain and the diety Kuafu. It influenced the Soushen ji among other later fictional works.--Cf. Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, p. 215-216

SubjectFolklore--China Zhang Hua 張華, 232-300. Bowuzhi 博物志 Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Chinese--Early works to 1800 Mythology, Chinese Natural history--China
Bowuzhi 博物志
Publish_locationChangsha 長沙
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 1342
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 1342
Description2, 81 p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteBowuzhi 博物志 / Zhang Hua zhuan 張華撰.
民國28 [1939].

".... provides excellent source materials to mythologists and historians of science, geography, and society. Specialists in fiction find it important as the earliest record of such key story-cycles as sailing to the Milky Way and the capture of Sichuan women by monkey gods and as evidence of the development of ancient stories like those of the Buzhou Mountain and the diety Kuafu. It influenced the Soushen ji among other later fictional works.--Cf. Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, p. 215-216.

SubjectFolklore--China--Sources Zhang Hua 張華, 232-300. Bowuzhi 博物志 Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Chinese--Early works to 1800 Mythology, Chinese--Early works to 1800
Bowuzhi 博物志
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherZhonghua shuju 中華書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
SeriesSibu beiyao 四部備要. Zibu 子部, Sibu beiyao 四部備要 ; v. 1694
ShelfGold Room
Call NumberPL2665.C56 P698 1936
Description44 leaves in various foliations ; 21 cm.
NoteBowuzhi 博物志 : [10卷] / Zhang Hua zhuan 張華撰 ; Zhou Riyong dengzhu 周日用等注.
Preface dated: Jiaqing 嘉慶 8 [1803].
" ... provides excellent source materials to mythologists and historians of science geography, and society. Specialists in fiction find it important as the earliest record of such key story-cycles as sailing to the Milky Way and the capture of Sichuan women by monkey gods and as evidence of the development of ancient stories like those of the Buzhou Mountain and the diety Kuafu. It influenced the Soushenji among other later fictional works."--Cf. Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, p. 215-216..
SubjectFolklore--China Zhang Hua 張華, 232-300. Bowuzhi 博物志 Mythology, Chinese Natural history--China