Boston College - School of Theology and Ministry

Announcing opportunities for immersion in Jesuit history and spirituality

Pilgrimage: June 25–July 4, 2014

In the Footsteps of Saint Ignatius and the First Jesuits:
A Pilgrimage to Spain and Rome

Please note: Space for the pilgrimage is limited. Please contact us as soon as possible if you are interested in participating.
The pilgrimage is not required to take the courses below.

Courses: July 7–July 31, 2014

Spiritual Direction and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius: Pathways to God
(3 credits)
Casey Beaumier, S.J.

Saints or Devils Incarnate?
The Jesuits and the Making of Modernity, 1540–1773

(3 credits)
Robert A. Maryks

The School of Theology and Ministry will also offer
Introduction to Latin from July 7–31, 2014, with Maria Kakavas.

For more information on summer offerings and details on registration and housing, visit or contact

Adam Poluzzi
Associate Dean, Enrollment Management
Boston College School of Theology and Ministry