Author: Gu Tingchang 古廷昌

religious periodical press in China
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherSynodal Commission in China
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, French, Chinese
SeriesSinological series ; no. 57
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberPN5367.R4 L6 1940
Descriptionvi, 294 p. : maps, tables ; 25 cm. + portfolio
NoteThe religious periodical press in China / by Rudolf Löwenthal [羅文達] with the assistance of Ch’en Hung-shun [Chen Hongshun 陳鴻舜], Ku T’ing-ch’ang [Gu Tingchang 古廷昌], William W.Y. Liang [Liang Yunyi 梁允彝].
"Revision and enlargement of a series of monographs which appeared as separate articles, 1936-1940"--Foreword.
Added t.p. in Chinese: Zhongguo zongjiao qikan 中國宗教期刊. With portfolio of 16 fold. charts ; 26 cm.

I. Catholic Press (Catholic Press of China, Catholic Press of Manchuria)--II. Protestant Press--III. Buddhist Press--IV. Taoist (Daoist) Press--V. Confucian Press--VI. Mohammedan (Islamic, Muslim) Press--VII. Jewish Press--VIII. Russian Orthodox Press

SubjectReligious periodical press--China--Bibliography Chinese periodicals--Foreign language press Chinese periodicals--Bibliography Journalism, Religious--China Religious literature, Chinese