]*?>.*?@si', // Strip out javascript '@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si', // Strip out HTML tags '@]*?>.*?@siU', // Strip style tags properly '@@' // Strip multi-line comments ); $inputx = preg_replace($search, '', $input); $inputx = trim($inputx); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $inputx = stripslashes($inputx); } $inputx = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $inputx); return $inputx; } ?> Admission Information Request Results - Graduate School of Arts and Sciences - Boston College<br>
Unable to locate the GSAS database at this time

'); # #} // set page vars $firstname = ''; $lastname = ''; $homeaddress = ''; $homeaddress2 = ''; $homecity = ''; $homestate = ''; $addressother = ''; $homezip = ''; $homecountry = ''; $email = ''; $phone = ''; $interest = ''; $department = ''; $date = date('Y-m-d'); // Create an empty array to hold the error messages. $arrErrors = array(); // Validate/Submit form if fields contain information, replaced trim with cleanxss 11/1/12 DL if(isset($_POST["submit"])){ if(trim($_POST["firstname"])=='') { $arrErrors["firstname"] ='Please provide your first name.'; } else { $firstname = cleanxss($_POST['firstname']); } if(trim($_POST["lastname"])=='') { $arrErrors["lastname"] ='Please provide your last name.'; } else { $lastname = cleanxss($_POST['lastname']); } if(trim($_POST["homeaddress"])=='') { $arrErrors["homeaddress"] ='Please provide your home street address.'; } else { $homeaddress = cleanxss($_POST['homeaddress']); } if(trim($_POST["homecity"])=='') { $arrErrors["homecity"] ='Please provide your city of residence.'; } else { $homecity = cleanxss($_POST['homecity']); } if(trim($_POST["homezip"])=='') { $arrErrors["homezip"] ='Please provide the zip code of your residence.'; } else { $homezip = cleanxss($_POST['homezip']); $homezip = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $homezip); } if(trim($_POST["homestate"])=='Other' && trim($_POST["addressother"])=='') { $arrErrors["homestate"] ='Please provide your alternative residence area.'; } elseif(trim($_POST["homestate"])=='' && trim($_POST["addressother"])=='') { $arrErrors["homestate"] = 'Please provide your alternative residence area.'; } else { $homestate = cleanxss($_POST['homestate']); $addressother = cleanxss($_POST['addressother']); } if(trim($_POST["homecountry"])=='') { $arrErrors["homecountry"] ='Please provide the country of your residence.'; } else { $homecountry = cleanxss($_POST['homecountry']); } if(trim($_POST["email"])=='') { $arrErrors["email"] ='Please provide your email.'; } else { $email = cleanxss($_POST['email']); # if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$", $email)) # { # $arrErrors["email"] ='Please enter a valid email.'; # } } if(trim($_POST["department"])=='') { $arrErrors["department"] ='Please provide the department in which you are interested.'; } else { $department = cleanxss($_POST['department']); } $phone = cleanxss($_POST['phone']); $phone = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $phone); //Added this variable 11/1/12 DL $interest = ($_POST['interest']); if (count($arrErrors) == 0) { // clean up data - escape single quotes in open text fields $firstname=addslashes($firstname); $lastname=addslashes($lastname); $homeaddress=addslashes($homeaddress); $homecity=addslashes($homecity); $homezip=addslashes($homezip); $addressother=addslashes($addressother); $phone=addslashes($phone); $email=addslashes($email); $query = "INSERT into gsas_brochure_home (date,firstname,lastname,homeaddress,homeaddress2,homecity,homestate,addressother,homezip,homecountry,email,phone,interest,department) value ('$date','$firstname','$lastname','$homeaddress','$homeaddress2','$homecity','$homestate', '$addressother','$homezip','$homecountry','$email','$phone','$interest','$department')"; //execute SQL command $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query); if ($result === TRUE) { //get department name if($department==2) {$department_name="Biology";} if($department==4) {$department_name="Chemistry";} if($department==52) {$department_name="Geology and Geophysics";} if($department==20) {$department_name="Mathematics";} if($department==24) {$department_name="Physics";} if($department==6) {$department_name="Economics";} if($department==26) {$department_name="Political Science";} if($department==28) {$department_name="Psychology";} if($department==32) {$department_name="Sociology";} if($department==18) {$department_name="Classical Studies";} if($department==10) {$department_name="English";} if($department==17) {$department_name="History";} if($department==25) {$department_name="Philosophy";} if($department==42) {$department_name="Romance Languages and Literatures";} if($department==29) {$department_name="Slavic Languages and Literatures";} if($department==36) {$department_name="Theology";} //send email to user confirming request $to = $email; $subject = "Admission Information Request"; $headers = "From: Boston College GSAS \r\n"; $body = 'Your request for a brochure for the '.$department_name.' department from the Boston College Graduate School of Arts and Sciences has been submitted. It will be sent to: '.$firstname.' '.$lastname.' '.$homeaddress.' '.$homeaddress2.' '.$homecity.', '.$homestate.$addressother.' '.$homecountry.' '; mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); //display the requested brochures echo ' You requested a brochure for the '.$department_name.' department sent to the following adddress:

'.$firstname.' '.$lastname.'
'.$homeaddress.' '.$homeaddress2.'
'.$homecity.', '.$homestate.$addressother.'

An email confirming this has also been sent to the address provided. '; } else { echo "Could not input data into database at this time. Please contact site administrator"; echo mysqli_error(); } } else { echo "Go back and correct the following errors:

    \n"; //display errors foreach ($arrErrors as $error) { echo "
  • "; print_r($error); echo "
  • \n"; } echo ""; } } } elseif ($type == 'download') { //connect to databse require_once ('/opt/app-conf/vars/gsas_vars.php'); $host = GSAS_DB_HOST; $user = GSAS_DB_USER; $pwd = GSAS_DB_PASSWORD; $db = GSAS_DB_NAME; $conn=mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pwd, $db); #mysql_select_db($db, $conn); if (!$conn){ die("Database connection failed: " . mysql_error()); } # if (!mysql_select_db('gsas')) { # #exit('

    Unable to locate the GSAS database at this time

    '); # #} // set page vars $firstname = ''; $lastname = ''; $homeaddress = ''; $homecity = ''; $homestate = ''; $homezip = ''; $homecountry = ''; $email = ''; $phone = ''; $Biology = ''; $Chemistry = ''; $GeologyGeophysics = ''; $Mathematics = ''; $Physics = ''; $Economics = ''; $PoliticalScience = ''; $Psychology = ''; $Sociology = ''; $ClassicalStudies = ''; $English = ''; $History = ''; $Philosophy = ''; $RomanceLanguages = ''; $SlavicLanguages = ''; $Theology = ''; $date = date('Y-m-d'); // Create an empty array to hold the error messages. $arrErrors = array(); // Validate/Submit form if fields contain information if(isset($_POST["submit"])){ if(trim($_POST["firstname"])=='') { $arrErrors["firstname"] ='Please provide your first name.'; } else { $firstname = trim($_POST['firstname']); } if(trim($_POST["lastname"])=='') { $arrErrors["lastname"] ='Please provide your last name.'; } else { $lastname = trim($_POST['lastname']); } if(trim($_POST["homeaddress"])=='') { $arrErrors["homeaddress"] ='Please provide your home street address.'; } else { $homeaddress = trim($_POST['homeaddress']); } if(trim($_POST["homecity"])=='') { $arrErrors["homecity"] ='Please provide your city of residence.'; } else { $homecity= trim($_POST['homecity']); } if(trim($_POST["homestate"])=='') { $arrErrors["homestate"] ='Please provide your state of residence.'; } else { $homestate = trim($_POST['homestate']); } if(trim($_POST["homezip"])=='') { $arrErrors["homezip"] ='Please provide the zip code of your residence.'; } else { $homezip = trim($_POST['homezip']); $homezip = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $homezip); } if(trim($_POST["homecountry"])=='') { $arrErrors["homecountry"] ='Please provide the country of your residence.'; } else { $homecountry = trim($_POST['homecountry']); } if(trim($_POST["email"])=='') { $arrErrors["email"] ='Please provide your email.'; } else { $email = trim($_POST['email']); if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$", $email)) { $arrErrors["email"] ='Please enter a valid email.'; } } if(trim($_POST["phone"])=='') { $arrErrors["phone"] ='Please provide your phone number.'; } else { $phone = trim($_POST['phone']); $phone = ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $phone); } $Biology = $_POST["Biology"]; $Chemistry = $_POST["Chemistry"]; $GeologyGeophysics = $_POST["GeologyGeophysics"]; $Mathematics = $_POST["Mathematics"]; $Physics = $_POST["Physics"]; $Economics = $_POST["Economics"]; $PoliticalScience = $_POST["PoliticalScience"]; $Psychology = $_POST["Psychology"]; $Sociology = $_POST["Sociology"]; $ClassicalStudies = $_POST["ClassicalStudies"]; $English = $_POST["English"]; $History = $_POST["History"]; $Philosophy = $_POST["Philosophy"]; $RomanceLanguages = $_POST["RomanceLanguages"]; $SlavicLanguages = $_POST["SlavicLanguages"]; $Theology = $_POST["Theology"]; $all = $Biology.$Chemistry.$GeologyGeophysics.$Mathematics.$Physics.$Economics.$PoliticalScience.$Psychology.$Sociology.$ClassicalStudies.$English.$History.$Philosophy.$RomanceLanguages.$SlavicLanguages.$Theology; if ($all == 0) { $arrErrors["brochureselect"] ='Please select at least one department.'; } if (count($arrErrors) == 0) { // clean up data - escape single quotes in open text fields $firstname=addslashes($firstname); $lastname=addslashes($lastname); $homeaddress=addslashes($homeaddress); $homecity=addslashes($homecity); $homezip=addslashes($homezip); $phone=addslashes($phone); $email=addslashes($email); $query = "INSERT into gsas_brochure_download (date,firstname,lastname,homeaddress,homecity,homestate,homezip,homecountry,email,phone,request_biology,request_chemistry,request_geology,request_mathematics,request_physics,request_economics,request_politicalscience,request_psychology,request_sociology,request_classicalstudies,request_english,request_history,request_philosophy,request_romancelanguages,request_slaviclanguages,request_theology) value ('$date','$firstname','$lastname','$homeaddress','$homecity','$homestate','$homezip','$homecountry','$email','$phone','$Biology','$Chemistry','$GeologyGeophysics','$Mathematics','$Physics','$Economics','$PoliticalScience','$Psychology','$Sociology','$ClassicalStudies','$English','$History','$Philosophy','$RomanceLanguages','$SlavicLanguages','$Theology')"; //execute SQL command $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query); if ($result === TRUE) { //display pdf links if variables are set (one for email, and one for browser) $for_email = ''; $for_browser = ''; if($Biology == 1) { $for_email .= "Biology: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/biology09.pdf\n"; $for_browser .= "Biology (PDF)
    "; } if($Chemistry == 1) { $for_email .= "Chemistry: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/chemistry09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Chemistry (PDF)
    "; } if($GeologyGeophysics == 1) { $for_email .= "Geology and Geophysics: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/geology09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Geology and Geophysics (PDF)
    "; } if($Mathematics == 1) { $for_email .= "Mathematics: http://gsas.bc.edu/pdfs/math09.pdf\n"; $for_browser .= "Mathematics (PDF)
    "; } if($Physics == 1) { $for_email .= "Physics: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/physics09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Physics (PDF)
    "; } if($Economics == 1) { $for_email .= "Economics: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/econ09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Economics (PDF)
    "; } if($PoliticalScience == 1) { $for_email .= "Political Science: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/political_science09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Political Science (PDF)
    "; } if($Psychology == 1) { $for_email .= "Psychology: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/psychology09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Psychology (PDF)
    "; } if($Sociology == 1) { $for_email .= "Sociology: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/sociology09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Sociology (PDF)
    "; } if($ClassicalStudies == 1) { $for_email .= "Classical Studies: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/classics09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Classical Studies (PDF)
    "; } if($English == 1) { $for_email .= "English: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/english09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "English (PDF)
    "; } if($History == 1) { $for_email .= "History: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/history09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "History (PDF)
    "; } if($Philosophy == 1) { $for_email .= "Philosophy: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/philosophy09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Philosophy (PDF)
    "; } if($RomanceLanguages == 1) { $for_email .= "Romance Languages: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/romance09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Romance Languages (PDF)
    "; } if($SlavicLanguages == 1) { $for_email .= "Slavic Languages: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/slavic09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Slavic Languages (PDF)
    "; } if($Theology == 1) { $for_email .= "Theology: http://web.bc.edu/gsas/pdfs/theology09.pdf \n"; $for_browser .= "Theology (PDF)
    "; } //send email to user with links $to = $email; $subject = "Admission Information Request"; $headers = "From: Boston College GSAS \r\n"; $body = 'The links to the Boston College Graduate School of Arts and Sciences brochures you requested are below: '.$for_email.' PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you cannot open them, download the free reader now: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html '; mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); //display the requested brochures echo ' The links to the brochures you requested are below

    An email with this information has also been sent to the address you provided


    PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you cannot open them, download the free reader now. '; } else { echo "Could not input data into database at this time. Please contact site administrator"; echo mysqli_error(); } } else { echo "Go back and correct the following errors:

      \n"; //display errors foreach ($arrErrors as $error) { echo "
    • "; print_r($error); echo "
    • \n"; } echo ""; } } } else { echo "Didn't work, sorry. Contact site admin"; } ?>