Author: International Conference on the Boxer Movement and Christianity in China (2004 : Taipei & Hong Kong)

Yihetuan yundong yu Zhongguo Jidu zongjiao 義和團運動與中國基督宗教
Publish_locationTaibei Xian Xinzhuang Shi 台北縣新莊市
PublisherFuren daxue chubanshe 輔仁大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, English
Record_typeBook (Proceedings)
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS771.Y55 2004
Description8, xxvii, 579, xiv : color plates ; 23 cm.
NoteAngelo S. Lazzarotto, Dionisy Pozdnyaev, Elisa Giunipero, Gianni Criveller, Jean-Paul Wiest .... Wang Jianchuan 王見川, Gu Weiying 古偉瀛, Wu Ziming 吳梓明 (Peter Ng Tze-ming) ... hezhu 合著.
Cover and caption titles also in English: The Boxer Movement and Christianity in China.
Papers presented at the International Conference on the Boxer Movement and Christianity in China [Yihetuan yundong yu Zhongguo Jidu zongjiao guoji xueshu yantaohui 義和團運動與中國基督宗教國際學術研討會], June 2004, jointly organized by the Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society of Chung Chi College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Holy Spirit Study Centre of the Hong Kong Diocese, and the Research Center of Catholic History, Fu-Jen Catholic University (Taipei 10-11 June, Hong Kong 14 June).
Papers in Chinese or English, including abstracts.

序: Chengren cuowu, dengqing wujie 承認錯誤, 澄清誤解 / Shan Guoxi shujizhujiao 單國璽樞機主教 [Acknowleding Mistakes, Clarifying Understandings / Paul Cardinal Shan, S.J.]-- Chen Rijun zhujiao 陳日君主教 [Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun, Bp. of Hong Kong]
1. Yihetuan yundong de zhengjiao guanxi yu shehui beijing 義和團運動的政教關係與社會背景:
Shijiu shiji jiaoting, Zhongguo yu Tianzhujiao jiaohui fazhan 十九世紀教廷, 中國與天主教教會發展 [The development of the Vatican, China and Catholicism in the nineteenth century] / Mo Lang 墨朗 . -- Cishan yu qiuhen: shijiu shiji Zhongguo de yuyingtang 慈善與仇恨: 十九世紀中國的育嬰堂 [Charity and Hatred: the Asylums for Infants in 19th Century China] / Xia Qilong 夏其龍 -- China, the Holy See, and France: the Giulianelli Mission to the Chinese Emperor and its Aftermath (1885-1886) / Gianni Criveller.
2. Yihetuan de zongjiao xingzhi 義和團的宗教性質.
Minjian xinyang yu mimi zongjiao zhong de Yihetuan 民間信仰與秘密宗教中的義和團 [Boxers of Folk Belief and Secret Religion] / Chen Fangzhong 陳方中 -- “Yihetuan yundong” zhong de zongjiao yu xinyang: Puji, Zhang Tian Shi, Kong shengren ji qita 義和團運動中的宗教與信仰: 普濟, 張天師, 孔聖人及其他 [Religion and Belief of the Boxer Movement: Puji, Taoist Master Zhang, Sage Kong and others.] / Wang Jianchuan 王見川

3. Jidutu dui Yihetuan de yinxiang 基督徒對義和團的印象:
Yihetuan yu Taiwan: yi Li Chunsheng wei zhongxin 義和團與台灣: 以李春生為中心[The Boxers and Taiwan: Li Chunsheng, a Central Figure] / Gu Weiying 古偉瀛. -- The Boxer Movement Through the Eyes of European Missionaries / Elisa Giunipero.
4. Yihetuan yundong dui Jidu zongjiao de yingxiang 義和團運動對基督宗教的影響:
The Representations of Boxers in the Christian Theater / Jean-Paul Wiest. -- Some Scenarios of the Impact of Boxer Movement on the Work of Christian Education in China / Peter Ng Tze-Ming 吳梓明.
5. Zhongguo guanyuan yu Yihetuan 中國官員與義和團:
Shandong xunfu Li Bingheng dui quanjiao wenti de tantao 山東巡撫李秉衡對拳教問題的探討 [An Analysis of Provincial Military Governor of Shandong Li Bingheng and the Boxer Problem] / Lin Tongfa 林桶法. -- Yihetuan yundong qianhou de Wu Tingfang 義和團運動前後的伍廷芳 [Wu Tingfang Before and After the Boxer Movement] / Guo Shiyou 郭世佑.
6. Shandong Yihetuan 山東義和團:
Mission and the Boxer Movement in Shandong Province with Particular Reference to the “Society of the Divine Word” / Karl Josef Rivinius. -- Quanhui yu jiaohui de chongtu: Shandong Yihetuan xingqi chutan 拳會與教會的衝突: 山東義和團興起初探 [The Conflict Between Boxers and Christians: the Outbreak of Boxer Movement in Shandong] / Chen Dehan 陳德漢.
7. Gedi de xunjiaozhe 各地的殉教者:
Alberico Crescitelli (Guo Xide): a Profile / Angelo S. Lazzarotto. -- Yihetuan shijian zhong Taiyuan Shi zhimingzhe teduo de beijing yuanyin 義和團事件中太原市致命者特多的背景原因 / Lin Ruiqi 林瑞琪. -- Church On Blood of Martyrs: To the History of the Russian Orthodox Mission in China / Dionisy Pozdnyaev.
8. Nei Menggu Yihetuan yu Jidutu 內蒙古義和團與基督徒.
The Boxer Movement and the Catholic Church in Southern Mongolia and Northwest China as seen from Western and Chinese Sources / Patrick Taveirne. -- Gengzi quan bian qianhou Shengmu Shengxinhui Shaanxi sanbian diqu chuanjiao shulun 庚子拳變前後聖母聖心會陝西三邊地區傳教述論 [Combating Catholicism in 1900 and the Reseach of Compensating for CICM at Jingbian County, Dingbian County, Anbian Fort in Shaanxi Province at the Last Stage of Qing Dynasty] / Tang Kaijian 湯開建, Ma Zhanjun 馬占軍.

9. Gedi de Yihetuan 各地的義和團 (一):
Beijing Xishiku Tianzhujiao Beitang yu Yihetuan de duikang 北京西什庫天主教北堂與義和團的對抗 [The North Cathedral in Beijing and Resistance Against the Boxers] / Cha Shijie 查時傑. -- Presence of the Boxer Rebellion in the Dominican Missions in Fujian / Miguel Angel San Román.
10. Gedi de Yihetuan 各地的義和團 (二):
Yihequan yu Tianzhujiaohui 義和拳與天主教會 [The Boxers and the Catholic Church] / Han Chengliang 韓承良. -- Hongqianghui dui Henan Tianzhujiaohui de pohai 紅槍會對河南天主教會的迫害 [The Red Spear Society and its Persecution of the Henan Catholic Church in 1900] / Luo Yu 羅漁.
11. Yihetuan yundong de yanjiu gaikuang 義和團運動的研究概況:
Yihetuan yanjiu zhong de shiliao fazhuo yu shishi jiangou: yi koushu ziliao wei li 義和團研究中的史料發拙與史實建構: 以口述資料為例 [The Discovery of Historical Data and the Construction of Historical Events in the Study of Boxer Movement, as in the Example of Oral Data] / Wu Huifang 吳蕙芳.

SubjectChina--History--Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901--Congresses Anti-Christian movements--China--History--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911 Persecution--China--History--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911--Congresses Beijing 北京--Siege, 1900--Congresses Christian martyrs--China--Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901--Congresses