Author: Li Xuezhi 李學智

Ming-Qing dang'an cunzhen xuanji 明清檔案存眞選輯. [Selected materials from the Ming-Chʻing archives]
Publish_locationTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherZhongyang yanjiuyuan lishi yuyan yanjiusuo 中央硏究院歷史語言硏究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZhongyang yanjiuyuan Lishi yuyan yanjiusuo zhuankan 中央研究院歷史語言研究所專刊 ; 38
ShelfConference Room 108
Call NumberDS753.86.L48 1959
DescriptionVol 1 only : illustrations, facsimiles ; 37 cm

Ming-Qing dang’an cunzhen xuanji  明清檔案存眞選輯/ ǂc Li Guangtao, Li Xuezhi bianzhu  李光濤, 李學智編著.

Title in English on p. [4] of cover: Selected materials from the Ming-Chʻing archieves [sic] : documents of the late Ming dynasty and the early Chʹing dynasty photographically reproduced.

民國48- [1959]- Library has Volume 1 only.


SubjectChina--History--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644--Sources China--History--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911--Sources