Author: Renn, Jürgen, 1956-

Transformation and transmission : Chinese mechanical knowledge and the Jesuit intervention
PublisherMax-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
Record_typeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesPreprint (Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte) ; 313
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQC122.2.C6 T73 2006
Descriptionpdf. [192 p. : ill. ; 30 cm]

Transformation and transmission : Chinese mechanical knowledge and the Jesuit intervention /  Zhang Baichun and Jürgen Renn (eds.).

Chiefly English with passages in Chinese.
"Joint Research Group of the MPIWG and its partner group at the IHNS of the CAS."
Includes bibliographical references.

The transformation of mechanical knowledge : an introduction / Peter Damerow, Jürgen Renn, and Matthias Schemmel -- The concept of force (li ...) in early China / Zou Dahai -- Mechanical knowledge in ancient Chinese cosmology / Tian Miao -- Mechanics in the 'Mohist canon' and its European counterpart / Jürgen Renn and Matthias Schemmel -- Mechanical knowledge in the 'Jiuzhang suanshu' / Tian Miao -- Wang Zheng and the transmission of Western mechanical knowledge to China / Zhang Baichun and Tian Miao -- Western sources of the 'Qiqi tushuo' / Peter Damerow and Urs Schoepflin -- The context of Jesuit mechanics / Rivka Feldhay -- Mechanical knoledge in the context of pre-modern Chinese salt industry / Hans Ulrich Vogel -- Influences of Western military technology and mechanics on Chinese ballistics / Yin Xiaodong -- The use of Galileo's theory of the strength of materials by the Jesuits in China / Chen Yue -- Western surveying in 17th century China and Japan / Fung Kam-Wing -- The knowledge about the lever in 18th century Chinese mathematics / Xiao Yunhong.

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SubjectMechanics--China--Early works to 1800 Mechanical engineering--China--Early works to 1800 Jesuits--China--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644--Contributions in science and technology