Author: Xu Mingde 徐明德

Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal XI (1989)
Publish_locationCedar Rapids, IA
PublisherCoe College, Dept. of History
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, English, German
Record_typeSerial (Annual)
ShelfStacks, Seminar Room 102-103
Call NumberBV3410.C44 no.11
Description48 p. : ill., map ; 21.5 cm.

D.E. Mungello, editor.
Issues 1-10 called China Mission Studies (1550-1800) Bulletin.
Cover title also in Chinese: Zhong-Xi wenhua jiaoliu zazhi 中國天主教史研究雜誌 [Zhongguo Tianzhujiaoshi yanjiu 中國天主教史研究]

Cover: a reproduction of the Chinese Sexagenary Cycle (Cycle of Cathay) from a manuscript by the 17th century German proto-Sinologist A. Müller, recently discovered in Poland by Mr. E. Kajdański. The manuscript “Reliqui indices libelli de Chataja” (1671?) is discussed in the article "A search for Andreas Müller’s Chinese manuscripts in Poland."
Xu Mingde 徐明德 : Shiqi shiji Yidali Hanxuejia Wei Kuangguo mudi kao 十七世紀意大利漢學家衛匡國墓地考 (An investigation of the gravesite of the 17th century Italian Sinologist M. Martini). -- Conference announcements -- Edward Kajdański: A search for Andreas Müller’s Chinese manuscripts in Poland. -- Walter Demel: Abundantia, Sapientia, Decadencia - Zum Wandel des Chinabildes vom 16. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert. -- New Publications.

SubjectMartini, Martino 衛匡國, 1614-1661--Tomb Müller, Andreas, 1630-1694--Manuscripts--Poland Manuscripts, Chinese--Poland China--Civilization--16th-17th centuries--European views