Author: Zhao Lu 趙璐, 1985-

Handbook of divination and prognostication in China
Publish_locationLeiden ; Boston
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
Record_typeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesHandbook of oriental studies. Section 4, China ; v. 37, Handbuch der Orientalistik. Vierte Abteilung, China ; 37. Bd.
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBF1751.H36 2022
Descriptionpdf. [(pt.1) ix, 560 p.: illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm.)

Handbook of divination and prognostication in China / edited by Michael Lackner, Zhao Lu.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Part 1. Introduction to the field of Chinese prognostication --

1 Introduction to Thought and Mantic Arts / Zhao Lu
2 Divination in BCE China according to Newly-Recovered and Excavated Texts: An Overview / Constance Cook
3 Prognostication in Premodern China : Issues of Culture and Class / Richard J. Smith
4 Typology and Classification of the Mantic Arts in China  / Marc Kalinowski
5 Prophecies and Prognostication / Stephen R. Bokenkamp
6 Divination and Its Institutionalization in Pre-modern China / Lü Lingfeng
7 Critique and Recognition: Mantic Arts and Their Practitioners in the Writings of Song Literati / Liao Hsien-huei
8 Popular Religion and Prognostication / Philip Clart
9 Daoism and Divination / Fabrizio Pregadio
10 Chinese Buddhism and Divination / Esther-Maria Guggenmos
11 Fiction and Divination / Andrew Schonebaum
12 The Living Traditions of Divination / Stéphanie Homola

"This is the first comprehensive book that presents the manifold aspects of divination and prognostication in traditional and modern China, from the early period of oracle bones to present-day fortune-tellers. It introduces what is out there in the field of Chinese divination and prognostication, and how we can further explore it especially through different disciplines. Eminent specialists outline the classifications of divination, recently excavated texts, the relationship between practitioners and clients, the place of the "occult" arts in cosmology, literature and religion, and the bureaucratic system. Contributors are: Constance Cook, Richard J. Smith, Marc Kalinowski, Stephen R. Bokenkamp, Lü Lingfeng, Liao Hsien-huei, Philip Clart, Fabrizio Pregadio, Esther-Maria Guggenmos, Andrew Schonebaum, and Stéphanie Homola"-- Provided by publisher.

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