Author: Li Juntao 李俊濤

Tianlu licheng : jinian yidaiweiren Li Madou dao Beijing 400 zhounian 天路歷程 : 紀念一代偉人利瑪竇到北京400周年, 1601-2001 = Pilgrim's Progress : Celebrating the Four Hundredth Anniversary of Matteo Ricci's Arrival in Beijing, 1601-2001
Publish_locationChengdu 成都
PublisherSichuan meishu chubanshe 四川美術出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeAlbum (Paintings)
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBV3427.R46 L565 2001
DescriptionAlbum 31 x 31 cm. : 10 color plates
NoteTianlu licheng : jinian yidaiweiren Li Madou dao Beijing 400 zhounian 天路歷程 : 紀念一代偉人利瑪竇到北京400周年, 1601-2001 = Pilgrim’s Progress : celebrating the Four Hundredth Anniversary of Matteo Ricci’s Arrival in Beijing, 1601-2001 / [Li Jinyuan 李金遠 ; design: Li Juntao 設計李俊濤].
Commemorative album: 31 x 31 cm., 10 color plates in album pockets. Includes booklet (16 p. : color ill. ; 28.5 cm.). Paintings of scenes from Ricci's life by Li Jinyuan: 1. Macerata 瑪切拉塔, 2. Collegio Romano 羅馬學院, 3. Zhaoqing 肇慶 (missp. Shaoqing), 4. Shaoguan 韶關, 5. Ganjiang 贛江, 6. Nantang 南堂 + 4 unnumbered landscape plates of Ricci's homeland. Booklet descibes the artist's visit to Italy, Macau (St. Paul's), etc. with illustrations from Ricci's life. Poems by Li Zhi.
SubjectRicci, Matteo 利瑪竇, 1552-1610--Appreciation