Author: Ting Kuang-hsün [Ding Guangxun] 丁光訓, 1915-2012

Love never ends : Papers. [Ai yongbu zhixi 愛永不止息. English]
Publish_locationNanjing 南京
PublisherYilin Press 譯林出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
EditionFirst Yilin ed.
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBR1285.L783 T564 2000
Description11, 539 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteLove never ends : Papers / by K. H. Ting ; edited by Janice Wickeri.

Contents: 1947. The dilemma of the sincere student -- 1954. The spirit of wisdom and revelation -- 1955. The man who wrestled with God -- 1961. Sermon in Bethlehem Chapel -- 1979. "Give ye them to eat" -- A Chinese Christian's appreciation of the atheist human collectives as vehicles of God's grace -- 1980. In memory of Rev. Edward Hewlett Johnson -- Retrospect and prospect -- 1981. Forerunner Y. T. Wu -- 1982. The truth of the resurrection -- Another look at Three-Self -- 1983. Love never ends -- On the thirty-sixth article of the constitution -- Address at worship -- Jesus' protest -- 1984. A rationale for Three-Self -- Theological mass movement in China -- The Spirit and us -- Sermon in Sydney Cathedral -- Resurrection : groping toward faith -- Reading Document 19 -- Opening address -- LIfe should have a mission -- 1985; "You have the words of eternal life" -- Inspirations from liberation theology, process theology and Teilhard de Chardin -- Farewell remarks -- On religion as opiate -- Preface to the Chinese Theological Review -- On ultimate questions -- 1986. Our human longing for reconciliation -- Building up the body in love -- Womanhood, motherhood, divinity -- Thoughts on the wisdom of Solomon -- God is love -- Speech at the memorial service for Ms. Wu Yifang -- 1987. Religious liberty as a Chinese Christian sees it -- Creation and incarnation -- 1988. Letter to a believer -- Foreword to Religion under socialism in China -- Taking a new way -- Love that loves to the end -- Incarnation and transcendence -- Respects and best wishes -- 1989. Convocation address at Victoria University -- What can we learn from Y. T. Wu today? -- Three-Self and the church : re-ordering the relationship -- Recent developments in the study of religion -- The ever-renewing Mr. Y. T. Wu -- A congratulatory speech -- Preface to New thoughts on the Bible -- 1990. Chinese Christians' approach to the Bible -- An interview on the present-day church situation -- Caring for God's creation -- On the occasion of the wedding of friends -- 1991. The tree of life is ever green -- The cosmic Christ -- 1992. Remembering a friend -- Foreword to Theological writings from Nanjing Seminary -- 1993. In memory of Alan Ecclestone -- One Chinese Christian's view of God -- Understanding the heart of God -- 1994. Foreword to the new edition of Christian missions and the judgment of God -- An updaue [.ie., update] on the Church in China -- A report to my alma mater -- 1995. Congratulatory remarks -- On being a good pastor -- Creation and redemption -- Let us work for the reunification of China -- Speech at the Forum of religions -- A look back at the way we have come -- Letter to alumni/ae of Nanjing Seminary -- 1996. On a profound Christian question -- Preface to Chinese theology and its cultural sources -- 1997. Talk at a theological forum -- An interview with Bishop Ting -- Preface to the Dictionary of Biblical literature -- Remembering Kuang Yaming -- In memory of Luo Zhufeng.

Translation of: Ai yongbu zhixi 愛永不止息.
Title: Ai yongbu zhixi 愛永不止息.

SubjectChristianity--China--20th century Three-Self Movement [Sanzi yundong 三自運動]--History Church of England--China--Bishops Jinling xiehe shenxueyuan 金陵協和神學院 Wu Yao-tsung [Wu Yaozong] 吳耀宗, 1893-1979 Theology, Doctrinal--China
ISBN7806570675 ; 9787806570678