Author: Pong Tak-san [Pang Dexin 龐德新]

Songdai liangjing shimin shenghuo 宋代兩京市民生活. [Daily life in the Sung capitals]
Publish_locationHong Kong 香港
PublisherLongmen shudian 龍門書店
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese, English
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS721.P17 1974
Description4, 2, 3, 503, Lxvi p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
Note[Cong huaben ji nihuaben suojian zhi] Songdai liangjing shimin shenghuo [從話本及擬話本所見之]宋代兩京市民生活 / Peng Dexin zhu 龐德新著.
Added t.p and summary in English.: Daily life in the Sung capitals [as reflected in the hua-pen of the Sung, Yüan and Ming periods]. English summary by Pong Tak-san.
Examination of Bianliang 汴梁 [Kaifeng 開封] and Lin'an 臨安 [Hangzhou 杭州].
Based on authors thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hong Kong, 1972.
Bibliography: p. 490-503.
SubjectChina--History--Song dynasty, 960-1279--Sources China--Social life and customs--Song dynasty, 960-1279 Kaifeng Shi 開封市--Social life and customs--Song dynasty, 960-1279 Hangzhou Shi 杭州市--Social life and customs--Song dynasty, 960-1279 Huaben 話本 (Chinese literature)--Song dynasty, 960-1279